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Lifetime for Bob Harmon

Lifetime Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 641 192 129 256 64
Wins 233 72 34 99 28
Losses 408 120 95 157 36
WinPct 36.35% 37.50% 26.36% 38.67% 43.75%
Lifetime Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (3) 129 (1) 126 (1) 123 (1) 121 (1) 120 (2) 119 (1)
116 (2) 114 (1) 112 (2) 108 (1) 107 (1) 106 (1) 105 (1)
102 (1) 101 (3) 100 (10) 99 (1) 98 (7) 96 (1) 95 (4)
4,940 pts of 117,750 opportunity: 4.20%
Accum. Scores
3 224 222 217 207 201 200
2 235
4 0 0
94 (1) 87 (1) 84 (1) 79 (1)
73 (1) 70 (3) 66 (1) 58 (1)
86 (2) 56 (1)
7M (2)
Lifetime Singles Records
OpponentWinning Pct.Record
Bob Gilbert 100% 2-0
Kelly Morrison 100% 1-0
Pete Carlson 100% 1-0
Kevin Brink 100% 1-0
X 100% 1-0
Helga Walker 100% 1-0
Wheat Hurd 85.71% 6-1
Nora Wageman 80.00% 4-1
Perry Paine 66.67% 2-1
Murphy Delaney 50.00% 2-2
Ian Sandercock 50.00% 1-1
Charlie Lough 40.00% 2-3
Nikki Cornwall 40.00% 2-3
Gary Vaughn 33.33% 1-2
Vickie McKinney 33.33% 1-2
Overall 26.36% 34-95
Jimmy Newberry 25.00% 1-3
Len Kolbet 25.00% 1-3
Brandon Bubar 25.00% 1-3
Troy Pogue 20.00% 1-4
Eric Gruel 20.00% 1-4
Scott Nicholas 12.50% 1-7
Matt Wageman 0.00% 0-5
Mike Vice 0.00% 0-4
Wes Andrews 0.00% 0-4
Pete Morse 0.00% 0-3
Shawn Surgeon 0.00% 0-3
Candi Hurd 0.00% 0-3
Roger McKinney 0.00% 0-3
Jason Lough 0.00% 0-2
Tyke Lofing 0.00% 0-2
Scott Sailor 0.00% 0-2
Bob Lonseth 0.00% 0-2
Jim Sandercock 0.00% 0-2
Vincent Melchor 0.00% 0-2
Ryan Jensen 0.00% 0-1
Kyle Stradley 0.00% 0-1
Josh Mayer 0.00% 0-1
Jared Leatham 0.00% 0-1
Mary Error 0.00% 0-1
Bill Dye 0.00% 0-1
Todd Barr 0.00% 0-1
Karen Thurston 0.00% 0-1
Bobby Cochran 0.00% 0-1
Brad Smith 0.00% 0-1
Patrick Walker 0.00% 0-1
Mike Ogas 0.00% 0-1
Travis Lund 0.00% 0-1
Robert Wilson 0.00% 0-1
Nick Sneiders 0.00% 0-1
Alan Bateman 0.00% 0-1
Mike Scanlon 0.00% 0-1
Kristopher Hunter 0.00% 0-1

Fall 2024 Season for Bob Harmon (BoMB)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 48 14 10 19 5
Wins 10 3 2 5 0
Losses 38 11 8 14 5
WinPct 20.83% 21.43% 20.00% 26.32% 0.00%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
95 (2)
190 pts of 8,869 opportunity: 2.14%
Accum. Scores
3 190 0 0 0
4 0
70 (1)
Hide Fall 2024 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 5 :: Big Trippin (30) @ BoMB (1)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Mike Vice < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
G06 301 loss > Travis Lund
G09 501 loss Casey Cook < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
G15 301 loss < Kristopher Hunter
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
G17 501 loss Mike Vice < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Casey Cook < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 0 10 0.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: ABC (25) @ BoMB (6)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice < Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Chris Anderson, Bill Dye
G07 301 loss < Bill Dye
G08 501 loss Mike Vice < Bill Dye, Alan Bateman
G09 501 loss Casey Cook < Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Bill Dye, Alan Bateman
G12 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Chris Anderson, Bill Dye
G14 301 loss < Alan Bateman
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < Chris Anderson, Bill Dye
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Casey Cook > Chris Anderson, Bill Dye, Alan Bateman
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 1 9 10.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 3 :: BoMB (13) @ Ask Helga (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Mike Vice > Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Patrick Walker, Helga Walker
G06 301 loss > Patrick Walker
G08 501 loss Brian Naillon > Greg Nelson, Helga Walker
G12 Cricket loss Brian Naillon < Greg Nelson, Helga Walker
G14 301 win < Helga Walker
G17 501 win Casey Cook > Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Brian Naillon, Casey Cook > Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 2 6 25.00%
Cricket 2 0 2 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 2 :: Where's Trip Fourteen (21) @ BoMB (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Mike Vice < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket win Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G06 301 loss > Troy Pogue
G09 501 loss Casey Cook > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G15 301 loss < Scott Nicholas
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G17 501 win Mike Vice < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Casey Cook > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
Week Highlights
Ins 70
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 1 :: BoMB (13) @ Cork You (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Brian Naillon > Andrew Smith, Micky Burns
G04 Cricket win Brian Naillon > Bobby Cochran, Micky Burns
G06 301 loss < Bobby Cochran
G08 501 loss Mike Vice > Pete Carlson, Micky Burns
G09 501 win Brian Naillon < Bobby Cochran, Andrew Smith
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Andrew Smith, Micky Burns
G11 Cricket win Brian Naillon < Bobby Cochran, Andrew Smith
G14 301 win < Pete Carlson
G17 501 loss Mike Vice < Bobby Cochran, Micky Burns
G18 701 loss Brian Naillon, Mike Vice < Pete Carlson, Bobby Cochran, Andrew Smith, Micky Burns
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%

Spring 2024 Season for Bob Harmon (BoMB)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 110 33 22 44 11
Wins 40 11 8 15 6
Losses 70 22 14 29 5
WinPct 36.36% 33.33% 36.36% 34.09% 54.55%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
129 (1) 120 (1) 116 (1) 101 (1) 100 (1) 98 (1) 96 (1)
760 pts of 20,185 opportunity: 3.77%
Accum. Scores
3 196 129 120 116 101 98
79 (1) 70 (1)
56 (1)
7M (1)
Hide Spring 2024 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 13 :: BoMB (15) @ Projectile Dysfunction (16)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Brian Naillon > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket win Brian Naillon < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G07 301 loss > Scott Nicholas
G08 501 win Mike Vice < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G12 Cricket loss Brian Naillon < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G13 301 loss < Troy Pogue
G16 501 win Brian Naillon > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G17 501 loss Mike Vice > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G18 701 win Brian Naillon, Mike Vice < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 120
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 12 :: FFS (13) @ BoMB (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Brian Naillon < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G03 Cricket win Mike Vice < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G04 Cricket win Brian Naillon > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G06 301 win < Nora Wageman
G09 501 win Mike Vice < Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G11 Cricket win Brian Naillon < Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G15 301 loss > Nikki Cornwall
G16 501 win Mike Vice < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G17 501 loss Brian Naillon > Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G18 701 win Brian Naillon, Mike Vice < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 7 3 70.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 11 :: BoMB (16) @ To The Bar! (15)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Brian Naillon > Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
G03 Cricket loss Brian Naillon > Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
G07 301 win < Wheat Hurd
G08 501 win Mike Vice > Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G12 Cricket loss Brian Naillon > Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G13 301 win < Eric Gruel
G16 501 loss Brian Naillon > Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
G17 501 loss Mike Vice < Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
G18 701 win Brian Naillon, Mike Vice < Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 10 :: The Gentleman (16) @ BoMB (15)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Brian Naillon < Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
G03 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G04 Cricket win Brian Naillon < Ian Sandercock, Ross Simons
G06 301 loss > Jim Sandercock
G09 501 loss Mike Vice < Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G11 Cricket loss Brian Naillon > Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G15 301 win < Ian Sandercock
G16 501 win Mike Vice > Ian Sandercock, Ross Simons
G17 501 loss Brian Naillon > Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G18 701 win Brian Naillon, Mike Vice < Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock, Ross Simons, Richard Hunter
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 101
Ins 70
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 9 :: BoMB (13) @ Scatter Plot (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Brian Naillon > Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
G03 Cricket loss Brian Naillon > Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor
G07 301 loss > Vincent Melchor
G08 501 win Mike Vice < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G12 Cricket win Brian Naillon < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G13 301 loss > Bob Lonseth
G16 501 win Brian Naillon < Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor
G17 501 loss Mike Vice > Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
G18 701 loss Brian Naillon, Mike Vice < Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 116
Outs 56
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 6 :: Projectile Dysfunction (19) @ BoMB (12)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Brian Naillon < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G04 Cricket loss Brian Naillon < Robert Wilson, Scott Nicholas
G06 301 win < Scott Nicholas
G09 501 loss Mike Vice < Robert Wilson, Scott Nicholas
G11 Cricket loss Brian Naillon > Robert Wilson, Scott Nicholas
G15 301 loss > Robert Wilson
G16 501 loss Mike Vice < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G17 501 loss Brian Naillon < Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
G18 701 win Brian Naillon, Mike Vice < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
Week Highlights
Ins 79
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 5 :: BoMB (18) @ FFS (13)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Brian Naillon > Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G03 Cricket win Brian Naillon > Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
G07 301 loss < Ryan Jensen
G08 501 loss Mike Vice < Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G10 Cricket win Mike Vice > Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman
G12 Cricket loss Brian Naillon > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G13 301 win < Nora Wageman
G16 501 win Brian Naillon > Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
G17 501 loss Mike Vice > Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G18 701 loss Brian Naillon, Mike Vice < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 96, 100
Cricket 7M
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: To The Bar! (18) @ BoMB (13)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Mike Vice > Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
G03 Cricket loss Brian Naillon < Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G07 301 win > Wheat Hurd
G08 501 win Mike Vice > Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
G09 501 loss Brian Naillon > Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
G12 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G14 301 win < Kelly Morrison
G16 501 win Brian Naillon > Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Brian Naillon < Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 3 :: BoMB (10) @ The Gentleman (21)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Mike Vice > Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock
G06 301 loss < Jim Sandercock
G08 501 loss Brian Naillon > Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G09 501 loss Mike Vice < Jim Sandercock, Ian Sandercock
G10 Cricket win Brian Naillon < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock
G14 301 loss < Ian Sandercock
G17 501 win Brian Naillon < Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Brian Naillon > Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock, Ian Sandercock
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 2 :: Scatter Plot (25) @ BoMB (6)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G03 Cricket loss Brian Naillon > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G07 301 loss > Bob Lonseth
G08 501 loss Mike Vice < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G09 501 loss Brian Naillon < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G12 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G14 301 loss > Vincent Melchor
G16 501 loss Brian Naillon < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Brian Naillon < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 129
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 1 9 10.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 1 :: BoMB (11) @ Dart Side (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice < Jack Reines, Mary Error
G04 Cricket win Mike Vice < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G06 301 loss > Josh Mayer
G08 501 loss Brian Naillon < Jack Reines, Mary Error
G09 501 loss Mike Vice < Josh Mayer, Mary Error
G10 Cricket loss Brian Naillon < Jack Reines, Mary Error
G11 Cricket win Mike Vice < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G14 301 loss > Mary Error
G17 501 loss Brian Naillon > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Brian Naillon < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer, Mary Error
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%

Spring 2013 Season for Bob Harmon (Off All The Time)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 148 44 30 59 15
Wins 58 17 8 25 8
Losses 90 27 22 34 7
WinPct 39.19% 38.64% 26.67% 42.37% 53.33%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (1) 121 (1) 116 (1) 101 (1) 100 (1) 98 (1) 95 (1)
771 pts of 27,219 opportunity: 2.83%
Accum. Scores
3 217 140 121 100 98 95
4 0
70 (1)
86 (1)
Hide Spring 2013 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 18 :: Off All The Time (7) @ Dartageddon (24)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd
G03 Cricket win Brian Naillon < Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn
G06 301 win < Wheat Hurd
G08 501 loss Mike Vice > Kevin Brink, Gary Vaughn
G12 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Kevin Brink, Gary Vaughn
G14 301 loss < Gary Vaughn
G17 501 loss Brian Naillon < Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Mike Vice, Brian Naillon < Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 2 6 25.00%
Cricket 2 1 1 50.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 3 0 3 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 17 :: Off All The Time (13) @ Bob's Budz (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Mike Vice < Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing
G06 301 loss > Tyke Lofing
G08 501 loss Casey Cook > Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G09 501 win Mike Vice < Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert
G10 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing
G14 301 win > Bob Gilbert
G17 501 loss Casey Cook > Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Casey Cook < Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 16 :: Shot In The Dark (20) @ Off All The Time (11)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Mike Vice > Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Kyle Stradley
G07 301 loss < Kyle Stradley
G08 501 loss Mike Vice < Kyle Stradley, Vickie McKinney
G09 501 loss Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Kyle Stradley, Vickie McKinney
G12 Cricket win Mike Vice < Roger McKinney, Kyle Stradley
G14 301 win < Vickie McKinney
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Kyle Stradley
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Kyle Stradley, Vickie McKinney
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 15 :: Off All The Time (14) @ Loopers (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Mike Vice > Eric Gruel, Brandon Bubar
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Eric Gruel, Murphy Delaney
G06 301 win < Murphy Delaney
G08 501 win Casey Cook < Eric Gruel, Brandon Bubar
G09 501 loss Mike Vice > Murphy Delaney, Brandon Bubar
G10 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Eric Gruel, Brandon Bubar
G11 Cricket win Mike Vice < Eric Gruel, Murphy Delaney
G14 301 loss < Brandon Bubar
G17 501 win Casey Cook < Eric Gruel, Murphy Delaney
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Casey Cook > Eric Gruel, Murphy Delaney, Brandon Bubar
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 14 :: Boobies & Roofies (16) @ Off All The Time (15)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G07 301 loss > Candi Hurd
G08 501 win Mike Vice < Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G09 501 loss Casey Cook > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G12 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G14 301 loss > Nora Wageman
G16 501 loss Casey Cook > Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Casey Cook > Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 13 :: Just The Tip (23) @ Off All The Time (8)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Mike Vice > Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G03 Cricket win Casey Cook < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G07 301 loss < Matt Wageman
G08 501 loss Mike Vice < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G09 501 loss Casey Cook < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G10 Cricket win Mike Vice < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G12 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G14 301 loss > Wes Andrews
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Casey Cook < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 12 :: Dartboard Finishers (13) @ Off All The Time (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice < Scott Nicholas, Jimmy Newberry
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas
G07 301 loss < Mike Ogas
G08 501 win Mike Vice < Mike Ogas, Jimmy Newberry
G09 501 win Casey Cook > Scott Nicholas, Jimmy Newberry
G10 Cricket win Mike Vice > Mike Ogas, Jimmy Newberry
G12 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas
G14 301 loss < Jimmy Newberry
G16 501 win Casey Cook > Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Casey Cook > Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas, Jimmy Newberry
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 121
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 4 0 100.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 11 :: Off All The Time (21) @ Dart Heads (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice < David Hayes, Charlie Lough
G04 Cricket win Mike Vice > David Hayes, Troy Pogue
G06 301 loss < Troy Pogue
G08 501 win Casey Cook > David Hayes, Charlie Lough
G09 501 win Mike Vice > Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough
G10 Cricket win Casey Cook > David Hayes, Charlie Lough
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice > David Hayes, Troy Pogue
G14 301 win < Charlie Lough
G17 501 win Casey Cook < David Hayes, Troy Pogue
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Casey Cook > David Hayes, Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough
Week Highlights
Outs 86
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 8 2 80.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 4 0 100.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 9 :: Dartageddon (13) @ Off All The Time (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Mike Vice > Kevin Brink, Gary Vaughn
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd
G07 301 win > Wheat Hurd
G08 501 loss Mike Vice > Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn
G09 501 loss Casey Cook < Kevin Brink, Gary Vaughn
G10 Cricket win Mike Vice < Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn
G12 Cricket win Mike Vice > Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd
G14 301 loss < Gary Vaughn
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Casey Cook > Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 140
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 8 :: Bob's Budz (10) @ Off All The Time (21)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice < Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert
G03 Cricket win Casey Cook > Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert
G07 301 loss < Tyke Lofing
G08 501 win Mike Vice < Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing
G09 501 win Casey Cook > Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G10 Cricket win Mike Vice > Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert
G12 Cricket win Mike Vice > Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing
G14 301 win > Len Kolbet
G16 501 win Casey Cook > Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Casey Cook < Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 8 2 80.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 4 0 100.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 7 :: Off All The Time (14) @ Shot In The Dark (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Mike Vice > Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G04 Cricket win Mike Vice > Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G06 301 loss < Vickie McKinney
G08 501 loss Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G09 501 win Mike Vice < Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G10 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G11 Cricket win Mike Vice < Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G14 301 loss > Roger McKinney
G17 501 loss Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 116, 101
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 6 :: Loopers (17) @ Off All The Time (14)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice < Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G07 301 win < Murphy Delaney
G08 501 win Mike Vice > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G09 501 loss Casey Cook > Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G10 Cricket win Mike Vice < Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G12 Cricket win Mike Vice < Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G14 301 loss > Eric Gruel
G16 501 win Casey Cook < Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Casey Cook > Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: Off All The Time (8) @ Just The Tip (23)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G06 301 loss < Matt Wageman
G08 501 loss Casey Cook < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G09 501 win Mike Vice < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G10 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G14 301 loss > Wes Andrews
G17 501 loss Casey Cook < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Casey Cook < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 3 :: Off All The Time (5) @ Dartboard Finishers (26)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Mike Vice < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G06 301 loss < Scott Nicholas
G08 501 loss Casey Cook < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G09 501 loss Mike Vice < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G10 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G14 301 loss < Jimmy Newberry
G17 501 loss Casey Cook < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Casey Cook < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
Week Highlights
Ins 70
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 1 9 10.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 2 :: Dart Heads (18) @ Off All The Time (13)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice < David Hayes, Charlie Lough
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > David Hayes, Troy Pogue
G07 301 loss > Troy Pogue
G08 501 win Mike Vice < Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough
G09 501 loss Casey Cook > David Hayes, Charlie Lough
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough
G12 Cricket loss Mike Vice > David Hayes, Troy Pogue
G14 301 loss > Charlie Lough
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < David Hayes, Troy Pogue
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Casey Cook > David Hayes, Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%

Fall 2012 Season for Bob Harmon (Off All The Time)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 95 29 19 38 9
Wins 41 13 7 16 5
Losses 54 16 12 22 4
WinPct 43.16% 44.83% 36.84% 42.11% 55.56%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (1) 123 (1) 114 (1) 112 (1) 108 (1) 101 (1) 98 (1)
796 pts of 17,437 opportunity: 4.57%
Accum. Scores
3 222 140 101 98 0 0
2 235
94 (1) 87 (1) 66 (1) 58 (1)
86 (1)
Hide Fall 2012 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 11 :: Mountain Top (16) @ Off All The Time (15)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook < Mike Vice, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket win Kelly Victorine > Mike Vice, Troy Pogue
G04 Cricket win Casey Cook > Mike Vice, Jared Leatham
G06 301 loss < Jared Leatham
G09 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Jared Leatham
G11 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Mike Vice, Jared Leatham
G15 301 loss > Mike Vice
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Troy Pogue
G17 501 win Casey Cook < Troy Pogue, Jared Leatham
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Mike Vice, Troy Pogue, Jared Leatham
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 9 :: Boobies & Roofies (21) @ Off All The Time (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Casey Cook < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G06 301 win < Nora Wageman
G09 501 win Kelly Victorine < Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook < Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G15 301 win < Nikki Cornwall
G16 501 win Kelly Victorine > Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G17 501 loss Casey Cook > Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
Week Highlights
Outs 86
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 8 :: Off All The Time (7) @ Loopers (24)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G07 301 loss < Eric Gruel
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G10 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G12 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G13 301 win < Brandon Bubar
G16 501 win Casey Cook > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
Week Highlights
Ins 58, 94
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 7 :: Off All The Time (21) @ Mountain Top (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Jared Leatham, Michael Odiaga
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Jared Leatham, Troy Pogue
G07 301 win > Troy Pogue
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Jared Leatham, Mike Vice
G10 Cricket win Kelly Victorine > Troy Pogue, Mike Vice
G12 Cricket win Casey Cook > Jared Leatham, Mike Vice
G13 301 loss > Mike Vice
G16 501 win Casey Cook < Jared Leatham, Troy Pogue
G17 501 win Kelly Victorine > Michael Odiaga, Mike Vice
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Jared Leatham, Michael Odiaga, Troy Pogue, Mike Vice
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 140
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 6 :: Dartageddon (17) @ Off All The Time (14)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook < Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Kevin Brink, Perry Paine
G06 301 win < Perry Paine
G09 501 win Kelly Victorine > Kevin Brink, Perry Paine
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook < Kevin Brink, Perry Paine
G15 301 win > Kevin Brink
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd
G17 501 win Casey Cook < Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 101
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 5 :: Off All The Time (18) @ Centurians (13)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Len Kolbet, X
G03 Cricket win Casey Cook < Len Kolbet, X
G07 301 loss > Len Kolbet
G08 501 win Kelly Victorine < Len Kolbet, X
G10 Cricket win Kelly Victorine < Len Kolbet, X
G12 Cricket win Casey Cook > Len Kolbet, X
G13 301 win > X
G16 501 loss Casey Cook > Len Kolbet, X
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Len Kolbet, X
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Len Kolbet, X
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98
Ins 66
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 4 :: Off All The Time (18) @ Shot In The Dark (13)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G02 501 win Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Charlie Lough
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Vickie McKinney, Charlie Lough
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G06 301 loss > Vickie McKinney
G08 501 loss Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Charlie Lough
G09 501 loss Casey Cook < Vickie McKinney, Charlie Lough
G10 Cricket win Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Charlie Lough
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G12 Cricket win Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Charlie Lough
G13 301 loss > Roger McKinney
G14 301 loss < Charlie Lough
G16 501 win Casey Cook > Vickie McKinney, Charlie Lough
G17 501 win Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney
G18 701 win Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney, Charlie Lough
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 112, 123
Ins 87
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 15 7 8 46.67%
Cricket 5 3 2 60.00%
301 3 0 3 0.00%
501 6 3 3 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 3 :: Shafted (20) @ Off All The Time (11)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G06 301 loss > Jason Lough
G09 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G11 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G15 301 loss < Scott Nicholas
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G17 501 loss Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 2 :: Just The Tip (23) @ Off All The Time (8)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Matt Wageman, Brad Smith
G06 301 loss < Brad Smith
G09 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Matt Wageman, Brad Smith
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook < Matt Wageman, Brad Smith
G15 301 loss < Matt Wageman
G16 501 win Kelly Victorine < Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G17 501 win Casey Cook > Wes Andrews, Brad Smith
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews, Brad Smith
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 114, 108
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%

Spring 2012 Season for Bob Harmon (Off All The Time)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 100 30 20 40 10
Wins 34 12 2 16 4
Losses 66 18 18 24 6
WinPct 34.00% 40.00% 10.00% 40.00% 40.00%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (1) 126 (1) 120 (1) 112 (1) 107 (1)
106 (1) 102 (1) 100 (3) 98 (2) 95 (1)
1,404 pts of 18,350 opportunity: 7.65%
Accum. Scores
3 224 207 201 198 140 120
84 (1) 73 (1)
7M (1)
Hide Spring 2012 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 11 :: 180 IQ (22) @ Off All The Time (9)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook < Mike Vice, Todd Barr
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Todd Barr
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Mike Vice, Todd Barr
G06 301 loss > Todd Barr
G09 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Todd Barr
G11 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Mike Vice, Todd Barr
G15 301 loss < Mike Vice
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Todd Barr
G17 501 loss Casey Cook < Mike Vice, Todd Barr
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Todd Barr
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 1 9 10.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 10 :: Who Darted? (16) @ Off All The Time (15)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Casey Cook < Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon
G03 Cricket win Kelly Victorine < Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon
G06 301 loss < Mike Scanlon
G09 501 win Kelly Victorine < Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook > Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon
G15 301 loss < Karen Thurston
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon
G17 501 win Casey Cook < Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 107
Ins 73
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 9 :: Thursdays Suck (18) @ Off All The Time (13)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Casey Cook < Wheat Hurd, Charlie Lough
G03 Cricket win Kelly Victorine < Wheat Hurd, Charlie Lough
G04 Cricket win Casey Cook > Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine
G06 301 loss < Perry Paine
G09 501 win Kelly Victorine < Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook < Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine
G15 301 loss < Wheat Hurd
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Wheat Hurd, Charlie Lough
G17 501 win Casey Cook < Charlie Lough, Perry Paine
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Wheat Hurd, Charlie Lough, Perry Paine
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 126, 98
Cricket 7M
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 8 :: Off All The Time (21) @ Las Putas (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Casey Cook > Nora Wageman, Lorie Proctor
G04 Cricket win Casey Cook < Nikki Cornwall, Lorie Proctor
G06 301 loss > Nikki Cornwall
G08 501 win Kelly Victorine < Candi Hurd, Lorie Proctor
G09 501 win Casey Cook > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G10 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Nora Wageman, Lorie Proctor
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook < Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G14 301 loss > Candi Hurd
G17 501 win Kelly Victorine > Nikki Cornwall, Lorie Proctor
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman, Lorie Proctor
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Ins 84
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 7 3 70.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 4 0 100.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 7 :: Shafted (24) @ Off All The Time (7)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G06 301 loss < Jason Lough
G09 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G11 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G15 301 loss < Scott Nicholas
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G17 501 loss Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 1 9 10.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 6 :: Off All The Time (15) @ Usual Suspects (16)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Jimmy Newberry, Scott Sailor
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Scott Sailor, Gary Vaughn
G07 301 win > Gary Vaughn
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Jimmy Newberry, Gary Vaughn
G10 Cricket win Kelly Victorine < Jimmy Newberry, Gary Vaughn
G12 Cricket win Casey Cook < Jimmy Newberry, Gary Vaughn
G13 301 win > Jimmy Newberry
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < Scott Sailor, Gary Vaughn
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Sailor
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Sailor, Gary Vaughn
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 140
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 5 :: Off All The Time (5) @ The 138's (26)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G07 301 loss < Wes Andrews
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G10 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G12 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G13 301 loss < Matt Wageman
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G17 501 win Kelly Victorine < Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 102
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 1 9 10.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: Off All The Time (11) @ Tons of Fun (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse
G03 Cricket win Casey Cook > Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse
G07 301 loss < Nick Sneiders
G08 501 loss Terrie Cook < Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse
G10 Cricket loss Terrie Cook < Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse
G12 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse
G13 301 loss < Pete Morse
G16 501 win Casey Cook > Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse
G17 501 loss Terrie Cook > Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Terrie Cook < Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 112
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 3 :: Centurians (22) @ Off All The Time (9)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Casey Cook < Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet
G03 Cricket win Kelly Victorine < Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing
G06 301 loss < Len Kolbet
G09 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G11 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G15 301 loss < Shawn Surgeon
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing
G17 501 win Casey Cook < Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 120
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 2 :: Off All The Time (10) @ The Loopers (21)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Casey Cook > Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G07 301 loss < Eric Gruel
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G10 Cricket win Kelly Victorine < Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G12 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G13 301 loss < Brandon Bubar
G16 501 win Casey Cook > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95, 106
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%

Fall 2011 Season for Bob Harmon (R R8T)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 140 42 28 56 14
Wins 50 16 7 22 5
Losses 90 26 21 34 9
WinPct 35.71% 38.10% 25.00% 39.29% 35.71%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
119 (1) 105 (1) 100 (5) 99 (1) 98 (2)
1,019 pts of 25,690 opportunity: 3.97%
Accum. Scores
3 200 198 119 105 100 100
Hide Fall 2011 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 14 :: R R8T (11) @ Showtime (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Jimmy Newberry, Roger McKinney
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
G07 301 loss > Scott Nicholas
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G10 Cricket win Kelly Victorine < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G12 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas
G13 301 loss < Jimmy Newberry
G16 501 win Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Jimmy Newberry, Roger McKinney
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Jimmy Newberry, Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 13 :: Anasazi (16) @ R R8T (15)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook < Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert
G04 Cricket win Casey Cook < Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing
G06 301 loss < Len Kolbet
G09 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook > Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G15 301 loss > Shawn Surgeon
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing
G17 501 win Casey Cook < Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 105
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 12 :: Honey Badgers (14) @ R R8T (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Casey Cook < Mike Vice, Perry Paine
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Perry Paine
G04 Cricket win Casey Cook < Mike Vice, Charlie Lough
G06 301 win < Charlie Lough
G09 501 win Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Charlie Lough
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook < Mike Vice, Charlie Lough
G15 301 loss > Mike Vice
G16 501 win Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Perry Paine
G17 501 loss Casey Cook > Perry Paine, Charlie Lough
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Perry Paine, Charlie Lough
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 7 3 70.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 11 :: R R8T (16) @ The 138's (15)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Casey Cook > Matt Wageman, Pete Morse
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Matt Wageman, Pete Morse
G07 301 loss > Matt Wageman
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Matt Wageman, Pete Morse
G10 Cricket win Kelly Victorine > Matt Wageman, Pete Morse
G12 Cricket win Casey Cook < Matt Wageman, Pete Morse
G13 301 loss > Pete Morse
G16 501 win Casey Cook < Matt Wageman, Pete Morse
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Matt Wageman, Pete Morse
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Matt Wageman, Pete Morse
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 10 :: R R8T (22) @ The Loopers (9)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G03 Cricket win Casey Cook > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G07 301 loss > Murphy Delaney
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G10 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G12 Cricket win Casey Cook > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G13 301 loss > Eric Gruel
G16 501 win Casey Cook > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G17 501 win Kelly Victorine > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 9 :: R R8T (20) @ Dart Diggler (11)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Wheat Hurd, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket win Casey Cook > Troy Pogue, Scott Sailor
G07 301 loss > Scott Sailor
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Wheat Hurd, Scott Sailor
G10 Cricket win Kelly Victorine > Wheat Hurd, Scott Sailor
G12 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Wheat Hurd, Scott Sailor
G13 301 win < Wheat Hurd
G16 501 win Casey Cook < Troy Pogue, Scott Sailor
G17 501 win Kelly Victorine > Wheat Hurd, Troy Pogue
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Wheat Hurd, Troy Pogue, Scott Sailor
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 8 :: R R8T (18) @ CN2 (13)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G03 Cricket win Casey Cook > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G07 301 win < Nikki Cornwall
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall
G10 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall
G12 Cricket win Casey Cook > Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall
G13 301 win > Nora Wageman
G16 501 win Casey Cook > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 7 :: Showtime (23) @ R R8T (8)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
G06 301 loss > Scott Nicholas
G09 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
G11 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
G15 301 loss < Roger McKinney
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
G17 501 loss Casey Cook < Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 119
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 0 10 0.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 6 :: R R8T (9) @ Anasazi (22)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert
G07 301 win < Bob Gilbert
G08 501 win Kelly Victorine > Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G10 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G12 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert
G13 301 loss < Shawn Surgeon
G16 501 loss Casey Cook < Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet
G18 701 win Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 5 :: R R8T (11) @ Honey Badgers (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Casey Cook < Mike Vice, Perry Paine
G04 Cricket win Casey Cook > Mike Vice, Charlie Lough
G06 301 loss < Charlie Lough
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Mike Vice, Perry Paine
G09 501 loss Casey Cook < Charlie Lough, Perry Paine
G10 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Perry Paine
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook < Mike Vice, Charlie Lough
G14 301 win < Perry Paine
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Charlie Lough
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Mike Vice, Charlie Lough, Perry Paine
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: The 138's (23) @ R R8T (8)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook < Pete Morse, Matt Wageman
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine < Pete Morse, Matt Wageman
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Pete Morse, Wes Andrews
G06 301 loss > Wes Andrews
G09 501 win Kelly Victorine > Pete Morse, Wes Andrews
G11 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Pete Morse, Wes Andrews
G15 301 loss > Pete Morse
G16 501 win Kelly Victorine < Pete Morse, Matt Wageman
G17 501 loss Casey Cook > Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Pete Morse, Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 3 :: The Loopers (23) @ R R8T (8)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Casey Cook < Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine < Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G06 301 loss < Murphy Delaney
G09 501 win Kelly Victorine < Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook < Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney
G15 301 loss < Brandon Bubar
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel
G17 501 win Casey Cook < Eric Gruel, Murphy Delaney
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel, Murphy Delaney
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 2 :: Dart Diggler (22) @ R R8T (9)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook < Wheat Hurd, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Wheat Hurd, Troy Pogue
G04 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Wheat Hurd, Scott Sailor
G06 301 loss > Scott Sailor
G09 501 win Kelly Victorine < Wheat Hurd, Scott Sailor
G11 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Wheat Hurd, Scott Sailor
G15 301 win > Wheat Hurd
G16 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Wheat Hurd, Troy Pogue
G17 501 win Casey Cook < Troy Pogue, Scott Sailor
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine > Wheat Hurd, Troy Pogue, Scott Sailor
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 99
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 1 :: R R8T (7) @ CN2 (24)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Casey Cook > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G03 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G07 301 loss < Candi Hurd
G08 501 loss Kelly Victorine < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G10 Cricket loss Kelly Victorine > Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G12 Cricket loss Casey Cook < Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd
G13 301 loss < Nikki Cornwall
G16 501 win Casey Cook < Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G17 501 loss Kelly Victorine > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G18 701 loss Casey Cook, Kelly Victorine < Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 1 9 10.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
'Lifetime' is limited to the seasons during which this website was in use i.e., beginning with Spring 2010.