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Lifetime for Paul Banta

Lifetime Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 399 126 75 157 41
Wins 146 39 31 62 14
Losses 253 87 44 95 27
WinPct 36.59% 30.95% 41.33% 39.49% 34.15%
Lifetime Highlights
Ind. Scores
160 (1) 140 (2) 134 (1) 133 (2) 127 (1) 125 (2)
123 (1) 121 (4) 120 (1) 118 (1) 116 (2) 114 (1)
101 (1) 100 (16) 98 (5) 97 (1) 95 (7)
5,609 pts of 72,232 opportunity: 7.77%
Accum. Scores
4 195 95 95 0 0 0
5 239
2 220 200 98
3 479 356 344 331 298 274
152 (1) 96 (1)
89 (1)
Hat (1) 7M (1)
Lifetime Singles Records
OpponentWinning Pct.Record
Wheat Hurd 100% 3-0
Matt Carlson 100% 2-0
Bill Dye 100% 2-0
Brian Naillon 100% 2-0
Helga Walker 100% 1-0
Richard Hunter 100% 1-0
Emily Poitevin 100% 1-0
Kelly Morrison 100% 1-0
Bob Harmon 100% 1-0
Mary Error 100% 1-0
Mark Cordry 100% 1-0
Kyle Armstrong 100% 1-0
Mike Ogas 100% 1-0
Jack Reines 66.67% 2-1
Troy Pogue 66.67% 2-1
Eric Gruel 50.00% 1-1
Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli 50.00% 1-1
Jim Sandercock 50.00% 1-1
Pete Carlson 50.00% 1-1
Candi Hurd 50.00% 1-1
Josh Mayer 50.00% 1-1
Triston Ponce 50.00% 1-1
Scott Nicholas 50.00% 1-1
Overall 41.33% 31-44
Robert Wilson 33.33% 1-2
Alan Bateman 0.00% 0-5
Nikki Cornwall 0.00% 0-2
Micky Burns 0.00% 0-2
Chris Anderson 0.00% 0-2
Ryan Jensen 0.00% 0-2
Kristopher Hunter 0.00% 0-2
Steve Minnis 0.00% 0-2
Skyler Hamilton 0.00% 0-1
Jim Geier 0.00% 0-1
Brannen McMillen 0.00% 0-1
Ian Sandercock 0.00% 0-1
Philip Jenkins 0.00% 0-1
Corey Wageman 0.00% 0-1
Jordan Taylor 0.00% 0-1
David Hayes 0.00% 0-1
Craig Revier 0.00% 0-1
Wes Andrews 0.00% 0-1
Mike Vice 0.00% 0-1
Tim Patkowsky 0.00% 0-1
Jason Rye 0.00% 0-1
Nora Wageman 0.00% 0-1
Patrick Walker 0.00% 0-1

Spring 2025 Season for Paul Banta (Insolent Bastards)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 8 2 2 3 1
Wins 1 0 0 1 0
Losses 7 2 2 2 1
WinPct 12.50% 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00%
Season Highlights
Accum. Scores
4 0
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Week 1 :: Insolent Bastards (11) @ Ton of Attitude (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Bob Lonseth > Micky Burns, Pete Carlson
G03 Cricket loss Ken Barber < Micky Burns, Pete Carlson
G06 301 loss < Pete Carlson
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Micky Burns, Pete Carlson
G12 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Micky Burns, Pete Carlson
G14 301 loss < Micky Burns
G17 501 loss Ken Barber > Micky Burns, Pete Carlson
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor, Ken Barber < Micky Burns, Pete Carlson
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 1 7 12.50%
Cricket 2 0 2 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 0 1 0.00%

Fall 2024 Season for Paul Banta (MisShits)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 120 37 24 48 11
Wins 48 12 13 17 6
Losses 72 25 11 31 5
WinPct 40.00% 32.43% 54.17% 35.42% 54.55%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
133 (1) 127 (1) 125 (1) 123 (1) 121 (2)
100 (7) 98 (1) 97 (1) 95 (2)
2,083 pts of 22,029 opportunity: 9.46%
Accum. Scores
3 344 331 252 216 197 123
2 220 200
152 (1) 96 (1)
Hide Fall 2024 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 13 :: MisShits (7) @ Cool Name Pending (24)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G02 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall
G04 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G05 301 win < Candi Hurd
G07 301 loss < Nikki Cornwall
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G09 501 win Vincent Melchor < Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G11 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G12 Cricket win Vincent Melchor < Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G15 301 loss < Nora Wageman
G16 501 win Vincent Melchor < Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall
G17 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G18 701 loss Vincent Melchor < Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 125, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 15 4 11 26.67%
Cricket 5 1 4 20.00%
301 3 1 2 33.33%
501 6 2 4 33.33%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 11 :: MisShits (18) @ BoMB (13)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Bob Lonseth < Mike Vice, Bob Harmon
G04 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
G06 301 win < Brian Naillon
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Mike Vice, Bob Harmon
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G10 Cricket win Vincent Melchor < Mike Vice, Bob Harmon
G11 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
G14 301 win < Bob Harmon
G17 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor < Mike Vice, Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 133, 100, 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 10 :: Ask Helga (15) @ MisShits (16)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Bob Lonseth > Greg Nelson, Helga Walker
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker
G07 301 loss < Patrick Walker
G08 501 win Bob Lonseth < Patrick Walker, Helga Walker
G09 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Greg Nelson, Helga Walker
G10 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Patrick Walker, Helga Walker
G12 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker
G14 301 win < Helga Walker
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 9 :: MisShits (3) @ Big Trippin (28)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
G03 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Travis Lund, Skyler Hamilton
G07 301 loss > Skyler Hamilton
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Kristopher Hunter, Skyler Hamilton
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Kristopher Hunter, Skyler Hamilton
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Kristopher Hunter, Skyler Hamilton
G13 301 loss < Kristopher Hunter
G16 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Travis Lund, Skyler Hamilton
G17 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor < Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund, Skyler Hamilton
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 0 10 0.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 8 :: MisShits (3) @ ABC (28)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman
G02 501 win Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Bill Dye
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G04 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman
G05 301 loss < Chris Anderson
G07 301 win < Bill Dye
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Chris Anderson, Bill Dye
G09 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Bill Dye
G11 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman
G12 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Bill Dye
G15 301 loss < Alan Bateman
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G17 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman
G18 701 loss Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 15 2 13 13.33%
Cricket 5 0 5 0.00%
301 3 1 2 33.33%
501 6 1 5 16.67%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 6 :: Dart Side (21) @ MisShits (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Jack Reines, Triston Ponce
G03 Cricket win Vincent Melchor < Jack Reines, Triston Ponce
G04 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Jack Reines, Triston Ponce
G06 301 win < Triston Ponce
G09 501 win Vincent Melchor < Jack Reines, Triston Ponce
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Jack Reines, Triston Ponce
G15 301 win < Jack Reines
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Jack Reines, Triston Ponce
G17 501 win Bob Lonseth < Jack Reines, Triston Ponce
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Jack Reines, Triston Ponce
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 121, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 5 :: To The Bar! (15) @ MisShits (16)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Jordan Taylor, Kelly Morrison
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Jordan Taylor, Kelly Morrison
G04 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Jordan Taylor, Wheat Hurd
G06 301 win > Wheat Hurd
G09 501 win Vincent Melchor > Jordan Taylor, Wheat Hurd
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Jordan Taylor, Wheat Hurd
G15 301 loss > Jordan Taylor
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Jordan Taylor, Kelly Morrison
G17 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor < Jordan Taylor, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Ins 152
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 4 :: MisShits (21) @ The Gentleman (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G03 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Richard Hunter, Emily Poitevin
G07 301 win < Emily Poitevin
G08 501 win Vincent Melchor > Jim Sandercock, Emily Poitevin
G10 Cricket win Vincent Melchor > Jim Sandercock, Emily Poitevin
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Jim Sandercock, Emily Poitevin
G13 301 win < Jim Sandercock
G16 501 win Bob Lonseth < Richard Hunter, Emily Poitevin
G17 501 win Vincent Melchor > Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter, Emily Poitevin
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 123
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 8 2 80.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 3 :: MisShits (8) @ Where's Trip Fourteen (23)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Robert Wilson, Scott Nicholas
G04 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G06 301 win < Troy Pogue
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Robert Wilson, Scott Nicholas
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Robert Wilson, Scott Nicholas
G11 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G14 301 loss < Scott Nicholas
G17 501 win Vincent Melchor < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 121, 127
Ins 96
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 2 :: Cork You (9) @ MisShits (22)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Micky Burns, Pete Carlson
G03 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Pete Carlson, Andrew Smith
G04 Cricket win Vincent Melchor > Micky Burns, Bobby Cochran
G06 301 win < Pete Carlson
G09 501 win Bob Lonseth > Micky Burns, Andrew Smith
G11 Cricket win Vincent Melchor > Micky Burns, Andrew Smith
G15 301 loss > Micky Burns
G16 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Micky Burns, Bobby Cochran
G17 501 win Vincent Melchor < Pete Carlson, Andrew Smith
G18 701 win Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth > Micky Burns, Pete Carlson, Bobby Cochran, Andrew Smith
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 97, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 7 3 70.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 1 :: Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies (17) @ MisShits (14)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Bob Lonseth < Matt Carlson, Mary Error
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Matt Carlson, Mary Error
G04 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Matt Carlson, Jason Rye
G06 301 loss > Jason Rye
G09 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Matt Carlson, Jason Rye
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Matt Carlson, Jason Rye
G15 301 win < Matt Carlson
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Matt Carlson, Mary Error
G17 501 win Bob Lonseth < Mary Error, Jason Rye
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Matt Carlson, Mary Error, Jason Rye
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%

Spring 2024 Season for Paul Banta (Scatter Plot)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 80 24 16 32 8
Wins 33 11 7 12 3
Losses 47 13 9 20 5
WinPct 41.25% 45.83% 43.75% 37.50% 37.50%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
160 (1) 140 (1) 121 (2) 118 (1)
116 (1) 101 (1) 100 (4) 95 (1)
1,372 pts of 14,680 opportunity: 9.35%
Accum. Scores
3 479 356 216 121 100 100
89 (1)
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Week 13 :: Scatter Plot (15) @ To The Bar! (16)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G04 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
G06 301 win > Kelly Morrison
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
G14 301 win > Wheat Hurd
G17 501 win Vincent Melchor > Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 121
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 12 :: The Gentleman (22) @ Scatter Plot (9)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G07 301 loss < Ian Sandercock
G08 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Ian Sandercock, Triston Ponce
G09 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce
G10 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Ian Sandercock, Triston Ponce
G12 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G14 301 loss > Triston Ponce
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock, Triston Ponce
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 10 :: Scatter Plot (14) @ Dart Side (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G04 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G06 301 loss > Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G08 501 win Vincent Melchor > Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G14 301 win > Jack Reines
G17 501 win Vincent Melchor > Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 160, 118, 100, 101
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 9 :: BoMB (13) @ Scatter Plot (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Bob Lonseth < Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G03 Cricket win Vincent Melchor < Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G04 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
G06 301 loss < Mike Vice
G09 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
G11 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
G15 301 win < Brian Naillon
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G17 501 win Bob Lonseth < Bob Harmon, Mike Vice
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon, Mike Vice
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 140, 121, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 7 3 70.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 8 :: Scatter Plot (17) @ Projectile Dysfunction (14)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G04 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G06 301 loss > Troy Pogue
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G14 301 win < Robert Wilson
G17 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
Week Highlights
Outs 89
Ind. Scores 100, 116
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 7 :: Scatter Plot (20) @ FFS (11)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Bob Lonseth > Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen
G04 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G06 301 loss > Candi Hurd
G08 501 win Vincent Melchor > Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen
G10 Cricket win Vincent Melchor < Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G14 301 loss > Ryan Jensen
G17 501 win Vincent Melchor > Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 3 :: Dart Side (12) @ Scatter Plot (19)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Bob Lonseth > Mary Error, Josh Mayer
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Mary Error, Jack Reines
G07 301 loss > Jack Reines
G08 501 win Bob Lonseth < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G09 501 win Vincent Melchor > Mary Error, Josh Mayer
G10 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Mary Error, Jack Reines
G14 301 win > Josh Mayer
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Mary Error, Jack Reines
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Mary Error, Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 1 :: Projectile Dysfunction (21) @ Scatter Plot (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G07 301 loss > Robert Wilson
G08 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G09 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G10 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G14 301 win < Troy Pogue
G16 501 win Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%

Fall 2023 Season for Paul Banta (Points of Failure)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 101 31 20 40 10
Wins 42 10 9 21 2
Losses 59 21 11 19 8
WinPct 41.58% 32.26% 45.00% 52.50% 20.00%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (1) 134 (1) 133 (1) 120 (1)
116 (1) 100 (4) 98 (3) 95 (1)
1,432 pts of 18,350 opportunity: 7.80%
Accum. Scores
3 298 274 249 220 100 98
7M (1)
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Week 15 :: Points of Failure (17) @ The Gentleman (14)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Bob Lonseth < Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
G04 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G06 301 win > Richard Hunter
G08 501 win Vincent Melchor < Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
G11 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G14 301 loss < Jim Sandercock
G17 501 win Vincent Melchor < Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 14 :: Two Old Farts (11) @ Points of Failure (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Bob Lonseth < Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G02 501 win Vincent Melchor > Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G04 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G05 301 loss > Philip Jenkins
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G10 Cricket win Vincent Melchor < Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G11 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G12 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G13 301 win < Mark Cordry
G17 501 win Bob Lonseth > Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Cricket 7M
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 11 7 4 63.64%
Cricket 4 3 1 75.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 13 :: Points of Failure (14) @ No Vaginas (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Vincent Melchor < Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
G04 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
G06 301 loss < Eric Gruel
G08 501 win Bob Lonseth > Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
G09 501 win Vincent Melchor > Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
G10 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
G11 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
G14 301 win < Wheat Hurd
G17 501 win Bob Lonseth > Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
G18 701 loss Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth > Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 4 0 100.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 10 :: Gonna Be Fun (27) @ Points of Failure (4)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Steve Minnis
G03 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Steve Minnis, Bear Stanley
G04 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Travis Lund
G06 301 loss < Steve Minnis
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Chris Anderson, Bear Stanley
G11 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Chris Anderson, Bear Stanley
G15 301 loss < Chris Anderson
G16 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Chris Anderson, Travis Lund
G17 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Steve Minnis, Bear Stanley
G18 701 loss Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth < Chris Anderson, Steve Minnis, Travis Lund, Bear Stanley
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 0 10 0.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 9 :: Points of Failure (19) @ Dartboard Delinquents (12)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Jack Reines
G03 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G07 301 loss > Josh Mayer
G08 501 win Vincent Melchor < Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Josh Mayer
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Josh Mayer
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Josh Mayer
G13 301 win < Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G16 501 win Bob Lonseth < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G17 501 win Vincent Melchor > Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Jack Reines
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 134, 140
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 8 :: Dart Bags (14) @ Points of Failure (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong
G03 Cricket win Vincent Melchor < Jim Geier, Craig Revier
G07 301 loss < Craig Revier
G08 501 win Bob Lonseth < Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G09 501 win Vincent Melchor > Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong
G10 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G12 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Jim Geier, Craig Revier
G14 301 win > Kyle Armstrong
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Jim Geier, Craig Revier
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor < Jim Geier, Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 120, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 6 :: The Fire Breathing Duckies (19) @ Points of Failure (12)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Jason Rye, Matt Carlson
G03 Cricket win Vincent Melchor < Jason Rye, Mary Error
G07 301 win < Mary Error
G08 501 win Bob Lonseth > Mary Error, Matt Carlson
G09 501 win Vincent Melchor > Jason Rye, Matt Carlson
G10 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Mary Error, Matt Carlson
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Jason Rye, Mary Error
G14 301 win > Matt Carlson
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Jason Rye, Mary Error
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Jason Rye, Mary Error, Matt Carlson
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: Points of Failure (7) @ We Dont Care (24)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G04 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G06 301 win < Bill Dye
G08 501 win Vincent Melchor < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G14 301 loss > Alan Bateman
G17 501 win Vincent Melchor < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 2 :: BJ Hunters (28) @ Points of Failure (3)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth < JJ Bowling, Brannen McMillen
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < JJ Bowling, Kristopher Hunter
G07 301 loss < Kristopher Hunter
G08 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Kristopher Hunter, Brannen McMillen
G09 501 loss Vincent Melchor < JJ Bowling, Brannen McMillen
G10 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Kristopher Hunter, Brannen McMillen
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < JJ Bowling, Kristopher Hunter
G14 301 loss < Brannen McMillen
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor < JJ Bowling, Kristopher Hunter
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > JJ Bowling, Kristopher Hunter, Brannen McMillen
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 98, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 0 10 0.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 1 :: Projectile Dysfunction (17) @ Points of Failure (14)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Bob Lonseth > Mike Ogas, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G07 301 win > Mike Ogas
G08 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Robert Wilson, Mike Ogas
G09 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G10 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Mike Ogas, Troy Pogue
G12 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Robert Wilson, Mike Ogas
G14 301 loss > Robert Wilson
G16 501 win Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson, Mike Ogas, Troy Pogue
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 133, 116
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%

Spring 2023 Season for Paul Banta (Easily Amused)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 58 21 8 22 7
Wins 17 5 2 8 2
Losses 41 16 6 14 5
WinPct 29.31% 23.81% 25.00% 36.36% 28.57%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
100 (1) 95 (2)
290 pts of 9,203 opportunity: 3.15%
Accum. Scores
4 195 95 0 0 0 0
3 0
Hat (1)
Hide Spring 2023 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 9 :: Easily Amused (12) @ Sniffin' The Triples (19)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Mike Vice, Eric Gruel
G04 Cricket loss Mary Error > Mike Vice, Kelly Morrison
G07 301 win < Eric Gruel
G08 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Mike Vice, Eric Gruel
G10 Cricket win Bob Lonseth > Mike Vice, Eric Gruel
G12 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Mike Vice, Eric Gruel
G16 501 loss Mary Error > Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
G18 701 loss Mary Error, Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth < Mike Vice, Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 2 6 25.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 0 3 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 7 :: 6 Darts (24) @ Easily Amused (7)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G04 Cricket loss Mary Error < Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G08 501 win Bob Lonseth < Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G13 301 loss < Steve Minnis
G17 501 loss Mary Error > Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Mary Error, Vincent Melchor < Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 1 7 12.50%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 6 :: Easily Amused (11) @ I Dont Care (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G03 Cricket loss Mary Error < Greg Nelson, Bill Dye
G09 501 win Bob Lonseth > Greg Nelson, Bill Dye
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G11 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Alan Bateman, Greg Nelson
G13 301 loss < Alan Bateman
G17 501 win Mary Error > Alan Bateman, Greg Nelson
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Mary Error, Vincent Melchor > Alan Bateman, Greg Nelson, Bill Dye
Week Highlights
Cricket Hat
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 3 5 37.50%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 2 1 66.67%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: Easily Amused (13) @ Dart Bags (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Vincent Melchor > Craig Revier, Jim Geier
G03 Cricket loss Mary Error > Craig Revier, Jim Geier
G09 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Craig Revier, Jim Geier
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Craig Revier, Jim Geier
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Craig Revier, Jim Geier
G13 301 loss < Jim Geier
G17 501 win Mary Error > Craig Revier, Jim Geier
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Mary Error, Vincent Melchor > Craig Revier, Jim Geier
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 2 6 25.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 2 1 66.67%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 3 :: FFS (12) @ Easily Amused (19)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Bob Lonseth > Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen
G03 Cricket win Vincent Melchor < Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G07 301 loss > Nikki Cornwall
G08 501 win Bob Lonseth < Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
G09 501 win Vincent Melchor > Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen
G10 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth > Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
G12 Cricket win Bob Lonseth < Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G14 301 loss > Ryan Jensen
G16 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 2 :: 3rd Dart Shenanigans (28) @ Easily Amused (3)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Vincent Melchor > Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G04 Cricket loss Mary Error < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G08 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor < Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman
G13 301 loss < Corey Wageman
G17 501 loss Mary Error < Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Mary Error, Vincent Melchor < Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 0 8 0.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 0 3 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 1 :: Easily Amused (14) @ Projectile Dysfunction (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket win Mary Error < Mike Toal, Troy Pogue
G09 501 win Bob Lonseth > Mike Toal, Troy Pogue
G10 Cricket loss Vincent Melchor > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal
G13 301 win < Scott Nicholas
G17 501 loss Mary Error < Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal
G18 701 win Bob Lonseth, Mary Error, Vincent Melchor < Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal, Troy Pogue
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 4 4 50.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 1 0 100.00%

Spring 2019 Season for Paul Banta

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 32 11 5 12 4
Wins 5 1 0 3 1
Losses 27 10 5 9 3
WinPct 15.62% 9.09% 0.00% 25.00% 25.00%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
125 (1) 114 (1) 98 (1) 95 (1)
432 pts of 6,441 opportunity: 6.71%
Accum. Scores
4 95 0
5 239
2 98
Hide Spring 2019 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 13 :: I'd Hit That (5) @ The Money Shots (26)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Vinny Melchor > Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G02 501 loss Vinny Melchor > Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G03 Cricket loss Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G04 Cricket loss Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G05 301 loss < Alan Bateman
G07 301 loss < Alan Bateman
G08 501 loss Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G09 501 loss Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G10 Cricket loss Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G11 Cricket loss Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G12 Cricket loss Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G15 301 loss < Wes Andrews
G16 501 loss Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G17 501 loss Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
G18 701 win Vinny Melchor < Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 15 2 13 13.33%
Cricket 5 0 5 0.00%
301 3 0 3 0.00%
501 6 1 5 16.67%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 12 :: I'd Hit That (15) @ Cheeky Sausages (16)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Vinny Melchor < David Hayes, Paul Oddi
G03 Cricket win Brad Maxey < Wheat Hurd, Paul Oddi
G09 501 win Bob Lonseth > Wheat Hurd, Paul Oddi
G10 Cricket loss Vinny Melchor > David Hayes, Paul Oddi
G11 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < David Hayes, Wheat Hurd
G13 301 loss < David Hayes
G17 501 win Brad Maxey > David Hayes, Wheat Hurd
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Brad Maxey, Vinny Melchor > David Hayes, Wheat Hurd, Paul Oddi
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 3 5 37.50%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 2 1 66.67%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 10 :: I'd Hit That (11) @ Double Deuce (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Brad Maxey, Vinny Melchor, Da Dummy < Patrick Walker, Helga Walker
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 114, 125
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 1 0 1 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 8 :: Out of Towners (29) @ I'd Hit That (2)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Vinny Melchor > Steve Minnis, Tim Patkowsky
G04 Cricket loss Brad Maxey < Woody Woodruff, Steve Minnis
G08 501 loss Bob Lonseth < Dave Pomerantz, Steve Minnis
G10 Cricket loss Vinny Melchor < Steve Minnis, Tim Patkowsky
G12 Cricket loss Bob Lonseth < Dave Pomerantz, Steve Minnis
G13 301 loss < Tim Patkowsky
G17 501 loss Brad Maxey < Dave Pomerantz, Tim Patkowsky
G18 701 loss Bob Lonseth, Brad Maxey, Vinny Melchor < Woody Woodruff, Dave Pomerantz, Steve Minnis, Tim Patkowsky
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 0 8 0.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 0 3 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
'Lifetime' is limited to the seasons during which this website was in use i.e., beginning with Spring 2010.