Lifetime Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 3219 | 1057 | 629 | 1239 | 294 |
Wins | 1522 | 488 | 304 | 597 | 133 |
Losses | 1697 | 569 | 325 | 642 | 161 |
WinPct | 47.28% | 46.17% | 48.33% | 48.18% | 45.24% |
Lifetime Highlights | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Outs |
Quickgames | 12, 11, 12, 12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cricket |
Lifetime Singles Records | ||
Opponent | Winning Pct. | Record |
Bob Gilbert | 100% | 6-0 |
Bob Harmon | 100% | 4-0 |
Trudie Lee | 100% | 3-0 |
Genoveva Winkler | 100% | 2-0 |
Mike Toal | 100% | 2-0 |
Tyke Lofing | 100% | 2-0 |
Kelly Massey | 100% | 2-0 |
Vince Perez | 100% | 2-0 |
Mike Error | 100% | 1-0 |
Gary Vaughn | 100% | 1-0 |
Ken Griffith | 100% | 1-0 |
Annette Robertson | 100% | 1-0 |
Carmen Brooks | 100% | 1-0 |
Art Cox | 100% | 1-0 |
Terri Nicholas | 100% | 1-0 |
John Sullivan | 100% | 1-0 |
Shane Wolfe | 100% | 1-0 |
Todd Carothers | 100% | 1-0 |
Frank Paxton | 100% | 1-0 |
Daniel Watland | 100% | 1-0 |
Paul Banta | 100% | 1-0 |
Andrew Smith | 100% | 1-0 |
Jasmine Bateman | 100% | 1-0 |
Nick Sneiders | 100% | 1-0 |
Karen Thurston | 100% | 1-0 |
Chris Green | 100% | 1-0 |
Dani Nelson | 100% | 1-0 |
Gary Knie | 100% | 1-0 |
Jim Jablonski | 100% | 1-0 |
Jack Reines | 90.00% | 9-1 |
Sid Mooney | 83.33% | 5-1 |
Rich Lee | 80.00% | 4-1 |
Casey Cook | 75.00% | 6-2 |
Vickie McKinney | 75.00% | 3-1 |
Mike Ogas | 75.00% | 3-1 |
Zach Schacher | 75.00% | 3-1 |
Charlie Lough | 71.43% | 5-2 |
Richard Hunter | 71.43% | 5-2 |
Vincent Melchor | 71.43% | 5-2 |
Jim Geier | 66.67% | 4-2 |
Josh Mayer | 66.67% | 4-2 |
Jim O | 66.67% | 4-2 |
Pete Morse | 66.67% | 2-1 |
Ian Sandercock | 66.67% | 2-1 |
Matt Stephens | 66.67% | 2-1 |
Kristopher Hunter | 66.67% | 2-1 |
Candi Hurd | 60.00% | 15-10 |
Bob Lonseth | 60.00% | 6-4 |
Helga Walker | 60.00% | 3-2 |
Nora Wageman | 58.82% | 10-7 |
Nikki Cornwall | 57.89% | 11-8 |
Jason Rye | 57.14% | 8-6 |
Roger McKinney | 57.14% | 4-3 |
LaNay Hyatt | 57.14% | 4-3 |
Craig Revier | 57.14% | 4-3 |
Troy Pogue | 54.55% | 6-5 |
Murphy Delaney | 54.55% | 6-5 |
Wes Andrews | 50.00% | 11-11 |
Corey Wageman | 50.00% | 4-4 |
Michael Winkler | 50.00% | 2-2 |
Lonnie Evans | 50.00% | 2-2 |
Tony Kavran | 50.00% | 2-2 |
John Sloan | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Jason Lough | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Perry Paine | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Tyler Error | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Laurie Zakrzewksi | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Kelly Victorine | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Dan Roscheck | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Matt Curtain | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Overall | 48.33% | 304-325 |
Alan Bateman | 45.45% | 5-6 |
Wheat Hurd | 45.00% | 9-11 |
Wes Grow | 42.86% | 3-4 |
John Ozmon | 40.00% | 2-3 |
Jim Sandercock | 40.00% | 2-3 |
Kyle Armstrong | 40.00% | 2-3 |
Shawn Surgeon | 37.50% | 3-5 |
Bill Dye | 36.36% | 4-7 |
Steve Minnis | 36.36% | 4-7 |
Mary Error | 35.00% | 7-13 |
Kevin Brink | 33.33% | 5-10 |
Eric Gruel | 33.33% | 2-4 |
Bear Stanley | 33.33% | 2-4 |
Kelly Morrison | 33.33% | 1-2 |
Ricardo Carmona | 33.33% | 1-2 |
Jimmy Newberry | 33.33% | 1-2 |
Scott Sailor | 33.33% | 1-2 |
Tim Morrison | 33.33% | 1-2 |
Scott Nicholas | 31.58% | 6-13 |
David Hayes | 31.25% | 5-11 |
Matt Wageman | 31.03% | 9-20 |
Paul Oddi | 28.57% | 2-5 |
Steve Lloyd | 25.00% | 1-3 |
Len Kolbet | 20.00% | 2-8 |
Tim Parrish | 20.00% | 1-4 |
Matt Carlson | 16.67% | 1-5 |
Greg Nelson | 15.79% | 3-16 |
Woody Woodruff | 14.29% | 1-6 |
Patrick Walker | 0.00% | 0-7 |
Brandon Bubar | 0.00% | 0-5 |
Todd Barr | 0.00% | 0-2 |
Vinny Melchor | 0.00% | 0-2 |
Tim Patkowsky | 0.00% | 0-2 |
Chris Anderson | 0.00% | 0-2 |
Shaun LastName | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Dave Pomerantz | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Micky Burns | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Kyle Stradley | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Ross Simons | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Carl Bohm | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Nate Durham | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Alex Strasser | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Shane Moore | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Brad Maxey | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Brannen McMillen | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Triston Ponce | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Mark Cordry | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Philip Jenkins | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Travis Lund | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 124 | 39 | 26 | 47 | 12 |
Wins | 45 | 8 | 13 | 23 | 1 |
Losses | 79 | 31 | 13 | 24 | 11 |
WinPct | 36.29% | 20.51% | 50.00% | 48.94% | 8.33% |
Season Highlights | ||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Outs |
Cricket |
Week 12 :: BoMB (13) @ The Gentleman (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | > | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Richard Hunter | |
G09 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Ian Sandercock | |
G16 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Casey Cook, Bob Harmon | > | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
Week 11 :: MisShits (18) @ BoMB (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G02 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta |
G04 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Bob Lonseth | |
G08 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Vincent Melchor | |
G17 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta |
Week 10 :: BoMB (5) @ Dart Side (26) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Triston Ponce, Jack Reines |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Jack Reines | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Triston Ponce, Josh Mayer |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Triston Ponce, Josh Mayer |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Josh Mayer | |
G17 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Triston Ponce, Jack Reines |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon, Casey Cook | > | Triston Ponce, Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
Week 9 :: Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies (21) @ BoMB (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Jason Rye | |
G08 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | > | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Matt Carlson | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon, Casey Cook | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
Week 8 :: BoMB (10) @ To The Bar! (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Carmen Brooks, Kelly Morrison |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | > | Carmen Brooks, Kelly Morrison |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Carmen Brooks | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kelly Morrison, Dan Brooks |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Carmen Brooks, Kelly Morrison |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Kelly Morrison | |
G16 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Kelly Morrison, Dan Brooks |
G18 | 701 | win | Brian Naillon, Casey Cook, Bob Harmon | < | Carmen Brooks, Kelly Morrison, Dan Brooks |
Week 7 :: Cool Name Pending (16) @ BoMB (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G02 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | win | Casey Cook | < | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Nora Wageman | |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Candi Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G09 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G12 | Cricket | win | Casey Cook | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Nikki Cornwall | |
G16 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G17 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G18 | 701 | loss | Casey Cook | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
Week 6 :: BoMB (8) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans (23) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | > | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman |
G02 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | > | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | win | Casey Cook | < | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Paul Oddi | |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Corey Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | < | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G09 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | win | Casey Cook | < | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G17 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | > | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Casey Cook | < | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
Week 5 :: Big Trippin (30) @ BoMB (1) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G02 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Kristopher Hunter | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Travis Lund | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Casey Cook | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
Week 4 :: ABC (25) @ BoMB (6) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | < | Chris Anderson, Bill Dye |
G02 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman |
G04 | Cricket | win | Casey Cook | < | Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Chris Anderson | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Chris Anderson, Bill Dye |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Bill Dye | |
G17 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Casey Cook, Bob Harmon | > | Chris Anderson, Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
Week 3 :: BoMB (13) @ Ask Helga (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G04 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Greg Nelson | |
G09 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Patrick Walker | |
G16 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Brian Naillon, Casey Cook | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
Week 2 :: Where's Trip Fourteen (21) @ BoMB (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G02 | 501 | loss | Casey Cook | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G08 | 501 | win | Casey Cook | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Casey Cook | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Troy Pogue | |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Casey Cook | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
Week 1 :: BoMB (13) @ Cork You (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Pete Carlson, Bobby Cochran |
G03 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Pete Carlson, Andrew Smith |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Andrew Smith | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Pete Carlson, Micky Burns |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Andrew Smith, Micky Burns |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Pete Carlson, Micky Burns |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Micky Burns | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Pete Carlson, Andrew Smith |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Bobby Cochran, Micky Burns |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Pete Carlson, Bobby Cochran, Andrew Smith, Micky Burns |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 129 | 42 | 25 | 50 | 12 |
Wins | 63 | 20 | 13 | 23 | 7 |
Losses | 66 | 22 | 12 | 27 | 5 |
WinPct | 48.84% | 47.62% | 52.00% | 46.00% | 58.33% |
Season Highlights | ||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Cricket |
Week 13 :: BoMB (15) @ Projectile Dysfunction (16) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G04 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Troy Pogue | |
G08 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G09 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | win | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
Week 12 :: FFS (13) @ BoMB (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Candi Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G09 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Nora Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G18 | 701 | win | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
Week 11 :: BoMB (16) @ To The Bar! (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Kelly Morrison | |
G08 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd |
G09 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd |
G11 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Wheat Hurd | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison |
G18 | 701 | win | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd |
Week 10 :: The Gentleman (16) @ BoMB (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Ross Simons, Richard Hunter |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Ross Simons | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Jim Sandercock, Ross Simons |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter |
G10 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Ross Simons, Richard Hunter |
G12 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Jim Sandercock, Ross Simons |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Jim Sandercock | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Ian Sandercock, Ross Simons |
G18 | 701 | win | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock, Ross Simons, Richard Hunter |
Week 9 :: BoMB (13) @ Scatter Plot (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Paul Banta | |
G08 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G09 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Vincent Melchor | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor |
Week 8 :: Dart Side (10) @ BoMB (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Jack Reines, Mary Error |
G02 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G03 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Jack Reines, Mary Error |
G04 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Josh Mayer | |
G08 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Mary Error, Josh Mayer |
G09 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G10 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Mary Error, Josh Mayer |
G11 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G12 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Jack Reines, Mary Error |
G13 | 301 | win | > | Mary Error | |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Jack Reines | |
G16 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Jack Reines, Mary Error |
G17 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Mary Error, Josh Mayer |
G18 | 701 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Jack Reines, Mary Error, Josh Mayer |
Week 6 :: Projectile Dysfunction (19) @ BoMB (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Robert Wilson, Scott Nicholas |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Troy Pogue | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Robert Wilson, Scott Nicholas |
G10 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas |
G12 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Scott Nicholas | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | win | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas |
Week 5 :: BoMB (18) @ FFS (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Candi Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G09 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen |
G10 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Nikki Cornwall | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman |
Week 4 :: To The Bar! (18) @ BoMB (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd |
G02 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Eric Gruel | |
G08 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Wheat Hurd | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison |
G18 | 701 | win | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison |
Week 3 :: BoMB (10) @ The Gentleman (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock |
G02 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Jim Sandercock, Ian Sandercock |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Richard Hunter | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Jim Sandercock, Ian Sandercock |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock |
G12 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Jim Sandercock | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Jim Sandercock, Ian Sandercock |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | > | Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock, Ian Sandercock |
Week 2 :: Scatter Plot (25) @ BoMB (6) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G02 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Bob Lonseth | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Vincent Melchor | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
Week 1 :: BoMB (11) @ Dart Side (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G02 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Jack Reines, Mary Error |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Josh Mayer, Mary Error |
G04 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Jack Reines | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Josh Mayer, Mary Error |
G11 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Jack Reines, Mary Error |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Josh Mayer | |
G16 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Josh Mayer, Mary Error |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer, Mary Error |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 156 | 49 | 31 | 62 | 14 |
Wins | 86 | 32 | 13 | 33 | 8 |
Losses | 70 | 17 | 18 | 29 | 6 |
WinPct | 55.13% | 65.31% | 41.94% | 53.23% | 57.14% |
Season Highlights | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Outs |
Cricket |
Week 15 :: Gonna Be Fun (26) @ PeaK Voltage (5) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Bear Stanley, Chris Anderson |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Chris Anderson, Travis Lund |
G04 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | < | Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Chris Anderson | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Bear Stanley, Travis Lund |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Bear Stanley, Travis Lund |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Bear Stanley | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis |
G17 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Chris Anderson, Travis Lund |
G18 | 701 | loss | Triston Ponce, Brian Naillon | < | Bear Stanley, Chris Anderson, Steve Minnis, Travis Lund |
Week 14 :: PeaK Voltage (13) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | < | Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Paul Oddi | |
G08 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G17 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G18 | 701 | win | Triston Ponce, Brian Naillon | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi |
Week 13 :: The Fire Breathing Duckies (17) @ PeaK Voltage (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G02 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Jason Rye, Matt Carlson |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Jason Rye, Matt Carlson |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Carlson | |
G08 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G09 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Jason Rye, Matt Carlson |
G10 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | < | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Jason Rye, Matt Carlson |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Mary Error | |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Jason Rye | |
G16 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G17 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G18 | 701 | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
Week 12 :: PeaK Voltage (9) @ Ask Helga (22) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G02 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G04 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Greg Nelson | |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Helga Walker | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G09 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G10 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G12 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Patrick Walker | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G17 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
Week 11 :: Dart Bags (5) @ PeaK Voltage (26) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | < | Jim Geier, Craig Revier |
G03 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Jim Geier, Craig Revier |
G04 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Kyle Armstrong | |
G09 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Jim Geier | |
G16 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Jim Geier, Craig Revier |
G17 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G18 | 701 | win | Triston Ponce, Brian Naillon | > | Jim Geier, Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
Week 10 :: PeaK Voltage (18) @ The Gentleman (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G03 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | < | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Ian Sandercock | |
G08 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G10 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G12 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Jim Sandercock | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G17 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G18 | 701 | loss | Triston Ponce, Brian Naillon | < | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
Week 9 :: No Vaginas (13) @ PeaK Voltage (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel |
G04 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | < | Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Wheat Hurd | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd |
G11 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Kelly Morrison | |
G16 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel |
G17 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd |
G18 | 701 | win | Triston Ponce, Brian Naillon | > | Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd |
Week 8 :: PeaK Voltage (20) @ Two Old Farts (11) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | < | Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry |
G04 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Mark Cordry | |
G08 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry |
G09 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry |
G10 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry |
G11 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Philip Jenkins | |
G17 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry |
G18 | 701 | win | Triston Ponce, Brian Naillon | > | Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry |
Week 7 :: Dartboard Delinquents (5) @ PeaK Voltage (26) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | < | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G03 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G04 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Jack Reines | |
G09 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G11 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Josh Mayer | |
G16 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G17 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G18 | 701 | win | Triston Ponce, Brian Naillon | > | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
Week 6 :: PeaK Voltage (22) @ FFS (9) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G02 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G04 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Nora Wageman | |
G09 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | < | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G11 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G12 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Candi Hurd | |
G16 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G18 | 701 | win | Brian Naillon, Triston Ponce | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
Week 5 :: Points of Failure (7) @ PeaK Voltage (24) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G02 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G03 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G04 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Vincent Melchor | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G09 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G10 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G11 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G12 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Vincent Melchor | |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Bob Lonseth | |
G16 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G17 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G18 | 701 | win | Triston Ponce | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
Week 4 :: PeaK Voltage (3) @ BJ Hunters (28) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Brannen McMillen | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Jordan Kaye | < | Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Jordan Kaye | < | Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter |
G12 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | < | Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Kristopher Hunter | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter |
G17 | 501 | loss | Jordan Kaye | < | Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter |
G18 | 701 | loss | Triston Ponce, Jordan Kaye | < | Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter |
Week 3 :: Projectile Dysfunction (14) @ PeaK Voltage (17) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Jordan Kaye | < | Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson |
G03 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson |
G04 | Cricket | win | Jordan Kaye | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Troy Pogue | |
G09 | 501 | win | Triston Ponce | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Jordan Kaye | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Scott Nicholas | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson |
G17 | 501 | loss | Jordan Kaye | < | Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | loss | Jordan Kaye, Triston Ponce | < | Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue |
Week 1 :: We Dont Care (16) @ PeaK Voltage (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Jordan Kaye | > | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G03 | Cricket | win | Triston Ponce | > | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Alan Bateman | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Jordan Kaye | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G09 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Jordan Kaye | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G12 | Cricket | win | Jordan Kaye | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Bill Dye | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Triston Ponce | > | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G18 | 701 | win | Jordan Kaye, Triston Ponce | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 78 | 23 | 17 | 29 | 9 |
Wins | 44 | 13 | 12 | 14 | 5 |
Losses | 34 | 10 | 5 | 15 | 4 |
WinPct | 56.41% | 56.52% | 70.59% | 48.28% | 55.56% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Outs |
Cricket |
Week 9 :: Easily Amused (12) @ Sniffin' The Triples (19) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Kelly Morrison | < | Mary Error, Vincent Melchor |
G02 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Paul Banta, Bob Lonseth |
G04 | Cricket | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Mary Error, Paul Banta |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Mary Error | |
G08 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Paul Banta, Bob Lonseth |
G11 | Cricket | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Mary Error, Bob Lonseth |
G12 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta |
G13 | 301 | win | > | Bob Lonseth | |
G17 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth |
G18 | 701 | win | Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel | > | Mary Error, Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta, Bob Lonseth |
Week 8 :: Sniffin' The Triples (26) @ Breakfast Club (5) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Tony Kavran, Jack Reines |
G04 | Cricket | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Tony Kavran, Jack Reines |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Tony Kavran | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Jack Reines, Justin Anderson |
G11 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Tony Kavran, Jack Reines |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Jack Reines | |
G16 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Jack Reines, Justin Anderson |
G18 | 701 | loss | Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel | > | Tony Kavran, Jack Reines, Justin Anderson |
Week 7 :: Sniffin' The Triples (17) @ Dart Bags (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G02 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G03 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Craig Revier | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G12 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Jim Geier | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
Week 6 :: 6 Darts (21) @ Sniffin' The Triples (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Bear Stanley | |
G08 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Steve Minnis | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis |
G18 | 701 | loss | Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | > | Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis |
Week 5 :: Sniffin' The Triples (6) @ Projectile Dysfunction (25) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal |
G04 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Scott Nicholas | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Mike Toal, Troy Pogue |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | < | Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Mike Toal | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Mike Toal, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | loss | Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison | < | Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal, Troy Pogue |
Week 4 :: Sniffin' The Triples (21) @ The Gentleman (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G04 | Cricket | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G07 | 301 | win | > | Richard Hunter | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G10 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G12 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G16 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G18 | 701 | win | Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | < | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
Week 3 :: Sniffin' The Triples (6) @ I Dont Care (25) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Alan Bateman | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Bill Dye | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G18 | 701 | loss | Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
Week 2 :: FFS (4) @ Sniffin' The Triples (27) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G03 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Candi Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Nikki Cornwall | |
G16 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | win | Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison | < | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen |
Week 1 :: 3rd Dart Shenanigans (25) @ Sniffin' The Triples (6) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Paul Oddi | |
G16 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 75 | 21 | 17 | 28 | 9 |
Wins | 34 | 7 | 5 | 17 | 5 |
Losses | 41 | 14 | 12 | 11 | 4 |
WinPct | 45.33% | 33.33% | 29.41% | 60.71% | 55.56% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Week 9 :: 3rd Dart Shenanigans (20) @ I R Pissed (11) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Paul Oddi, Triston Ponce |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | < | Triston Ponce, Matt Wageman |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Paul Oddi | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Triston Ponce, Corey Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Triston Ponce, Corey Wageman |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Triston Ponce | |
G16 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd | > | Paul Oddi, Triston Ponce, Corey Wageman, Matt Wageman |
Week 8 :: I R Pissed (4) @ I Dont Care (27) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Alan Bateman, Greg Nelson |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | < | Alan Bateman, Greg Nelson |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Alan Bateman | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Greg Nelson, Bill Dye |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Alan Bateman, Greg Nelson |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Greg Nelson | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Greg Nelson, Bill Dye |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd | < | Alan Bateman, Greg Nelson, Bill Dye |
Week 7 :: I R Pissed (12) @ For Fox Sake (19) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Patrick Walker, Bob Lonseth |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Helga Walker, Vincent Melchor |
G03 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Patrick Walker | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Bob Lonseth, Helga Walker |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | < | Bob Lonseth, Helga Walker |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Patrick Walker, Vincent Melchor |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Bob Lonseth | |
G16 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison | < | Patrick Walker, Bob Lonseth, Helga Walker, Vincent Melchor |
Week 6 :: I R Pissed (11) @ WBA (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Matt Carlson, Mary Error |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Matt Carlson, Mary Error |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Carlson | |
G09 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Mary Error, Jason Rye |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | < | Matt Carlson, Mary Error |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Mary Error | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Mary Error, Jason Rye |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison | < | Matt Carlson, Mary Error, Jason Rye |
Week 5 :: I R Pissed (11) @ Dart Bags (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Craig Revier | |
G09 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Kyle Armstrong | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison | < | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
Week 4 :: TBD (9) @ I R Pissed (22) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Ryan Jensen, Candi Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Nora Wageman | |
G09 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Ryan Jensen, Candi Hurd |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G11 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Ryan Jensen, Candi Hurd |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison | > | Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
Week 3 :: Dartfellas (9) @ I R Pissed (22) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Jack Reines | |
G08 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G12 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Ian Sandercock | |
G16 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G18 | 701 | win | Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel | > | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
Week 2 :: I R Pissed (21) @ Dart Holio (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Scott Nicholas, Jim Sandercock |
G04 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Jim Sandercock, Mike Ogas |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Scott Nicholas | |
G09 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue |
G11 | Cricket | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Jim Sandercock | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | win | Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison | > | Scott Nicholas, Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue, Mike Ogas |
Week 1 :: Still Counting (21) @ I R Pissed (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Steve Lloyd | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd |
G11 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Mike Toal | |
G17 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd |
G18 | 701 | loss | Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison | > | Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 68 | 21 | 13 | 26 | 8 |
Wins | 24 | 7 | 9 | 6 | 2 |
Losses | 44 | 14 | 4 | 20 | 6 |
WinPct | 35.29% | 33.33% | 69.23% | 23.08% | 25.00% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Week 9 :: Old Age and Treachery (27) @ Sheep Shaggin' Bastards (4) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G04 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Alan Bateman | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Bill Dye | |
G17 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G18 | 701 | win | Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel, David Hayes | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
Week 8 :: Team Name (24) @ Sheep Shaggin' Bastards (7) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bear Stanley, Jason Sangray |
G03 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Bear Stanley, Jason Sangray |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Bear Stanley | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Bear Stanley, Jason Sangray |
G10 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bear Stanley, Jason Sangray |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Bear Stanley, Jason Sangray |
G16 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | < | Bear Stanley, Jason Sangray |
G18 | 701 | loss | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel | < | Bear Stanley, Jason Sangray |
Week 7 :: Sheep Shaggin' Bastards (9) @ Projectile Dysfunction (22) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue |
G04 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Jim Sandercock | |
G08 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | > | Mike Toal, Troy Pogue |
G10 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue |
G12 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | > | Mike Toal, Troy Pogue |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Mike Toal, Jim Sandercock |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, David Hayes, Wheat Hurd | < | Mike Toal, Scott Nicholas, Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue |
Week 6 :: Sheep Shaggin' Bastards (6) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans (25) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Corey Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G16 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | > | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | David Hayes, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | < | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
Week 5 :: Darty Deeds (9) @ Sheep Shaggin' Bastards (22) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Jim O'Leary, Jack Reines |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Jim O'Leary, Richard Hunter |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Richard Hunter | |
G08 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Richard Hunter, Jack Reines |
G09 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim O'Leary, Jack Reines |
G10 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Richard Hunter, Jack Reines |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Jim O'Leary, Richard Hunter |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Jack Reines | |
G16 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim O'Leary, Richard Hunter |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | > | Jim O'Leary, Richard Hunter, Jack Reines |
Week 4 :: Blazing Saddles (25) @ Sheep Shaggin' Bastards (6) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Dave Pomerantz, Wes Grow |
G04 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Dave Pomerantz, Greg Nelson |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Greg Nelson | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Dave Pomerantz, Greg Nelson |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Dave Pomerantz, Greg Nelson |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Dave Pomerantz | |
G17 | 501 | win | David Hayes | > | Wes Grow, Greg Nelson |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, David Hayes | > | Dave Pomerantz, Wes Grow, Greg Nelson |
Week 2 :: Sheep Shaggin' Bastards (11) @ Dart Bags (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Jim Geier | |
G08 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G10 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Craig Revier | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
Week 1 :: Bye Week (21) @ Sheep Shaggin' Bastards (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Bob Lonseth, Mary Error |
G03 | Cricket | win | David Hayes | < | Bob Lonseth, Mary Error |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Bob Lonseth | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Mary Error, Vincent Melchor |
G12 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bob Lonseth, Mary Error |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Vincent Melchor | |
G16 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | > | Bob Lonseth, Mary Error |
G18 | 701 | loss | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes, Eric Gruel | < | Bob Lonseth, Mary Error, Vincent Melchor |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 84 | 27 | 17 | 31 | 9 |
Wins | 36 | 8 | 11 | 13 | 4 |
Losses | 48 | 19 | 6 | 18 | 5 |
WinPct | 42.86% | 29.63% | 64.71% | 41.94% | 44.44% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Week 9 :: Old Age and Treachery (20) @ Shaggy Dogs (11) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Bill Dye | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Alan Bateman, Zach Schacher |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Zach Schacher | |
G16 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | > | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, David Hayes, Wheat Hurd | > | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman, Zach Schacher |
Week 8 :: Shaggy Dogs (6) @ Double Shot (25) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G02 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | < | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G03 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G04 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Greg Nelson | |
G09 | 501 | win | David Hayes | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G11 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Patrick Walker | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, David Hayes | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
Week 7 :: Shaggy Dogs (8) @ Dart Bags (23) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G02 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Kyle Armstrong, Jim Geier |
G04 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Craig Revier | |
G09 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | > | Kyle Armstrong, Jim Geier |
G11 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Kyle Armstrong | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Kyle Armstrong, Jim Geier |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, David Hayes | < | Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong, Jim Geier |
Week 6 :: Shaggy Dogs (19) @ Wet Ass Bullseyes (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Jim O'Leary, Jack Reines |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Jim O'Leary, Jack Reines |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Jim O'Leary | |
G09 | 501 | win | David Hayes | > | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G11 | Cricket | win | David Hayes | > | Jim O'Leary, Jack Reines |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Jack Reines | |
G16 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, David Hayes | < | Jim O'Leary, Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
Week 5 :: Shaggy Dogs (14) @ Bye Week (17) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | David Hayes | > | Bob Lonseth, Frank Paxton |
G04 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bob Lonseth, Frank Paxton |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Bob Lonseth | |
G09 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Frank Paxton, Vincent Melchor |
G11 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Bob Lonseth, Frank Paxton |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Frank Paxton | |
G16 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Frank Paxton, Vincent Melchor |
G18 | 701 | loss | David Hayes, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | > | Bob Lonseth, Frank Paxton, Vincent Melchor |
Week 4 :: Ladies (11) @ Shaggy Dogs (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Candi Hurd, Terri Nicholas |
G02 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Candi Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Terri Nicholas, Nora Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G12 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Terri Nicholas, Nora Wageman |
G13 | 301 | win | > | Nikki Cornwall | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Terri Nicholas, Nikki Cornwall |
G18 | 701 | win | Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel | < | Candi Hurd, Terri Nicholas, Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
Week 3 :: Alan's Boss (19) @ Shaggy Dogs (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Scott Nicholas, Jim Sandercock |
G03 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Scott Nicholas, Jim Sandercock |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G08 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue |
G12 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Scott Nicholas, Jim Sandercock |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Troy Pogue | |
G16 | 501 | win | David Hayes | < | Scott Nicholas, Jim Sandercock |
G18 | 701 | loss | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes, Eric Gruel | < | Scott Nicholas, Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue |
Week 2 :: Shaggy Dogs (10) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G02 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | < | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G03 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G04 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | > | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Matt Wageman | |
G09 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | < | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G11 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | > | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Paul Oddi | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, David Hayes | < | Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi |
Week 1 :: WBA (22) @ Shaggy Dogs (9) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Matt Carlson, Mary Error |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Matt Carlson, Jason Rye |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Jason Rye | |
G09 | 501 | loss | David Hayes | < | Matt Carlson, Mary Error |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G11 | Cricket | loss | David Hayes | < | Matt Carlson, Mary Error |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Matt Carlson, Jason Rye |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, David Hayes, Wheat Hurd | > | Matt Carlson, Jason Rye, Mary Error |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 72 | 24 | 14 | 28 | 6 |
Wins | 35 | 9 | 7 | 15 | 4 |
Losses | 37 | 15 | 7 | 13 | 2 |
WinPct | 48.61% | 37.50% | 50.00% | 53.57% | 66.67% |
Season Highlights | ||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Outs |
Week 7 :: Team Hat Trick (24) @ Brawndo (7) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bear Stanley, Scott Nicholas |
G02 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Bear Stanley, Troy Pogue |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bear Stanley, Troy Pogue |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Bear Stanley | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bear Stanley, Troy Pogue |
G12 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Bear Stanley, Scott Nicholas |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Scott Nicholas | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | < | Bear Stanley, Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
Week 5 :: The Money Shot (24) @ Brawndo (7) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G02 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Bill Dye | |
G07 | 301 | win | > | Bill Dye | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Alan Bateman | |
G16 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G17 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
Week 4 :: Brawndo (19) @ Fling and a Prayer (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Bob Lonseth | |
G08 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G12 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G13 | 301 | win | > | Vincent Melchor | |
G16 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G17 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
G18 | 701 | win | Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel | > | Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor |
Week 3 :: Wet Ass Bullseyes (11) @ Brawndo (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G02 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Josh Mayer, Richard Hunter |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Josh Mayer, Richard Hunter |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Josh Mayer | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G10 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G11 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Josh Mayer, Richard Hunter |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Jack Reines | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | < | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
Week 2 :: Brawndo (25) @ Dart Bags (6) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G02 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G03 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G04 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Jim Geier | |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Jim Geier | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G09 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G10 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G11 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G12 | Cricket | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Kyle Armstrong | |
G16 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G17 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
G18 | 701 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong |
Week 1 :: Double Shot (19) @ Brawndo (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Patrick Walker | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G09 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Helga Walker | |
G16 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 56 | 18 | 11 | 22 | 5 |
Wins | 26 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 2 |
Losses | 30 | 12 | 3 | 12 | 3 |
WinPct | 46.43% | 33.33% | 72.73% | 45.45% | 40.00% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Outs |
Week 6 :: Big Shoots (18) @ Brawndo (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G02 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | David Hayes, Sean Ziegler |
G04 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | David Hayes, Sean Ziegler |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | David Hayes | |
G08 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Wheat Hurd, Sean Ziegler |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Wheat Hurd, Sean Ziegler |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | David Hayes, Sean Ziegler |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Wheat Hurd | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Wheat Hurd, Sean Ziegler |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd, Sean Ziegler |
Week 4 :: Brawndo (18) @ Kings Without Queens (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Troy Pogue, Mike Ogas |
G07 | 301 | win | > | Mike Ogas | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas |
G10 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G16 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Troy Pogue, Mike Ogas |
G17 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue, Mike Ogas |
Week 3 :: Double That (18) @ Brawndo (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Patrick Walker | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G10 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Helga Walker | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G18 | 701 | win | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
Week 2 :: Brawndo (10) @ The Money Shot (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G02 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Wes Andrews, Bill Dye |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Alan Bateman | |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Bill Dye | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G09 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Wes Andrews, Bill Dye |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Bill Dye |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Wes Andrews | |
G16 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Wes Andrews, Bill Dye |
G17 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews, Bill Dye |
Week 1 :: Moments of Glory (15) @ Brawndo (16) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Kevin Brink, Matt Carlson |
G03 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Mary Error | |
G08 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Kevin Brink, Matt Carlson |
G10 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G12 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Matt Carlson | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G18 | 701 | win | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 131 | 42 | 26 | 52 | 11 |
Wins | 49 | 15 | 8 | 22 | 4 |
Losses | 82 | 27 | 18 | 30 | 7 |
WinPct | 37.40% | 35.71% | 30.77% | 42.31% | 36.36% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Cricket |
Week 13 :: Da Beards (14) @ That's A Bingo (17) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G02 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G04 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Jim O'Leary | |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Jim O'Leary | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G09 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G10 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G12 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Tony Kavran | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G17 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Jim O'Leary, Tony Kavran |
Week 12 :: Da Beards (6) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans (25) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G02 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Matt Wageman | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Corey Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
Week 11 :: WTF (21) @ Da Beards (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G02 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Bill Dye | |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Bill Dye | |
G08 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | John Ozmon | |
G16 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G17 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bill Dye, John Ozmon |
Week 10 :: Da Beards (18) @ Shotgun Approach (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Bob Lonseth, Brad Maxey |
G03 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Brad Maxey, Vinny Melchor |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Vinny Melchor | |
G08 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Bob Lonseth, Vinny Melchor |
G10 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Bob Lonseth, Vinny Melchor |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Bob Lonseth, Vinny Melchor |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Bob Lonseth | |
G16 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Brad Maxey, Vinny Melchor |
G17 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Bob Lonseth, Brad Maxey |
G18 | 701 | win | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | < | Bob Lonseth, Brad Maxey, Vinny Melchor |
Week 9 :: The Money Shot (29) @ Da Beards (2) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Alan Bateman | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Wes Andrews | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
Week 8 :: Double Shot (12) @ Da Beards (19) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Greg Nelson, Wes Grow |
G02 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G03 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | > | Wes Grow, Helga Walker |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Wes Grow | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Wes Grow, Patrick Walker |
G09 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G10 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | > | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G12 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Wes Grow, Patrick Walker |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Helga Walker | |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Greg Nelson | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G17 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Wes Grow, Helga Walker |
G18 | 701 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Greg Nelson, Wes Grow, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
Week 6 :: Da Beards (9) @ Moments of Glory (22) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G02 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Kevin Brink, Matt Carlson |
G03 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Mary Error | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Kevin Brink, Matt Carlson |
G09 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Kevin Brink, Matt Carlson |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Kevin Brink, Matt Carlson |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Kevin Brink | |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Matt Carlson | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G17 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G18 | 701 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Kevin Brink, Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
Week 5 :: Droppin The Weiner (14) @ Da Beards (17) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Nikki Cornwall | |
G08 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Nora Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
Week 4 :: Kings and Queens (15) @ Da Beards (16) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Daniel Watland, Jack Reines |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Richard Hunter, Jack Reines |
G07 | 301 | win | > | Daniel Watland | |
G08 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Richard Hunter, Daniel Watland |
G09 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | > | Scott Nicholas, Jack Reines |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Daniel Watland, Jack Reines |
G12 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Richard Hunter, Daniel Watland |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Richard Hunter | |
G16 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | < | Scott Nicholas, Daniel Watland |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | > | Scott Nicholas, Richard Hunter, Daniel Watland, Jack Reines |
Week 2 :: MVVL (16) @ Da Beards (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Eric Gruel | > | Paul Oddi, Wheat Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | > | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | David Hayes | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G09 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Paul Oddi, Wheat Hurd |
G10 | Cricket | win | Eric Gruel | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Wheat Hurd | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G18 | 701 | win | Eric Gruel, Zach Schacher | > | Paul Oddi, David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
Week 1 :: Da Beards (6) @ Out of Towners (25) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Steve Minnis, Shane Moore |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Steve Minnis, Tim Patkowsky |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Tim Patkowsky | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Steve Minnis, Shane Moore |
G09 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Tim Patkowsky, Shane Moore |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Steve Minnis, Shane Moore |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Steve Minnis, Tim Patkowsky |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Shane Moore | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Eric Gruel | < | Steve Minnis, Tim Patkowsky |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, Eric Gruel | < | Steve Minnis, Tim Patkowsky, Shane Moore |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 132 | 42 | 26 | 52 | 12 |
Wins | 55 | 14 | 9 | 28 | 4 |
Losses | 77 | 28 | 17 | 24 | 8 |
WinPct | 41.67% | 33.33% | 34.62% | 53.85% | 33.33% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Cricket |
Week 13 :: Moments of Glory (12) @ Da Goat (19) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G02 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Kevin Brink, LaNay Hyatt |
G03 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Kevin Brink, LaNay Hyatt |
G06 | 301 | win | > | LaNay Hyatt | |
G08 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Mary Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G09 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Kevin Brink, LaNay Hyatt |
G10 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Mary Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G11 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | > | Kevin Brink, LaNay Hyatt |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Mary Error | |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Kevin Brink | |
G16 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G17 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Mary Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G18 | 701 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error, LaNay Hyatt |
Week 12 :: Da Goat (3) @ Out of Towners (28) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Dave Pomerantz, Woody Woodruff |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Dave Pomerantz, Steve Minnis |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Steve Minnis | |
G08 | 501 | loss | David Severson | > | Dave Pomerantz, Tim Patkowsky |
G10 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | < | Steve Minnis, Tim Patkowsky |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Dave Pomerantz, Tim Patkowsky |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Tim Patkowsky | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Dave Pomerantz, Steve Minnis |
G17 | 501 | win | David Severson | < | Woody Woodruff, Tim Patkowsky |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, David Severson | > | Dave Pomerantz, Woody Woodruff, Steve Minnis, Tim Patkowsky |
Week 11 :: Flight Risk (22) @ Da Goat (9) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Matt Wageman, Jim O'Leary |
G03 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | > | Matt Wageman, Jim O'Leary |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Matt Wageman, Jim O'Leary |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Jim O'Leary | |
G09 | 501 | win | David Severson | < | Matt Wageman, Jim O'Leary |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Matt Wageman, Jim O'Leary |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | loss | David Severson | < | Matt Wageman, Jim O'Leary |
G17 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Matt Wageman, Jim O'Leary |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, David Severson | < | Matt Wageman, Jim O'Leary |
Week 10 :: Cheeky Sausages (15) @ Da Goat (16) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G03 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | < | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G04 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | David Hayes | |
G09 | 501 | win | David Severson | > | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G11 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Paul Oddi | |
G16 | 501 | win | David Severson | < | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G17 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, David Severson | > | Paul Oddi, David Hayes |
Week 9 :: The Money Shots (24) @ Da Goat (7) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | David Severson | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G02 | 501 | win | David Severson | < | Alan Bateman, Josh Mayer |
G03 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | > | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G04 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | < | Alan Bateman, Josh Mayer |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Alan Bateman | |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Wes Andrews | |
G08 | 501 | win | David Severson | < | Wes Andrews, Josh Mayer |
G09 | 501 | loss | David Severson | > | Alan Bateman, Josh Mayer |
G10 | Cricket | win | David Severson | < | Wes Andrews, Josh Mayer |
G11 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | > | Alan Bateman, Josh Mayer |
G12 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Josh Mayer | |
G16 | 501 | loss | David Severson | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews |
G17 | 501 | loss | David Severson | < | Wes Andrews, Josh Mayer |
G18 | 701 | loss | David Severson | < | Alan Bateman, Wes Andrews, Josh Mayer |
Week 8 :: Da Goat (23) @ Wink Squared (8) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Michael Winkler, Genoveva Winkler |
G03 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | > | Michael Winkler, Genoveva Winkler |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Michael Winkler | |
G08 | 501 | win | David Severson | < | Michael Winkler, Genoveva Winkler |
G10 | Cricket | win | David Severson | > | Michael Winkler, Genoveva Winkler |
G12 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | > | Michael Winkler, Genoveva Winkler |
G13 | 301 | win | > | Genoveva Winkler | |
G16 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Michael Winkler, Genoveva Winkler |
G17 | 501 | loss | David Severson | > | Michael Winkler, Genoveva Winkler |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, David Severson | < | Michael Winkler, Genoveva Winkler |
Week 7 :: Da Goat (10) @ Threat Level Midnight (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Scott Nicholas |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Jack Reines |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Jack Reines | |
G08 | 501 | win | David Severson | < | Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Richard Hunter |
G10 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | > | Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Richard Hunter |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Richard Hunter | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Jack Reines |
G17 | 501 | loss | David Severson | < | Scott Nicholas, Richard Hunter |
G18 | 701 | win | Zach Schacher, David Severson | < | Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli, Scott Nicholas, Jack Reines, Richard Hunter |
Week 6 :: Da Goat (11) @ Dart Bags (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Jim Geier | |
G08 | 501 | loss | David Severson | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G09 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G10 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | > | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Craig Revier | |
G17 | 501 | win | David Severson | < | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, David Severson | > | Craig Revier, Jim Geier |
Week 5 :: Da Goat (23) @ Weiner Tacos (8) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Rory Penfold, Candi Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | > | Rory Penfold, Nora Wageman |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Nora Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | win | David Severson | < | Rory Penfold, Nikki Cornwall |
G10 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G12 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | > | Rory Penfold, Nikki Cornwall |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Nikki Cornwall | |
G16 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | < | Rory Penfold, Nora Wageman |
G17 | 501 | loss | David Severson | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G18 | 701 | win | Zach Schacher, David Severson | < | Rory Penfold, Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
Week 4 :: Da Goat (23) @ I'd Hit That (8) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Bob Lonseth, Shane Wolfe |
G04 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | > | Bob Lonseth, Vinny Melchor |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Vinny Melchor | |
G08 | 501 | win | David Severson | > | Bob Lonseth, Shane Wolfe |
G09 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Vinny Melchor, Shane Wolfe |
G10 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | > | Bob Lonseth, Shane Wolfe |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Bob Lonseth, Vinny Melchor |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Shane Wolfe | |
G17 | 501 | loss | David Severson | > | Bob Lonseth, Vinny Melchor |
G18 | 701 | win | Zach Schacher, David Severson | < | Bob Lonseth, Vinny Melchor, Shane Wolfe |
Week 3 :: Da Goat (1) @ Double Deuce (30) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G02 | 501 | loss | David Severson | < | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G04 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Greg Nelson | |
G09 | 501 | loss | David Severson | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G11 | Cricket | loss | David Severson | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Patrick Walker | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G18 | 701 | loss | Zach Schacher, David Severson | < | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |