Boise's only steel tip dart league.
We play at
VFW Post 63
Spring and Fall leagues on Wednesday nights.
Blind Draws during the Summer.
"Darts is a game for everybody; even athletic people can play." -- John Part
Follow @boisedartleague
/ Sign-Up
2025-02-12 Matches:
Board 1 : AB @ What
Board 2 : Big Trippin @ Insolent Bastards
Board 3 : 3rd Dart Shenanigans @ Trips For Tips
Board 5 : Dart Bags @ Fantastic Four
Board 6 : Ton of Attitude @ Dart Side
Board 8 : Hail Mary @ The Gentleman
Choose a player:
Bob Lonseth
Jim Geier
Kyle Armstrong
Paul Oddi
Josh Mayer
Paul Banta
Vincent Melchor
Kristopher Hunter
Ryan Jensen
Brannen McMillen
Jim Sandercock
Kelly Morrison
Ian Sandercock
Robert Wilson
Micky Burns
Pete Carlson
Bobby Cochran
Andrew Smith
Skyler Hamilton
Ken Barber
Steven Hunter
Jenn Cochran
Alan Bateman
Nikki Cornwall
Bill Dye
Mary Error
Richard Hunter
Candi Hurd
Wheat Hurd
Tim Morrison
Scott Nicholas
Jim O'Leary
Troy Pogue
Jack Reines
Craig Revier
Corey Wageman
Matt Wageman
Nora Wageman
Matt Carlson
Daniel Watland
Nate Durham
Genoveva Winkler
Patrick Walker
Helga Walker
Todd Carothers
Chris McNeal
Kristie Howard
Ken Griffith
Vinny Melchor
David Severson
Shane Wolfe
Dave Pomerantz
Tim Patkowsky
Shane Moore
Sean Ziegler
Trevor Peterson
Triston Ponce
Mike Toal
Chris Anderson
Mike Luke
Justin Anderson
Philip Jenkins
Travis Lund
Mark Cordry
JJ Bowling
Ross Simons
Wes Andrews
Todd Barr
Jasmine Bateman
Carl Bohm
Kevin Brink
Brandon Bubar
Ricardo Carmona
Jeff Christianson
Casey Cook
Matt Curtain
Susan Davis
Murphy Delaney
Gene Dupras
Mike Error
Tyler Error
Lonnie Evans
Dan Graves
Chris Green
Wes Grow
Eric Gruel
Bob Harmon
David Hayes
Brian Humphrey
LaNay Hyatt
Jim Jablonski
Randy Johnson
Tony Kavran
Gary Knie
Jared Leatham
Rich Lee
Trudie Lee
Steve Lloyd
Tyke Lofing
Charlie Lough
Jason Lough
Kelly Massey
Brad Maxey
Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Roger McKinney
Vickie McKinney
Steve Minnis
Sid Mooney
Pete Morse
Brian Naillon
Toni Naillon
Coni Neighbor
Dani Nelson
Greg Nelson
Jimmy Newberry
Terri Nicholas
Michael Odiaga
Mike Ogas
John Ozmon
Perry Paine
Tim Parrish
Frank Paxton
Rory Penfold
Vince Perez
Annette Robertson
Jason Rye
Scott Sailor
Jason Sangray
Mike Scanlon
Zach Schacher
Mike Sevieri
John Sloan
Brad Smith
Nick Sneiders
Bear Stanley
Matt Stephens
Kyle Stradley
Alex Strasser
Adam Stratton
John Sullivan
Shawn Surgeon
Brian Taylor
Jordan Taylor
Karen Thurston
Keith Thurston
Gary Vaughn
Mike Vice
Kelly Victorine
Michael Winkler
Lisa Woodruff
Woody Woodruff
Laurie Zakrzewksi
Wes Reeve
Kim Knie
Jake Morrison
Dan Brooks
Daniel Morrison
Da Dummy
Phil Norton
Aaron Milburn
Kevin Kavran
Gary Toharan
Scott Hill
Paul Banta
Carmen Brooks
Jim O'Leary SR
Terry Gruntze
Cody Sandercock
Jordan Kaye
Hunter Deere
Daniel Reines
Emily Poitevin
Don Brown
Cathy Andrews
Deryk Barr
Jacob Bateman
Jamie Bland
Carmen Brooks
Terrie Cook
Art Cox
Billy Crossland
Ben Espey
Diane Ford
Mike Ford
Bret Graves
Brian Graves
Dan Sub-Graves
Jordan Hurd
Shaun LastName
Tony Mewes
Shannon Morse
Tina Osterhoff
Lorie Proctor
Dan Roscheck
Troy Sub-Pogue
Siobhan Sullivan
Shane Surgeon
Lee Thomson
Collin Thurston