Lifetime Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 1279 | 426 | 244 | 496 | 113 |
Wins | 539 | 170 | 91 | 225 | 53 |
Losses | 740 | 256 | 153 | 271 | 60 |
WinPct | 42.14% | 39.91% | 37.30% | 45.36% | 46.90% |
Lifetime Highlights | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Outs |
Quickgames | 11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cricket |
Lifetime Singles Records | ||
Opponent | Winning Pct. | Record |
Sid Mooney | 100% | 3-0 |
LaNay Hyatt | 100% | 2-0 |
Nick Sneiders | 100% | 1-0 |
Trudie Lee | 100% | 1-0 |
Gary Vaughn | 100% | 1-0 |
Dan Graves | 100% | 1-0 |
Mike Scanlon | 100% | 1-0 |
Mike Error | 100% | 1-0 |
Perry Paine | 100% | 1-0 |
X | 100% | 1-0 |
Murphy Delaney | 80.00% | 4-1 |
Mary Error | 75.00% | 6-2 |
Vickie McKinney | 75.00% | 3-1 |
Bob Gilbert | 71.43% | 5-2 |
Charlie Lough | 66.67% | 6-3 |
Pete Morse | 66.67% | 2-1 |
Nora Wageman | 60.00% | 6-4 |
Shawn Surgeon | 60.00% | 3-2 |
Nikki Cornwall | 53.85% | 7-6 |
Brian Graves | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Jason Lough | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Bear Stanley | 50.00% | 1-1 |
Roger McKinney | 42.86% | 3-4 |
Eric Gruel | 42.86% | 3-4 |
Wheat Hurd | 40.00% | 4-6 |
Wes Andrews | 37.50% | 3-5 |
Overall | 37.30% | 91-153 |
Candi Hurd | 33.33% | 4-8 |
Scott Nicholas | 33.33% | 3-6 |
Tyke Lofing | 33.33% | 1-2 |
Len Kolbet | 30.00% | 3-7 |
Brandon Bubar | 28.57% | 2-5 |
David Hayes | 28.57% | 2-5 |
Mike Vice | 25.00% | 2-6 |
Zach Schacher | 25.00% | 1-3 |
Matt Wageman | 18.18% | 2-9 |
Kevin Brink | 0.00% | 0-9 |
Troy Pogue | 0.00% | 0-5 |
Jason Rye | 0.00% | 0-4 |
Greg Nelson | 0.00% | 0-4 |
Jimmy Newberry | 0.00% | 0-4 |
Ricardo Carmona | 0.00% | 0-3 |
Woody Woodruff | 0.00% | 0-2 |
Rich Lee | 0.00% | 0-2 |
Gene Dupras | 0.00% | 0-2 |
Steve Minnis | 0.00% | 0-2 |
Corey Wageman | 0.00% | 0-2 |
Alex Strasser | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Scott Sailor | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Steve Lloyd | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Kristopher Hunter | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Todd Barr | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Jim Sandercock | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Alan Bateman | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Jared Leatham | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Tim Morrison | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Michael Odiaga | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Karen Thurston | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Jack Reines | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Art Cox | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Paul Oddi | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Robert Wilson | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Dan Brooks | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Chris Anderson | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Triston Ponce | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Travis Lund | 0.00% | 0-1 |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 100 | 34 | 17 | 39 | 10 |
Wins | 26 | 8 | 1 | 16 | 1 |
Losses | 74 | 26 | 16 | 23 | 9 |
WinPct | 26.00% | 23.53% | 5.88% | 41.03% | 10.00% |
Season Highlights | ||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Cricket |
Week 12 :: BoMB (13) @ The Gentleman (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Jim Sandercock | |
G08 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | < | Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock |
G12 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | < | Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | > | Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock |
Week 10 :: BoMB (5) @ Dart Side (26) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Triston Ponce, Josh Mayer |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G09 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Triston Ponce, Josh Mayer |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Triston Ponce, Jack Reines |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Triston Ponce | |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Triston Ponce, Jack Reines |
G18 | 701 | loss | Brian Naillon, Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | Triston Ponce, Jack Reines, Josh Mayer |
Week 9 :: Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies (21) @ BoMB (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Jason Rye, Matt Carlson |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Jason Rye, Matt Carlson |
G08 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Mary Error | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error, Matt Carlson |
Week 8 :: BoMB (10) @ To The Bar! (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Carmen Brooks, Dan Brooks |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Carmen Brooks, Kelly Morrison |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Dan Brooks | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Carmen Brooks, Dan Brooks |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Carmen Brooks, Dan Brooks |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Carmen Brooks, Dan Brooks |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Kelly Morrison, Dan Brooks |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon | < | Carmen Brooks, Kelly Morrison, Dan Brooks |
Week 7 :: Cool Name Pending (16) @ BoMB (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G02 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Nikki Cornwall | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G12 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Candi Hurd | |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Nora Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
Week 6 :: BoMB (8) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans (23) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman |
G02 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Paul Oddi | |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Corey Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G17 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
Week 5 :: Big Trippin (30) @ BoMB (1) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Kristopher Hunter | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Travis Lund | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | < | Kristopher Hunter, Travis Lund |
Week 4 :: ABC (25) @ BoMB (6) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Chris Anderson, Bill Dye |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Chris Anderson, Bill Dye |
G04 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Alan Bateman | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Chris Anderson, Alan Bateman |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Chris Anderson | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Chris Anderson, Bill Dye |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | Chris Anderson, Bill Dye, Alan Bateman |
Week 3 :: BoMB (13) @ Ask Helga (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
G10 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Greg Nelson, Helga Walker |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Greg Nelson | |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon, Brian Naillon | > | Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker |
Week 2 :: Where's Trip Fourteen (21) @ BoMB (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G03 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G08 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Troy Pogue | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 20 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 2 |
Wins | 8 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 0 |
Losses | 12 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 |
WinPct | 40.00% | 50.00% | 25.00% | 50.00% | 0.00% |
Season Highlights | ||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Week 12 :: To The Bar! (19) @ Dart Side (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G04 | Cricket | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Josh Mayer, Mary Error |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Mary Error | |
G08 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G09 | 501 | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Mary Error, Jack Reines |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Josh Mayer, Jack Reines |
G11 | Cricket | win | Kelly Morrison | < | Josh Mayer, Mary Error |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Jack Reines | |
G17 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | > | Josh Mayer, Mary Error |
G18 | 701 | loss | Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd | > | Josh Mayer, Mary Error, Jack Reines |
Week 3 :: Projectile Dysfunction (17) @ To The Bar! (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Wheat Hurd | < | Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Kelly Morrison | < | Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson |
G09 | 501 | win | Wheat Hurd | < | Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Morrison | > | Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson |
G12 | Cricket | win | Kelly Morrison | > | Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Robert Wilson | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Wheat Hurd | > | Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas |
G18 | 701 | loss | Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd | > | Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 16 | 6 | 2 | 6 | 2 |
Wins | 5 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 1 |
Losses | 11 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
WinPct | 31.25% | 16.67% | 0.00% | 50.00% | 50.00% |
Season Highlights | ||||
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Week 2 :: Shandi (19) @ Redrum (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Mike Error, Gene Dupras |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Mike Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Gene Dupras | |
G08 | 501 | win | Troy Pogue | < | Mike Error, Gene Dupras |
G10 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Mike Error, Gene Dupras |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Mike Error, Gene Dupras |
G16 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | LaNay Hyatt, Gene Dupras |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue, Mike Vice | < | Mike Error, LaNay Hyatt, Gene Dupras |
Week 1 :: Old School (29) @ Shandi (2) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Wes Grow |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Steve Minnis, Greg Nelson |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Greg Nelson | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | < | Steve Minnis, Wes Grow |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Greg Nelson, Wes Grow |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Troy Pogue | < | Steve Minnis, Wes Grow |
G16 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Steve Minnis, Greg Nelson |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue, Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Greg Nelson, Wes Grow |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 141 | 45 | 28 | 56 | 12 |
Wins | 53 | 13 | 9 | 24 | 7 |
Losses | 88 | 32 | 19 | 32 | 5 |
WinPct | 37.59% | 28.89% | 32.14% | 42.86% | 58.33% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Week 14 :: Itchin 2B Bitchin (15) @ Still Handicapped (16) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wes Andrews, Ricardo Carmona |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Wes Andrews, Len Kolbet |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Len Kolbet | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Len Kolbet, Ricardo Carmona |
G09 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Wes Andrews, Ricardo Carmona |
G10 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Len Kolbet, Ricardo Carmona |
G12 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Wes Andrews, Len Kolbet |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Ricardo Carmona | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Wes Andrews, Len Kolbet |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Scott Nicholas | > | Wes Andrews, Len Kolbet, Ricardo Carmona |
Week 13 :: Still Handicapped (10) @ Fricketeers (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
G03 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Zach Schacher |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | David Hayes | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Zach Schacher |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes |
G12 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Wheat Hurd | |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Zach Schacher | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Zach Schacher |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes, Zach Schacher |
Week 11 :: Still Handicapped (15) @ The Randy Savages (16) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G02 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Corey Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Corey Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Corey Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Corey Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | < | Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman, Charlie Lough |
Week 10 :: Still Handicapped (10) @ Homies on the Range (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Kevin Brink | |
G08 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Jason Rye | |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Mary Error | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G17 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
Week 9 :: NoNaMe (9) @ Still Handicapped (22) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Tyler Error, Gene Dupras |
G03 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Tyler Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G07 | 301 | win | > | LaNay Hyatt | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | LaNay Hyatt, Gene Dupras |
G09 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Tyler Error, Gene Dupras |
G10 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | LaNay Hyatt, Gene Dupras |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Tyler Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Gene Dupras | |
G16 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Tyler Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Scott Nicholas | > | Tyler Error, LaNay Hyatt, Gene Dupras |
Week 8 :: Still Handicapped (7) @ Gone Fishin (24) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Greg Nelson, Steve Minnis |
G02 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Steve Lloyd, Alex Strasser |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Greg Nelson, Steve Lloyd |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Alex Strasser |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Steve Minnis | |
G08 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Greg Nelson, Alex Strasser |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Steve Minnis, Steve Lloyd |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Lloyd, Alex Strasser |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Steve Lloyd |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Greg Nelson, Alex Strasser |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Alex Strasser | |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Greg Nelson | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Greg Nelson, Steve Lloyd |
G17 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Alex Strasser |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice | < | Greg Nelson, Steve Minnis, Steve Lloyd, Alex Strasser |
Week 7 :: Still Handicapped (18) @ Itchin 2B Bitchin (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Wes Andrews, Ricardo Carmona |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wes Andrews, Len Kolbet |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Len Kolbet | |
G08 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Wes Andrews, Ricardo Carmona |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Len Kolbet, Ricardo Carmona |
G10 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Wes Andrews, Ricardo Carmona |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wes Andrews, Len Kolbet |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Ricardo Carmona | |
G17 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Wes Andrews, Len Kolbet |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Scott Nicholas | > | Wes Andrews, Len Kolbet, Ricardo Carmona |
Week 6 :: Fricketeers (16) @ Still Handicapped (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Zach Schacher, David Hayes |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Zach Schacher, David Hayes |
G04 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Zach Schacher, Wheat Hurd |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Wheat Hurd | |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Zach Schacher, Wheat Hurd |
G11 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Zach Schacher, Wheat Hurd |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Zach Schacher | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Zach Schacher, David Hayes |
G17 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | > | Zach Schacher, David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
Week 5 :: Still Handicapped (10) @ Ladies With A Shaft (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Chris Green, Nikki Cornwall |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Chris Green, Candi Hurd |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Candi Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Chris Green, Nikki Cornwall |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Chris Green, Nikki Cornwall |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Chris Green, Candi Hurd |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Nikki Cornwall | |
G17 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Chris Green, Candi Hurd |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Scott Nicholas | > | Chris Green, Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
Week 3 :: Homies on the Range (19) @ Still Handicapped (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Kevin Brink | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Mary Error | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
Week 2 :: Still Handicapped (19) @ NoNaMe (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Tyler Error, Mike Error |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Tyler Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G06 | 301 | win | < | LaNay Hyatt | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Tyler Error, Mike Error |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | LaNay Hyatt, Mike Error |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Tyler Error, Mike Error |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Tyler Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Mike Error | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Tyler Error, LaNay Hyatt |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Scott Nicholas | < | Tyler Error, LaNay Hyatt, Mike Error |
Week 1 :: Gone Fishin (26) @ Still Handicapped (5) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Steve Lloyd |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Alex Strasser, Greg Nelson |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Lloyd, Greg Nelson |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Alex Strasser |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Steve Lloyd | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Lloyd, Alex Strasser |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Greg Nelson |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Alex Strasser, Greg Nelson |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Greg Nelson |
G12 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Steve Lloyd, Alex Strasser |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Greg Nelson | |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Steve Minnis | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Alex Strasser |
G17 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Lloyd, Greg Nelson |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Steve Minnis, Steve Lloyd, Alex Strasser, Greg Nelson |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 142 | 46 | 27 | 56 | 13 |
Wins | 61 | 17 | 9 | 29 | 6 |
Losses | 81 | 29 | 18 | 27 | 7 |
WinPct | 42.96% | 36.96% | 33.33% | 51.79% | 46.15% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Cricket |
Week 14 :: Gotham City Crime Fighters (21) @ Still Handicapped (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Bear Stanley, Art Cox |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Bear Stanley, Art Cox |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Bear Stanley | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Bear Stanley, Art Cox |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Bear Stanley, Art Cox |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Bear Stanley, Art Cox |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Bear Stanley, Art Cox |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Art Cox | |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Bear Stanley, Art Cox |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | < | Bear Stanley, Art Cox |
Week 13 :: Ladies With Shafts (6) @ Still Handicapped (25) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Brian Naillon | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G03 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Candi Hurd | |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G10 | Cricket | win | Brian Naillon | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G16 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice, Brian Naillon | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
Week 12 :: Still Handicapped (17) @ Fricketeers (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
G04 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Zach Schacher | |
G08 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Zach Schacher |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Scott Nicholas, Brian Naillon | > | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes, Zach Schacher |
Week 11 :: Sober Homies (22) @ Still Handicapped (9) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G02 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Mary Error | |
G08 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G12 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Kevin Brink | |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Jason Rye | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
Week 9 :: Mountain Home Drinkers (11) @ Still Handicapped (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Woody Woodruff, Trudie Lee |
G02 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Woody Woodruff, Rich Lee |
G03 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Woody Woodruff, Trudie Lee |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Woody Woodruff, Rich Lee |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Woody Woodruff | |
G07 | 301 | win | > | Trudie Lee | |
G08 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Trudie Lee, Rich Lee |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Woody Woodruff, Rich Lee |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Trudie Lee, Rich Lee |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Woody Woodruff, Rich Lee |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Woody Woodruff, Trudie Lee |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Rich Lee | |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Woody Woodruff, Trudie Lee |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Trudie Lee, Rich Lee |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Woody Woodruff, Trudie Lee, Rich Lee |
Week 8 :: Bob's Budz (14) @ Still Handicapped (17) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Len Kolbet | |
G08 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G10 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Bob Gilbert | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | > | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
Week 7 :: Still Handicapped (4) @ Gotham City Crime Fighters (27) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Tim Morrison, Bear Stanley |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Tim Morrison, Bear Stanley |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Bear Stanley | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Tim Morrison, Bear Stanley |
G09 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Tim Morrison, Bear Stanley |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Tim Morrison, Bear Stanley |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Tim Morrison, Bear Stanley |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Tim Morrison | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Tim Morrison, Bear Stanley |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | < | Tim Morrison, Bear Stanley |
Week 6 :: Still Handicapped (18) @ Ladies With Shafts (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Nora Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Nikki Cornwall | |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Candi Hurd | |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
Week 5 :: Fricketeers (13) @ Still Handicapped (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | > | David Hayes, Zach Schacher |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Zach Schacher | |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | David Hayes, Zach Schacher |
G11 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | > | David Hayes, Zach Schacher |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | David Hayes | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G17 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | > | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd, Zach Schacher |
Week 4 :: Still Handicapped (7) @ Sober Homies (24) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Kevin Brink | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G09 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
G10 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Mary Error | |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink, Mary Error |
Week 3 :: Still Handicapped (6) @ Raining Blood (25) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Matt Wageman, Ricardo Carmona |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Wes Andrews | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Matt Wageman, Ricardo Carmona |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Wes Andrews, Ricardo Carmona |
G10 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Matt Wageman, Ricardo Carmona |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Ricardo Carmona | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Scott Nicholas | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews, Ricardo Carmona |
Week 2 :: Still Handicapped (16) @ Mountain Home Drinkers (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Woody Woodruff, Rich Lee |
G02 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Woody Woodruff, Trudie Lee |
G03 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Rich Lee, Trudie Lee |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Woody Woodruff, Rich Lee |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Woody Woodruff | |
G09 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Rich Lee, Trudie Lee |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Woody Woodruff, Rich Lee |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Woody Woodruff, Trudie Lee |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Rich Lee | |
G16 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Rich Lee, Trudie Lee |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | < | Woody Woodruff, Rich Lee, Trudie Lee |
Week 1 :: Still Handicapped (19) @ Bob's Budz (12) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Shawn Surgeon, Sid Mooney |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G07 | 301 | win | > | Bob Gilbert | |
G08 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing |
G10 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Bob Gilbert, Tyke Lofing |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Tyke Lofing | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G17 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Sid Mooney, Tyke Lofing |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Mike Vice | < | Shawn Surgeon, Sid Mooney, Bob Gilbert, Tyke Lofing |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 180 | 60 | 36 | 72 | 12 |
Wins | 80 | 30 | 14 | 30 | 6 |
Losses | 100 | 30 | 22 | 42 | 6 |
WinPct | 44.44% | 50.00% | 38.89% | 41.67% | 50.00% |
Season Highlights | ||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Quickgames | 11 | |||||||||||||||
Cricket |
Week 14 :: Bob's Budz (10) @ Silly Pints (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Sid Mooney |
G02 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | > | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G03 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Sid Mooney, Bob Gilbert |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Len Kolbet | |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Tyke Lofing | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Sid Mooney, Tyke Lofing |
G09 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G10 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G11 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G12 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Sid Mooney, Tyke Lofing |
G14 | 301 | win | > | Sid Mooney | |
G16 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing |
G17 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | > | Sid Mooney, Bob Gilbert |
G18 | 701 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Sid Mooney, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
Week 13 :: Silly Pints (13) @ Homeez (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G02 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G03 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Mary Error, Kevin Brink |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Jason Rye | |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Kevin Brink | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G09 | 501 | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Mary Error, Kevin Brink |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G11 | Cricket | win | Zach Schacher | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Zach Schacher | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Mary Error | |
G16 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Mary Error, Kevin Brink |
G17 | 501 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G18 | 701 | win | Zach Schacher | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error, Kevin Brink |
Week 11 :: Re-Goddamn-Diculous (22) @ Silly Pints (9) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G02 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Mike Vice | |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | David Hayes | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G09 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G10 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G11 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Wheat Hurd | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G17 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G18 | 701 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
Week 10 :: Silly Pints (8) @ Steel Strong (23) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G02 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Brian Graves |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Troy Pogue, Brian Graves |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G07 | 301 | win | > | Brian Graves | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Scott Nicholas, Brian Graves |
G09 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Troy Pogue, Brian Graves |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Brian Graves |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Brian Graves |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Troy Pogue | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Troy Pogue, Brian Graves |
G17 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | win | Perry Paine | > | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue, Brian Graves |
Week 9 :: Silly Pints (12) @ Locomotive Breath (19) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G02 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G04 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Matt Wageman | |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Charlie Lough | |
G08 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G09 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G10 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G11 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Wes Andrews | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G17 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G18 | 701 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
Week 8 :: You're No Help (15) @ Silly Pints (16) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G02 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Nikki Cornwall | |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Candi Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G09 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Nora Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G17 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
Week 7 :: Silly Pints (18) @ Bob's Budz (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Sid Mooney |
G02 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | > | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing |
G04 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Sid Mooney, Bob Gilbert |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Len Kolbet | |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Tyke Lofing | |
G08 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G09 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Sid Mooney, Tyke Lofing |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G11 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Sid Mooney, Tyke Lofing |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Sid Mooney | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing |
G17 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Sid Mooney, Bob Gilbert |
G18 | 701 | win | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Sid Mooney, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
Week 6 :: Homeez (18) @ Silly Pints (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G02 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G04 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Jason Rye | |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Mary Error | |
G08 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Mary Error, Kevin Brink |
G09 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mary Error, Kevin Brink |
G11 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Jason Rye, Kevin Brink |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Kevin Brink | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Jason Rye, Mary Error |
G17 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mary Error, Kevin Brink |
G18 | 701 | win | Perry Paine | < | Jason Rye, Mary Error, Kevin Brink |
Week 4 :: Silly Pints (9) @ Re-Goddamn-Diculous (22) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G02 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Mike Vice | |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Wheat Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G09 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G11 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G15 | 301 | win | < | David Hayes | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G17 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G18 | 701 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Mike Vice, David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
Week 3 :: Steel Strong (10) @ Silly Pints (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Dan Graves |
G02 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Brian Graves, Bret Graves |
G03 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Dan Graves, Bret Graves |
G04 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Scott Nicholas, Brian Graves |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Scott Nicholas | |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Brian Graves | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Dan Graves, Brian Graves |
G09 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Bret Graves |
G10 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Brian Graves, Bret Graves |
G11 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Scott Nicholas, Bret Graves |
G12 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Dan Graves, Brian Graves |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Dan Graves | |
G16 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Brian Graves |
G17 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Dan Graves, Bret Graves |
G18 | 701 | win | Perry Paine | < | Scott Nicholas, Dan Graves, Brian Graves, Bret Graves |
Week 2 :: Locomotive Breath (13) @ Silly Pints (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G02 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G03 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G04 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Wes Andrews | |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Wes Andrews | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G09 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G10 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Charlie Lough | |
G16 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G17 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G18 | 701 | win | Perry Paine | < | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
Week 1 :: Silly Pints (11) @ You're No Help (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G02 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Candi Hurd | |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Nora Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G09 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Nikki Cornwall | |
G16 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G17 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G18 | 701 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 105 | 32 | 21 | 42 | 10 |
Wins | 46 | 12 | 8 | 20 | 6 |
Losses | 59 | 20 | 13 | 22 | 4 |
WinPct | 43.81% | 37.50% | 38.10% | 47.62% | 60.00% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Cricket |
Week 10 :: Loopers (17) @ Steel Strong (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G03 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Murphy Delaney | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | < | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G09 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Eric Gruel | |
G16 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G18 | 701 | loss | Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
Week 9 :: Bob's Budz (17) @ Steel Strong (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G02 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Len Kolbet | |
G07 | 301 | win | > | Len Kolbet | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G09 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G10 | Cricket | win | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Bob Gilbert | |
G16 | 501 | win | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G17 | 501 | loss | Perry Paine | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G18 | 701 | win | Perry Paine | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
Week 8 :: Steel Strong (15) @ Re-Goddamn-Diculous (16) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | David Hayes, Mike Vice |
G04 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Wheat Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | win | Troy Pogue | < | David Hayes, Mike Vice |
G09 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Wheat Hurd, Mike Vice |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Troy Pogue | < | David Hayes, Mike Vice |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Mike Vice | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | > | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue | < | David Hayes, Wheat Hurd, Mike Vice |
Week 7 :: Len's Angels (12) @ Steel Strong (19) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Nikki Cornwall | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G09 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G14 | 301 | loss | > | Nora Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | win | Troy Pogue | < | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
Week 6 :: Locomotive Breath (22) @ Steel Strong (9) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G09 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Charlie Lough | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
Week 5 :: Steel Strong (17) @ Loopers (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Eric Gruel | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G10 | Cricket | win | Troy Pogue | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Brandon Bubar | |
G16 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G17 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
Week 4 :: Steel Strong (22) @ Bob's Budz (9) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G02 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Bob Gilbert, Sid Mooney |
G04 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Bob Gilbert, Sid Mooney |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Sid Mooney | |
G08 | 501 | win | Troy Pogue | > | Bob Gilbert, Sid Mooney |
G09 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Bob Gilbert, Sid Mooney |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Bob Gilbert, Sid Mooney |
G11 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Bob Gilbert, Sid Mooney |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Bob Gilbert | |
G17 | 501 | win | Troy Pogue | > | Bob Gilbert, Sid Mooney |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue | > | Bob Gilbert, Sid Mooney |
Week 3 :: Re-Goddamn-Diculous (18) @ Steel Strong (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | win | Troy Pogue | < | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G06 | 301 | win | > | David Hayes | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | > | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Mike Vice, David Hayes |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Mike Vice | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | < | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd |
G17 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Wheat Hurd, David Hayes |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue | < | Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd, David Hayes |
Week 2 :: Steel Strong (20) @ Len's Angels (11) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Candi Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Troy Pogue | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G10 | Cricket | win | Troy Pogue | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Nikki Cornwall | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G17 | 501 | win | Troy Pogue | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | win | Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
Week 1 :: Steel Strong (9) @ Locomotive Breath (22) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Scott Nicholas | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Charlie Lough | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Ogas | < | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Mike Ogas | > | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G12 | Cricket | win | Scott Nicholas | < | Matt Wageman, Charlie Lough |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Matt Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | win | Scott Nicholas | > | Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
G17 | 501 | loss | Mike Ogas | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G18 | 701 | loss | Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews, Charlie Lough |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 163 | 49 | 33 | 65 | 16 |
Wins | 70 | 22 | 13 | 26 | 9 |
Losses | 93 | 27 | 20 | 39 | 7 |
WinPct | 42.94% | 44.90% | 39.39% | 40.00% | 56.25% |
Season Highlights | ||||||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Cricket |
Week 18 :: Off All The Time (7) @ Dartageddon (24) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Kevin Brink | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Brian Naillon | < | Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Brian Naillon | > | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Wheat Hurd | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Mike Vice, Brian Naillon | < | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn |
Week 17 :: Off All The Time (13) @ Bob's Budz (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing |
G03 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Bob Gilbert | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G12 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G13 | 301 | win | > | Shawn Surgeon | |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | < | Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
Week 16 :: Shot In The Dark (20) @ Off All The Time (11) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Roger McKinney, Kyle Stradley |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Roger McKinney, Kyle Stradley |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Vickie McKinney | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Roger McKinney | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Roger McKinney, Kyle Stradley |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Kyle Stradley, Vickie McKinney |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Kyle Stradley, Vickie McKinney |
Week 15 :: Off All The Time (14) @ Loopers (17) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Eric Gruel, Murphy Delaney |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Murphy Delaney, Brandon Bubar |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Brandon Bubar | |
G08 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Eric Gruel, Brandon Bubar |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Eric Gruel, Brandon Bubar |
G12 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Eric Gruel, Brandon Bubar |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Eric Gruel | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Murphy Delaney, Brandon Bubar |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Eric Gruel, Murphy Delaney |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | Eric Gruel, Murphy Delaney, Brandon Bubar |
Week 14 :: Boobies & Roofies (16) @ Off All The Time (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Nora Wageman | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Nikki Cornwall | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
Week 13 :: Just The Tip (23) @ Off All The Time (8) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G03 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G06 | 301 | loss | > | Wes Andrews | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G17 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
Week 12 :: Dartboard Finishers (13) @ Off All The Time (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Scott Nicholas, Jimmy Newberry |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Jimmy Newberry | |
G09 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Scott Nicholas, Jimmy Newberry |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Scott Nicholas, Jimmy Newberry |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Mike Ogas, Jimmy Newberry |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | Scott Nicholas, Mike Ogas, Jimmy Newberry |
Week 11 :: Off All The Time (21) @ Dart Heads (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | David Hayes, Troy Pogue |
G03 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Charlie Lough | |
G08 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | David Hayes, Charlie Lough |
G10 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | David Hayes, Charlie Lough |
G12 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Charlie Lough |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | David Hayes | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | David Hayes, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | David Hayes, Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough |
Week 9 :: Dartageddon (13) @ Off All The Time (18) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Kevin Brink, Gary Vaughn |
G06 | 301 | win | > | Gary Vaughn | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kevin Brink, Gary Vaughn |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Kevin Brink, Gary Vaughn |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Kevin Brink | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd, Gary Vaughn |
Week 8 :: Bob's Budz (10) @ Off All The Time (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet |
G03 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G04 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Len Kolbet | |
G09 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Shawn Surgeon | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing |
G17 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | < | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
Week 7 :: Off All The Time (14) @ Shot In The Dark (17) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G03 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Roger McKinney | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Vickie McKinney | |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
Week 6 :: Loopers (17) @ Off All The Time (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G06 | 301 | loss | < | Eric Gruel | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Brandon Bubar | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G18 | 701 | loss | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
Week 5 :: Off All The Time (21) @ Boobies & Roofies (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G02 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G03 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G04 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Nora Wageman | |
G07 | 301 | loss | > | Candi Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G09 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G10 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Nikki Cornwall | |
G16 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice | > | Nora Wageman, Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
Week 4 :: Off All The Time (8) @ Just The Tip (23) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | > | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Wes Andrews | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Matt Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
Week 3 :: Off All The Time (5) @ Dartboard Finishers (26) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | > | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
G03 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Jimmy Newberry | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
Week 2 :: Dart Heads (18) @ Off All The Time (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Troy Pogue |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | David Hayes, Troy Pogue |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Charlie Lough |
G06 | 301 | win | < | Charlie Lough | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | David Hayes, Charlie Lough |
G11 | Cricket | win | Mike Vice | < | David Hayes, Charlie Lough |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | David Hayes | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | David Hayes, Troy Pogue |
G17 | 501 | win | Mike Vice | < | Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough |
G18 | 701 | win | Mike Vice, Bob Harmon | > | David Hayes, Troy Pogue, Charlie Lough |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 133 | 47 | 25 | 50 | 11 |
Wins | 65 | 20 | 13 | 25 | 7 |
Losses | 68 | 27 | 12 | 25 | 4 |
WinPct | 48.87% | 42.55% | 52.00% | 50.00% | 63.64% |
Season Highlights | ||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Ins |
Cricket |
Week 13 :: Loopers (11) @ Off All The Time (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G03 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Brandon Bubar | |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Murphy Delaney | |
G08 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G09 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G10 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G12 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G14 | 301 | loss | < | Eric Gruel | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G17 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G18 | 701 | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
Week 11 :: Mountain Top (16) @ Off All The Time (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Mike Vice, Troy Pogue |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Mike Vice, Jared Leatham |
G04 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Mike Vice, Jared Leatham |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Mike Vice | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Troy Pogue, Jared Leatham |
G10 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Troy Pogue, Jared Leatham |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Mike Vice, Jared Leatham |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Mike Vice, Troy Pogue |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Troy Pogue | |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Troy Pogue, Jared Leatham |
G18 | 701 | win | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | > | Mike Vice, Troy Pogue, Jared Leatham |
Week 10 :: Off All The Time (14) @ Boobies & Roofies (17) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Candi Hurd | |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Nora Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G09 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Nikki Cornwall | |
G16 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G17 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G18 | 701 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
Week 9 :: Boobies & Roofies (21) @ Off All The Time (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Nikki Cornwall | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Candi Hurd | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | < | Nikki Cornwall, Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
Week 8 :: Off All The Time (7) @ Loopers (24) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Brandon Bubar | |
G09 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Murphy Delaney | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
Week 7 :: Off All The Time (21) @ Mountain Top (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Jared Leatham, Michael Odiaga |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Troy Pogue, Mike Vice |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Jared Leatham, Troy Pogue |
G04 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Michael Odiaga, Mike Vice |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Jared Leatham | |
G09 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Michael Odiaga, Troy Pogue |
G11 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Michael Odiaga, Troy Pogue |
G12 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Jared Leatham, Mike Vice |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Michael Odiaga | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Jared Leatham, Troy Pogue |
G18 | 701 | win | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | > | Jared Leatham, Michael Odiaga, Troy Pogue, Mike Vice |
Week 6 :: Dartageddon (17) @ Off All The Time (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Kevin Brink, Perry Paine |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Kevin Brink, Perry Paine |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Kevin Brink | |
G08 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine |
G11 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Kevin Brink, Perry Paine |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Wheat Hurd | |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | > | Kevin Brink, Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine |
Week 5 :: Off All The Time (18) @ Centurians (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Len Kolbet, X |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Len Kolbet, X |
G03 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Len Kolbet, X |
G04 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Len Kolbet, X |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Len Kolbet | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Len Kolbet, X |
G11 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Len Kolbet, X |
G12 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Len Kolbet, X |
G15 | 301 | win | < | X | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Len Kolbet, X |
G18 | 701 | win | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | < | Len Kolbet, X |
Week 4 :: Off All The Time (18) @ Shot In The Dark (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G02 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Roger McKinney, Charlie Lough |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Vickie McKinney, Charlie Lough |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Roger McKinney | |
G07 | 301 | win | < | Charlie Lough | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Charlie Lough |
G09 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Vickie McKinney, Charlie Lough |
G10 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Roger McKinney, Charlie Lough |
G11 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G12 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Charlie Lough |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Vickie McKinney | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Vickie McKinney, Charlie Lough |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G18 | 701 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney, Charlie Lough |
Week 3 :: Shafted (20) @ Off All The Time (11) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G08 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G12 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G13 | 301 | win | > | Jason Lough | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G18 | 701 | win | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
Week 2 :: Just The Tip (23) @ Off All The Time (8) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Matt Wageman, Brad Smith |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Matt Wageman, Brad Smith |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G08 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Wes Andrews, Brad Smith |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Wes Andrews, Brad Smith |
G11 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Matt Wageman, Brad Smith |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Wes Andrews | |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Wes Andrews, Brad Smith |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | > | Matt Wageman, Wes Andrews, Brad Smith |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 125 | 45 | 23 | 46 | 11 |
Wins | 52 | 20 | 9 | 18 | 5 |
Losses | 73 | 25 | 14 | 28 | 6 |
WinPct | 41.60% | 44.44% | 39.13% | 39.13% | 45.45% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Outs |
Cricket |
Week 11 :: 180 IQ (22) @ Off All The Time (9) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Mike Vice, Todd Barr |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Mike Vice, Todd Barr |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Mike Vice, Todd Barr |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Mike Vice | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Mike Vice, Todd Barr |
G10 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Mike Vice, Todd Barr |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Mike Vice, Todd Barr |
G12 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Mike Vice, Todd Barr |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Todd Barr | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Mike Vice, Todd Barr |
G18 | 701 | win | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | < | Mike Vice, Todd Barr |
Week 10 :: Who Darted? (16) @ Off All The Time (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Karen Thurston | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon |
G10 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon |
G11 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon |
G12 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon |
G13 | 301 | win | > | Mike Scanlon | |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | > | Karen Thurston, Mike Scanlon |
Week 9 :: Thursdays Suck (18) @ Off All The Time (13) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Wheat Hurd, Charlie Lough |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine |
G04 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Wheat Hurd | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Charlie Lough, Perry Paine |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Charlie Lough, Perry Paine |
G11 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Wheat Hurd, Perry Paine |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Wheat Hurd, Charlie Lough |
G13 | 301 | loss | < | Charlie Lough | |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Charlie Lough, Perry Paine |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | > | Wheat Hurd, Charlie Lough, Perry Paine |
Week 8 :: Off All The Time (21) @ Las Putas (10) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall |
G02 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Nora Wageman, Lorie Proctor |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Lorie Proctor |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Candi Hurd | |
G09 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Candi Hurd, Lorie Proctor |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Nikki Cornwall | |
G16 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman |
G18 | 701 | win | Kelly Victorine, Bob Harmon | > | Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman, Lorie Proctor |
Week 7 :: Shafted (24) @ Off All The Time (7) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Scott Nicholas | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G10 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G12 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Jason Lough | |
G17 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
G18 | 701 | win | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Nicholas, Jason Lough |
Week 6 :: Off All The Time (15) @ Usual Suspects (16) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Sailor |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Jimmy Newberry, Gary Vaughn |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Scott Sailor, Gary Vaughn |
G04 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Sailor |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Jimmy Newberry | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Scott Sailor, Gary Vaughn |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Sailor |
G12 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Jimmy Newberry, Gary Vaughn |
G15 | 301 | loss | > | Scott Sailor | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Scott Sailor, Gary Vaughn |
G18 | 701 | win | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Sailor, Gary Vaughn |
Week 5 :: Off All The Time (5) @ The 138's (26) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G05 | 301 | win | < | Wes Andrews | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G11 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G15 | 301 | loss | < | Matt Wageman | |
G16 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | > | Wes Andrews, Matt Wageman |
Week 4 :: Off All The Time (11) @ Tons of Fun (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse |
G02 | 501 | win | Terrie Cook | < | Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse |
G03 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse |
G04 | Cricket | win | Terrie Cook | > | Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse |
G05 | 301 | win | > | Nick Sneiders | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Terrie Cook | < | Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Terrie Cook | < | Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Pete Morse | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Terrie Cook | < | Nick Sneiders, Pete Morse |
Week 3 :: Centurians (22) @ Off All The Time (9) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Shawn Surgeon | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing |
G10 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing |
G13 | 301 | win | < | Bob Gilbert | |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | > | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
Week 2 :: Off All The Time (10) @ The Loopers (21) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G04 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Brandon Bubar | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Brandon Bubar, Eric Gruel |
G15 | 301 | win | > | Murphy Delaney | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | < | Brandon Bubar, Murphy Delaney, Eric Gruel |
Week 1 :: Shot In The Dark (17) @ Off All The Time (14) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G03 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G04 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G05 | 301 | loss | < | Roger McKinney | |
G07 | 301 | loss | < | Roger McKinney | |
G08 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G09 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G10 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G11 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G14 | 301 | win | < | Vickie McKinney | |
G16 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G17 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
G18 | 701 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Roger McKinney, Vickie McKinney |
Season Stats | |||||
All | Cricket | 301 | 501 | 701 | |
Played | 154 | 56 | 28 | 56 | 14 |
Wins | 73 | 24 | 14 | 30 | 5 |
Losses | 81 | 32 | 14 | 26 | 9 |
WinPct | 47.40% | 42.86% | 50.00% | 53.57% | 35.71% |
Season Highlights | |||||||||||
Ind. Scores |
Accum. Scores |
Cricket |
Week 14 :: R R8T (11) @ Showtime (20) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | > | Jimmy Newberry, Roger McKinney |
G02 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
G03 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas |
G04 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Jimmy Newberry, Roger McKinney |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Jimmy Newberry | |
G09 | 501 | loss | Kelly Victorine | < | Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas |
G11 | Cricket | loss | Kelly Victorine | > | Jimmy Newberry, Roger McKinney |
G12 | Cricket | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Jimmy Newberry, Scott Nicholas |
G15 | 301 | win | < | Roger McKinney | |
G16 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | > | Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas |
G18 | 701 | win | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | < | Jimmy Newberry, Roger McKinney, Scott Nicholas |
Week 13 :: Anasazi (16) @ R R8T (15) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | loss | Bob Harmon | < | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet |
G02 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G04 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | < | Shawn Surgeon, Tyke Lofing |
G05 | 301 | loss | > | Shawn Surgeon | |
G08 | 501 | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing |
G10 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | < | Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
G11 | Cricket | win | Bob Harmon | > | Shawn Surgeon, Bob Gilbert |
G12 | Cricket | win | Kelly Victorine | > | Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing |
G13 | 301 | loss | > | Bob Gilbert | |
G17 | 501 | win | Bob Harmon | < | Len Kolbet, Bob Gilbert |
G18 | 701 | loss | Bob Harmon, Kelly Victorine | > | Shawn Surgeon, Len Kolbet, Tyke Lofing, Bob Gilbert |
Week 12 :: Honey Badgers (14) @ R R8T (17) | |||||
Game | Type | Outcome | Partner(s) | <> | Opponent(s) |
G01 | 501 | win |