Standings for Fall 2024 (through Week 7 : Oct 23)

Rank Div. Rank Team Name Wins Losses Points
Big Trippin 6 0 146
 1) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans [11 : 20]  2) vs. Cool Name Pending [29 : 2]
 3) home vs. Cool Name Pending  4) vs. Where's Trip Fourteen [22 : 9]
 5) @ BoMB [1 : 30]  6) @ To The Bar! [5 : 26]
 7) @ Dart Side [12 : 19]  8) home vs. Cork You
 9) home vs. ABC 10) away vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
11) away vs. MisShits 12) away vs. Ask Helga
13) home vs. BoMB
ABC 5 0 118
 1) home vs. To The Bar!  2) @ The Gentleman [2 : 29]
 3) vs. Dart Side [26 : 5]  4) @ BoMB [6 : 25]
 5) vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans [16 : 15]  6) vs. Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [22 : 9]
 7) away vs. Dart Side  8) home vs. Cool Name Pending
 9) away vs. Big Trippin 10) home vs. Ask Helga
11) away vs. Where's Trip Fourteen 12) home vs. The Gentleman
13) home vs. MisShits
Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies 5 2 131
 1) @ MisShits [14 : 17]  2) vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans [11 : 20]
 3) @ Cool Name Pending [10 : 21]  4) vs. Cork You [27 : 4]
 5) vs. Ask Helga [17 : 14]  6) @ ABC [22 : 9]
 7) vs. To The Bar! [29 : 2]  8) away vs. Ask Helga
 9) away vs. Cork You 10) Bye
11) home vs. Cool Name Pending 12) home vs. MisShits
13) away vs. To The Bar!
Ask Helga 4 2 118
 1) @ Where's Trip Fourteen [10 : 21]  2) @ Dart Side [18 : 13]
 3) vs. BoMB [18 : 13]  4) vs. To The Bar! [24 : 7]
 5) @ Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [17 : 14]  6) @ Cool Name Pending [3 : 28]
 7) away vs. Cool Name Pending  8) home vs. Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
 9) home vs. MisShits 10) away vs. ABC
11) away vs. The Gentleman 12) home vs. Big Trippin
13) home vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
3rd Dart Shenanigans 4 2 117
 1) vs. Big Trippin [11 : 20]  2) @ Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [11 : 20]
 3) vs. Cork You [28 : 3]  4) away vs. Cork You
 5) @ ABC [16 : 15]  6) vs. BoMB [23 : 8]
 7) @ MisShits [11 : 20]  8) home vs. Dart Side
 9) away vs. The Gentleman 10) home vs. Big Trippin
11) away vs. To The Bar! 12) home vs. Where's Trip Fourteen
13) away vs. Ask Helga
Where's Trip Fourteen 4 2 106
 1) vs. Ask Helga [10 : 21]  2) @ BoMB [10 : 21]
 3) vs. MisShits [23 : 8]  4) @ Big Trippin [22 : 9]
 5) @ Cork You [11 : 20]  6) away vs. The Gentleman
 7) @ The Gentleman [8 : 23]  8) home vs. To The Bar!
 9) home vs. BoMB 10) away vs. Dart Side
11) home vs. ABC 12) away vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
13) home vs. Cool Name Pending
Dart Side 4 2 104
 1) @ The Gentleman [8 : 23]  2) vs. Ask Helga [18 : 13]
 3) @ ABC [26 : 5]  4) vs. Cool Name Pending [25 : 6]
 5) home vs. Big Trippin  6) @ MisShits [10 : 21]
 7) vs. Big Trippin [12 : 19]  8) away vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
 9) away vs. To The Bar! 10) home vs. Where's Trip Fourteen
11) away vs. Cork You 12) Bye
13) away vs. The Gentleman
MisShits 3 4 102
 1) vs. Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [14 : 17]  2) vs. Cork You [22 : 9]
 3) @ Where's Trip Fourteen [23 : 8]  4) @ The Gentleman [10 : 21]
 5) vs. To The Bar! [16 : 15]  6) vs. Dart Side [10 : 21]
 7) vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans [11 : 20]  8) away vs. BoMB
 9) away vs. Ask Helga 10) home vs. Cork You
11) home vs. Big Trippin 12) away vs. Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
13) away vs. ABC
Cool Name Pending 2 5 60
 1) @ To The Bar! [27 : 4]  2) @ Big Trippin [29 : 2]
 3) vs. Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [10 : 21]  4) @ Dart Side [25 : 6]
 5) @ The Gentleman [12 : 19]  6) vs. Ask Helga [3 : 28]
 7) @ BoMB [15 : 16]  8) away vs. ABC
 9) Bye 10) home vs. To The Bar!
11) away vs. Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies 12) home vs. Cork You
13) away vs. Where's Trip Fourteen
To The Bar! 1 4 56
 1) vs. Cool Name Pending [27 : 4]  2) home vs. The Gentleman
 3) Bye  4) @ Ask Helga [24 : 7]
 5) @ MisShits [16 : 15]  6) vs. Big Trippin [5 : 26]
 7) @ Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [29 : 2]  8) away vs. Where's Trip Fourteen
 9) home vs. Dart Side 10) away vs. Cool Name Pending
11) home vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans 12) away vs. BoMB
13) home vs. Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
The Gentleman 1 5 61
 1) vs. Dart Side [8 : 23]  2) vs. ABC [2 : 29]
 3) home vs. Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies  4) vs. MisShits [10 : 21]
 5) vs. Cool Name Pending [12 : 19]  6) @ Cork You [10 : 21]
 7) vs. Where's Trip Fourteen [8 : 23]  8) Bye
 9) home vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans 10) away vs. BoMB
11) home vs. Ask Helga 12) away vs. ABC
13) home vs. Dart Side
Cork You 1 5 55
 1) vs. BoMB [18 : 13]  2) @ MisShits [22 : 9]
 3) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans [28 : 3]  4) @ Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [27 : 4]
 5) vs. Where's Trip Fourteen [11 : 20]  6) vs. The Gentleman [10 : 21]
 7) home vs. The Gentleman  8) away vs. Big Trippin
 9) home vs. Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies 10) away vs. MisShits
11) home vs. Dart Side 12) away vs. Cool Name Pending
13) Bye
BoMB 0 7 66
 1) @ Cork You [18 : 13]  2) vs. Where's Trip Fourteen [10 : 21]
 3) @ Ask Helga [18 : 13]  4) vs. ABC [6 : 25]
 5) vs. Big Trippin [1 : 30]  6) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans [23 : 8]
 7) vs. Cool Name Pending [15 : 16]  8) home vs. MisShits
 9) away vs. Where's Trip Fourteen 10) home vs. The Gentleman
11) Bye 12) home vs. To The Bar!
13) away vs. Big Trippin

Pairs Game Analysis by Partnership

GameTeam Wheat Hurd
Eric Gruel
Wheat Hurd
Kelly Morrison
Eric Gruel
Kelly Morrison
Kelly Morrison
Jordan Taylor
Wheat Hurd
Jordan Taylor
501 11 - 19
2 - 2
5 - 13
2 - 2
2 - 0
0 - 2
Cricket 9 - 16
3 - 1
2 - 12
1 - 2
2 - 0
1 - 1
Either 20 - 35
5 - 3
7 - 25
3 - 4
4 - 0
1 - 3
Roster order is not taken into account.
Pairings that include non-roster players are ignored.

Match Results for To The Bar!

@ Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [2 : 29] (Week 7)

Home Team Player Away Team
Jason Rye 1 Kelly Morrison
Mary Error 2 Wheat Hurd
Matt Carlson 3
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Jason Rye, Mary Error 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Jason Rye, Matt Carlson 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Mary Error, Matt Carlson 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Jason Rye, Mary Error 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Jason Rye 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Mary Error 1 301 0 Wheat Hurd
Matt Carlson 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Jason Rye, Matt Carlson 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Mary Error, Matt Carlson 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Jason Rye, Matt Carlson 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Jason Rye, Mary Error 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Jason Rye, Matt Carlson 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Jason Rye 1 301 0 Wheat Hurd
Matt Carlson 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Mary Error 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Mary Error, Matt Carlson 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Jason Rye, Mary Error 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Jason Rye, Mary Error, Matt Carlson 3 701 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
29 Total Points 2

vs. Big Trippin [5 : 26] (Week 6)

Home Team Player Away Team
Kelly Morrison 1 Kristopher Hunter
Wheat Hurd 2 Travis Lund
3 Skyler Hamilton
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Kristopher Hunter, Skyler Hamilton
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Kristopher Hunter, Skyler Hamilton
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Kristopher Hunter
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Skyler Hamilton
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Travis Lund
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Travis Lund, Skyler Hamilton
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Kristopher Hunter, Skyler Hamilton
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Travis Lund, Skyler Hamilton
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Kristopher Hunter, Skyler Hamilton
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Travis Lund
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Skyler Hamilton
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Kristopher Hunter
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Travis Lund, Skyler Hamilton
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 701 3 Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund, Skyler Hamilton
5 Total Points 26

@ MisShits [15 : 16] (Week 5)

Home Team Player Away Team
Bob Lonseth 1 Jordan Taylor
Paul Banta 2 Kelly Morrison
Vincent Melchor 3 Wheat Hurd
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta 0 501 2 Jordan Taylor, Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 2 501 0 Jordan Taylor, Wheat Hurd
Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor 0 Cricket 2 Jordan Taylor, Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta 2 Cricket 0 Jordan Taylor, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth 1 301 0 Jordan Taylor
Paul Banta 1 301 0 Wheat Hurd
Vincent Melchor 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor 2 501 0 Jordan Taylor, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta 0 Cricket 2 Jordan Taylor, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 0 Cricket 2 Jordan Taylor, Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Vincent Melchor 1 301 0 Wheat Hurd
Paul Banta 0 301 1 Jordan Taylor
Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor 0 501 2 Jordan Taylor, Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta 0 501 2 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor 3 701 0 Jordan Taylor, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
16 Total Points 15

@ Ask Helga [7 : 24] (Week 4)

Home Team Player Away Team
Greg Nelson 1 Eric Gruel
Patrick Walker 2 Wheat Hurd
Helga Walker 3 Kelly Morrison
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Greg Nelson, Helga Walker 0 501 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Patrick Walker, Helga Walker 2 Cricket 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker 2 Cricket 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Greg Nelson 0 301 1 Eric Gruel
Patrick Walker 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Helga Walker 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Greg Nelson, Helga Walker 2 501 0 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Patrick Walker, Helga Walker 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Greg Nelson, Helga Walker 2 Cricket 0 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker 2 Cricket 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Greg Nelson, Helga Walker 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Greg Nelson 1 301 0 Wheat Hurd
Helga Walker 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Patrick Walker 1 301 0 Eric Gruel
Patrick Walker, Helga Walker 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker 2 501 0 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker 3 701 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
24 Total Points 7

vs. Cool Name Pending [27 : 4] (Week 1)

Home Team Player Away Team
Wheat Hurd 1 Candi Hurd
Eric Gruel 2 Nikki Cornwall
Kelly Morrison 3 Nora Wageman
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel 2 501 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel 2 Cricket 0 Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Candi Hurd
Eric Gruel 1 301 0 Nora Wageman
Kelly Morrison 1 301 0 Nikki Cornwall
Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 0 501 2 Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel 2 Cricket 0 Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Nikki Cornwall
Kelly Morrison 1 301 0 Nora Wageman
Eric Gruel 0 301 1 Candi Hurd
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel 2 501 0 Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 3 701 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
27 Total Points 4