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Lifetime for Kelly Morrison

Lifetime Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 412 135 76 159 42
Wins 193 63 33 80 17
Losses 219 72 43 79 25
WinPct 46.84% 46.67% 43.42% 50.31% 40.48%
Lifetime Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (8) 138 (1) 137 (1) 135 (2) 133 (2) 127 (1)
126 (1) 125 (3) 121 (5) 120 (1) 116 (2) 115 (1)
101 (2) 100 (31) 98 (6) 97 (1) 96 (2) 95 (15)
9,643 pts of 71,935 opportunity: 13.41%
Accum. Scores
4 456 435 344 295 229 195
3 664 558 475 435 392 391
2 421 415 235
110 (1) 100 (1) 98 (1) 94 (2) 56 (1)
100 (1)
Hat (1) 9M (1) 7M (3)
Lifetime Singles Records
OpponentWinning Pct.Record
Vincent Melchor 100% 3-0
Troy Pogue 100% 2-0
Robert Wilson 100% 2-0
Helga Walker 100% 1-0
Kyle Armstrong 100% 1-0
Justin Anderson 100% 1-0
Jason Rye 100% 1-0
Ryan Jensen 100% 1-0
Ross Simons 100% 1-0
Mike Ogas 100% 1-0
Scott Nicholas 66.67% 2-1
Bill Dye 66.67% 2-1
Mary Error 66.67% 2-1
Corey Wageman 66.67% 2-1
Richard Hunter 66.67% 2-1
Bob Lonseth 50.00% 2-2
Nikki Cornwall 50.00% 1-1
Candi Hurd 50.00% 1-1
Triston Ponce 50.00% 1-1
Bear Stanley 50.00% 1-1
Mike Vice 50.00% 1-1
Overall 43.42% 33-43
Josh Mayer 33.33% 1-2
Ian Sandercock 25.00% 1-3
Brian Naillon 0.00% 0-2
Alan Bateman 0.00% 0-2
Jack Reines 0.00% 0-2
Steve Minnis 0.00% 0-2
Paul Oddi 0.00% 0-1
Craig Revier 0.00% 0-1
Greg Nelson 0.00% 0-1
Matt Wageman 0.00% 0-1
Steve Lloyd 0.00% 0-1
Patrick Walker 0.00% 0-1
Philip Jenkins 0.00% 0-1
Nora Wageman 0.00% 0-1
JJ Bowling 0.00% 0-1
Mark Cordry 0.00% 0-1
Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli 0.00% 0-1
Jim Geier 0.00% 0-1
Matt Carlson 0.00% 0-1
Brannen McMillen 0.00% 0-1
Bob Harmon 0.00% 0-1
Kristopher Hunter 0.00% 0-1
Jim Sandercock 0.00% 0-1
Paul Banta 0.00% 0-1

Spring 2024 Season for Kelly Morrison (To The Bar!)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 118 38 23 46 11
Wins 63 25 10 25 3
Losses 55 13 13 21 8
WinPct 53.39% 65.79% 43.48% 54.35% 27.27%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
138 (1) 133 (1) 127 (1) 126 (1) 121 (1) 120 (1) 116 (1)
115 (1) 101 (2) 100 (10) 98 (2) 97 (1) 96 (1) 95 (4)
3,177 pts of 21,107 opportunity: 15.05%
Accum. Scores
3 664 558 392 221 200 195
2 415
110 (1)
100 (1)
9M (1) 7M (1)
Hide Spring 2024 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 14 :: To The Bar! (13) @ The Gentleman (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel > Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G02 501 loss Eric Gruel > Jim Sandercock, Triston Ponce
G03 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce
G04 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G06 301 loss > Richard Hunter
G08 501 loss Eric Gruel > Jim Sandercock, Triston Ponce
G09 501 win Eric Gruel < Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce
G10 Cricket loss Eric Gruel > Jim Sandercock, Triston Ponce
G11 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G12 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Jim Sandercock, Triston Ponce
G13 301 loss < Jim Sandercock
G14 301 loss < Triston Ponce
G16 501 win Eric Gruel > Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel > Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel < Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 101, 116, 98, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 15 5 10 33.33%
Cricket 5 2 3 40.00%
301 3 0 3 0.00%
501 6 3 3 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 13 :: Scatter Plot (15) @ To The Bar! (16)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G04 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
G06 301 loss < Paul Banta
G09 501 win Wheat Hurd > Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
G11 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
G15 301 loss < Bob Lonseth
G16 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel < Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
G18 701 win Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 12 :: To The Bar! (19) @ Dart Side (12)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Josh Mayer, Mary Error
G02 501 win Casey Cook < Josh Mayer, Jack Reines
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Mary Error, Jack Reines
G04 Cricket win Casey Cook < Josh Mayer, Mary Error
G05 301 win > Josh Mayer
G09 501 loss Casey Cook > Mary Error, Jack Reines
G11 Cricket win Casey Cook < Josh Mayer, Mary Error
G12 Cricket win Wheat Hurd > Josh Mayer, Jack Reines
G15 301 win < Mary Error
G16 501 win Wheat Hurd > Mary Error, Jack Reines
G18 701 loss Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook > Josh Mayer, Mary Error, Jack Reines
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95, 100, 100, 97
Cricket 7M
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 11 7 4 63.64%
Cricket 4 3 1 75.00%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 11 :: BoMB (16) @ To The Bar! (15)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel < Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G03 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G04 Cricket loss Eric Gruel > Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
G06 301 win < Mike Vice
G09 501 win Wheat Hurd < Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
G11 Cricket loss Eric Gruel > Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
G15 301 loss < Brian Naillon
G16 501 win Wheat Hurd < Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G17 501 win Eric Gruel > Bob Harmon, Mike Vice
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon, Mike Vice
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 127, 126, 95
Ins 110
Outs 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 4 0 100.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 10 :: To The Bar! (21) @ Projectile Dysfunction (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Wheat Hurd > Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G07 301 win < Robert Wilson
G08 501 win Eric Gruel > Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G10 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G12 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G13 301 win > Troy Pogue
G16 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G17 501 win Eric Gruel < Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
G18 701 win Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel > Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 8 2 80.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 7 :: The Gentleman (12) @ To The Bar! (19)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel < Ross Simons, Ian Sandercock
G03 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
G04 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Ross Simons, Richard Hunter
G06 301 win > Ian Sandercock
G09 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Ross Simons, Jim Sandercock
G11 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Ross Simons, Jim Sandercock
G15 301 win > Ross Simons
G16 501 win Wheat Hurd > Ross Simons, Richard Hunter
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel > Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Ross Simons, Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 121
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 7 3 70.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 6 :: To The Bar! (14) @ Scatter Plot (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G03 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G07 301 win > Bob Lonseth
G08 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G10 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G12 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G13 301 win > Vincent Melchor
G16 501 loss Eric Gruel > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G17 501 win Wheat Hurd < Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 7 3 70.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 5 :: Dart Side (15) @ To The Bar! (16)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Eric Gruel > Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G03 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G07 301 loss > Josh Mayer
G08 501 win Eric Gruel < Josh Mayer, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G09 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G10 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Josh Mayer, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G12 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G14 301 loss > Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
G16 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: To The Bar! (18) @ BoMB (13)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Eric Gruel < Mike Vice, Bob Harmon
G04 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
G06 301 loss > Brian Naillon
G08 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Mike Vice, Bob Harmon
G09 501 win Eric Gruel < Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G10 Cricket win Wheat Hurd > Mike Vice, Bob Harmon
G11 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
G14 301 loss > Bob Harmon
G17 501 win Wheat Hurd < Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Mike Vice, Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 96, 98
Cricket 9M
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 3 :: Projectile Dysfunction (17) @ To The Bar! (14)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Wheat Hurd < Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
G02 501 loss Casey Cook > Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
G04 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
G05 301 win > Troy Pogue
G08 501 loss Casey Cook < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G10 Cricket loss Casey Cook > Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G11 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
G12 Cricket win Casey Cook > Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
G13 301 loss > Scott Nicholas
G17 501 win Wheat Hurd < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G18 701 loss Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook > Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 115, 101, 95, 133, 120
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 11 6 5 54.55%
Cricket 4 3 1 75.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 2 :: To The Bar! (15) @ FFS (16)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Eric Gruel > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G02 501 win Wheat Hurd < Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen
G03 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G04 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
G05 301 loss < Candi Hurd
G09 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G11 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G12 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen
G15 301 loss < Nikki Cornwall
G16 501 loss Eric Gruel < Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G18 701 win Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 138
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 11 3 8 27.27%
Cricket 4 1 3 25.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%

Fall 2023 Season for Kelly Morrison (No Vaginas)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 154 50 30 60 14
Wins 64 19 13 27 5
Losses 90 31 17 33 9
WinPct 41.56% 38.00% 43.33% 45.00% 35.71%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (6) 135 (2) 125 (2) 121 (2) 100 (12) 98 (3) 95 (5)
3,671 pts of 27,534 opportunity: 13.33%
Accum. Scores
3 475 435 391 356 330 325
2 421 235
100 (1) 94 (1) 56 (1)
Hat (1) 7M (1)
Hide Fall 2023 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 15 :: No Vaginas (16) @ FFS (15)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G02 501 win Wheat Hurd > Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G03 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G04 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G05 301 win < Candi Hurd
G09 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G11 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
G12 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G15 301 win > Nikki Cornwall
G16 501 loss Eric Gruel > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G18 701 win Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 100, 125
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 11 7 4 63.64%
Cricket 4 2 2 50.00%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 14 :: BJ Hunters (22) @ No Vaginas (9)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel < Brannen McMillen, JJ Bowling
G02 501 loss Eric Gruel > Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter
G03 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Brannen McMillen, JJ Bowling
G04 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter
G05 301 loss < Brannen McMillen
G07 301 loss < JJ Bowling
G08 501 loss Eric Gruel < JJ Bowling, Kristopher Hunter
G09 501 win Eric Gruel < Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter
G10 Cricket loss Eric Gruel > JJ Bowling, Kristopher Hunter
G11 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Brannen McMillen, Kristopher Hunter
G12 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Brannen McMillen, JJ Bowling
G14 301 loss > Kristopher Hunter
G16 501 win Eric Gruel < Brannen McMillen, JJ Bowling
G17 501 win Eric Gruel > JJ Bowling, Kristopher Hunter
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel > Brannen McMillen, JJ Bowling, Kristopher Hunter
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 140, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 15 4 11 26.67%
Cricket 5 0 5 0.00%
301 3 0 3 0.00%
501 6 4 2 66.67%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 13 :: Points of Failure (14) @ No Vaginas (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel < Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth
G02 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
G04 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
G05 301 win > Vincent Melchor
G08 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
G10 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
G11 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
G12 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth
G13 301 win < Bob Lonseth
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel < Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
G18 701 win Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 95, 140, 140
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 11 7 4 63.64%
Cricket 4 3 1 75.00%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 12 :: No Vaginas (21) @ The Gentleman (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Wheat Hurd > Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
G03 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G07 301 win > Richard Hunter
G08 501 loss Eric Gruel > Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G10 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G12 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G13 301 loss > Ian Sandercock
G16 501 win Wheat Hurd > Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
G17 501 win Eric Gruel > Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
G18 701 win Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel > Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98, 100, 95, 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 8 2 80.00%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 3 1 75.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 11 :: No Vaginas (20) @ Dartboard Delinquents (11)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G03 Cricket loss Eric Gruel > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G07 301 loss < Jack Reines
G08 501 win Wheat Hurd < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G10 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G12 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G13 301 loss > Josh Mayer
G16 501 win Eric Gruel > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G17 501 win Wheat Hurd > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
G18 701 win Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 7 3 70.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 4 0 100.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 10 :: Dart Bags (21) @ No Vaginas (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Eric Gruel < Jim Geier, Craig Revier
G02 501 win Wheat Hurd < Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong
G04 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong
G05 301 loss < Jim Geier
G08 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G10 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G11 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Jim Geier, Kyle Armstrong
G12 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Jim Geier, Craig Revier
G13 301 loss > Craig Revier
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel > Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Jim Geier, Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 135, 100, 121
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 11 2 9 18.18%
Cricket 4 1 3 25.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 9 :: No Vaginas (13) @ PeaK Voltage (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel > Triston Ponce, Mike Vice
G02 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Triston Ponce, Brian Naillon
G03 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
G04 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Triston Ponce, Mike Vice
G05 301 win < Triston Ponce
G09 501 win Wheat Hurd > Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
G11 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Triston Ponce, Mike Vice
G12 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Triston Ponce, Brian Naillon
G15 301 loss < Mike Vice
G16 501 loss Eric Gruel < Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Triston Ponce, Mike Vice, Brian Naillon
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95, 100, 135
Ins 56
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 11 5 6 45.45%
Cricket 4 2 2 50.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 8 :: No Vaginas (14) @ The Fire Breathing Duckies (17)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Eric Gruel > Jason Rye, Matt Carlson
G03 Cricket loss Eric Gruel > Matt Carlson, Mary Error
G07 301 win < Mary Error
G08 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Jason Rye, Mary Error
G10 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Jason Rye, Mary Error
G12 Cricket loss Eric Gruel > Jason Rye, Mary Error
G13 301 win < Jason Rye
G16 501 win Eric Gruel < Matt Carlson, Mary Error
G17 501 win Wheat Hurd > Jason Rye, Matt Carlson
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Jason Rye, Matt Carlson, Mary Error
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 140, 100, 100, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 4 6 40.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 7 :: No Vaginas (12) @ Ask Helga (19)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Eric Gruel > Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker
G03 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Patrick Walker, Helga Walker
G07 301 win > Helga Walker
G08 501 win Wheat Hurd > Greg Nelson, Helga Walker
G10 Cricket win Wheat Hurd > Greg Nelson, Helga Walker
G12 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Greg Nelson, Helga Walker
G13 301 loss > Greg Nelson
G16 501 loss Eric Gruel < Patrick Walker, Helga Walker
G17 501 win Wheat Hurd < Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Greg Nelson, Patrick Walker, Helga Walker
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 140
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 5 5 50.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 6 :: No Vaginas (3) @ We Dont Care (28)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel > Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G03 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G07 301 loss < Alan Bateman
G08 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G10 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G12 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G13 301 win < Bill Dye
G16 501 loss Eric Gruel < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G17 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 125
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 5 :: Projectile Dysfunction (21) @ No Vaginas (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Eric Gruel < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G04 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G06 301 win < Robert Wilson
G09 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G11 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G15 301 win < Scott Nicholas
G16 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G17 501 win Eric Gruel < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: No Vaginas (7) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans (24)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
G02 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Corey Wageman, Matt Wageman
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman
G04 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
G05 301 loss < Corey Wageman
G07 301 loss < Matt Wageman
G08 501 win Wheat Hurd < Corey Wageman, Matt Wageman
G09 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman
G10 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Corey Wageman, Matt Wageman
G11 Cricket win Wheat Hurd < Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
G12 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Corey Wageman, Matt Wageman
G15 301 loss < Paul Oddi
G16 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman
G17 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
G18 701 win Wheat Hurd < Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 100, 121, 100
Cricket Hat, 7M
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 15 3 12 20.00%
Cricket 5 1 4 20.00%
301 3 0 3 0.00%
501 6 1 5 16.67%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 3 :: Two Old Farts (22) @ No Vaginas (9)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Eric Gruel < Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G04 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G06 301 loss > Mark Cordry
G09 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G11 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G15 301 loss > Philip Jenkins
G16 501 win Wheat Hurd < Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel > Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Philip Jenkins, Mark Cordry
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98, 100
Ins 94
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 2 :: Gonna Be Fun (25) @ No Vaginas (6)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Eric Gruel < Steve Minnis, Chris Anderson
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Steve Minnis, Chris Anderson
G04 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Steve Minnis, Bear Stanley
G06 301 win < Bear Stanley
G09 501 win Wheat Hurd < Steve Minnis, Bear Stanley
G11 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Steve Minnis, Bear Stanley
G15 301 loss > Steve Minnis
G16 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Steve Minnis, Chris Anderson
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel < Chris Anderson, Bear Stanley
G18 701 loss Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Steve Minnis, Chris Anderson, Bear Stanley
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 140
Ins 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 1 3 25.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%

Spring 2023 Season for Kelly Morrison (Sniffin' The Triples)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 66 21 12 25 8
Wins 35 11 7 13 4
Losses 31 10 5 12 4
WinPct 53.03% 52.38% 58.33% 52.00% 50.00%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (2) 133 (1) 121 (1) 100 (7) 98 (1) 96 (1) 95 (3)
1,713 pts of 11,334 opportunity: 15.11%
Accum. Scores
4 456 435 295 229 100 98
3 100
Hide Spring 2023 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 9 :: Easily Amused (12) @ Sniffin' The Triples (19)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Mike Vice < Mary Error, Vincent Melchor
G03 Cricket loss Eric Gruel > Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth
G04 Cricket win Mike Vice < Mary Error, Paul Banta
G06 301 win < Vincent Melchor
G09 501 loss Eric Gruel > Mary Error, Bob Lonseth
G11 Cricket win Mike Vice < Mary Error, Bob Lonseth
G15 301 loss < Mary Error
G16 501 win Eric Gruel < Mary Error, Paul Banta
G17 501 win Mike Vice > Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Eric Gruel > Mary Error, Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta, Bob Lonseth
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 6 4 60.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 8 :: Sniffin' The Triples (26) @ Breakfast Club (5)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Eric Gruel > Tony Kavran, Justin Anderson
G04 Cricket win Mike Vice > Tony Kavran, Jack Reines
G07 301 win > Justin Anderson
G08 501 win Wheat Hurd > Tony Kavran, Justin Anderson
G10 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Tony Kavran, Justin Anderson
G12 Cricket win Wheat Hurd > Tony Kavran, Justin Anderson
G16 501 win Mike Vice > Jack Reines, Justin Anderson
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel > Tony Kavran, Jack Reines, Justin Anderson
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 96, 133
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 7 1 87.50%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 3 0 100.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 6 :: 6 Darts (21) @ Sniffin' The Triples (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Mike Vice < Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G04 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G06 301 loss > Steve Minnis
G09 501 loss Eric Gruel > Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G11 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G15 301 loss > Bear Stanley
G17 501 win Wheat Hurd < Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Bear Stanley, Steve Minnis
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 140, 95, 100, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 3 5 37.50%
Cricket 2 1 1 50.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 3 2 1 66.67%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 5 :: Sniffin' The Triples (6) @ Projectile Dysfunction (25)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Eric Gruel < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Mike Toal, Troy Pogue
G09 501 loss Mike Vice > Mike Toal, Troy Pogue
G10 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal
G13 301 win < Scott Nicholas
G17 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel < Scott Nicholas, Mike Toal, Troy Pogue
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 1 7 12.50%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 0 3 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: Sniffin' The Triples (21) @ The Gentleman (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Eric Gruel > Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G04 Cricket win Mike Vice > Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G05 301 win > Richard Hunter
G09 501 win Wheat Hurd < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G11 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G15 301 loss > Ian Sandercock
G16 501 win Mike Vice < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G18 701 win Eric Gruel, Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95, 140, 100, 121
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 5 3 62.50%
Cricket 2 1 1 50.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 3 2 1 66.67%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 3 :: Sniffin' The Triples (6) @ I Dont Care (25)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Mike Vice > Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G06 301 win > Bill Dye
G08 501 win Eric Gruel < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G12 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G14 301 loss < Alan Bateman
G17 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 100, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 3 5 37.50%
Cricket 2 1 1 50.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 2 :: FFS (4) @ Sniffin' The Triples (27)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Eric Gruel > Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen
G04 Cricket win Wheat Hurd > Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman
G08 501 win Mike Vice > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G10 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen
G12 Cricket win Mike Vice > Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman
G13 301 win > Ryan Jensen
G17 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel < Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 7 1 87.50%
Cricket 3 3 0 100.00%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 2 1 66.67%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 1 :: 3rd Dart Shenanigans (25) @ Sniffin' The Triples (6)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G03 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman
G07 301 win < Corey Wageman
G09 501 loss Eric Gruel < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G10 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
G11 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G16 501 win Mike Vice < Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Matt Wageman, Corey Wageman, Paul Oddi
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 3 5 37.50%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 1 0 100.00%

Fall 2022 Season for Kelly Morrison (I R Pissed)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 74 26 11 28 9
Wins 31 8 3 15 5
Losses 43 18 8 13 4
WinPct 41.89% 30.77% 27.27% 53.57% 55.56%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
137 (1) 125 (1) 121 (1) 116 (1) 100 (2) 95 (3)
1,082 pts of 11,960 opportunity: 9.05%
Accum. Scores
4 344 195 116 100 95 0
3 232
98 (1) 94 (1)
7M (1)
Hide Fall 2022 Season Hide All Show All Toggle All
Week 9 :: 3rd Dart Shenanigans (20) @ I R Pissed (11)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Corey Wageman, Matt Wageman
G03 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Triston Ponce, Matt Wageman
G07 301 win < Corey Wageman
G09 501 loss Eric Gruel < Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman
G10 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Corey Wageman, Matt Wageman
G11 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Paul Oddi, Matt Wageman
G16 501 win Mike Vice > Paul Oddi, Corey Wageman
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd > Paul Oddi, Triston Ponce, Corey Wageman, Matt Wageman
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 116
Ins 94
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 3 5 37.50%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 8 :: I R Pissed (4) @ I Dont Care (27)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Alan Bateman, Greg Nelson
G07 301 loss < Bill Dye
G08 501 win Eric Gruel < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G10 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G12 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Alan Bateman, Bill Dye
G16 501 loss Mike Vice > Greg Nelson, Bill Dye
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Alan Bateman, Greg Nelson, Bill Dye
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 1 7 12.50%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 7 :: I R Pissed (12) @ For Fox Sake (19)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice > Helga Walker, Vincent Melchor
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G06 301 loss < Bob Lonseth
G08 501 win Eric Gruel > Patrick Walker, Vincent Melchor
G09 501 loss Mike Vice > Bob Lonseth, Helga Walker
G10 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Helga Walker, Vincent Melchor
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Bob Lonseth, Helga Walker
G14 301 loss > Patrick Walker
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel > Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Eric Gruel < Patrick Walker, Bob Lonseth, Helga Walker, Vincent Melchor
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 137, 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 2 8 20.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 4 2 2 50.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 6 :: I R Pissed (11) @ WBA (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Matt Carlson, Jason Rye
G03 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Mary Error, Jason Rye
G09 501 win Mike Vice < Mary Error, Jason Rye
G10 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Matt Carlson, Jason Rye
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice < Matt Carlson, Mary Error
G13 301 loss < Matt Carlson
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel < Matt Carlson, Mary Error
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Matt Carlson, Mary Error, Jason Rye
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 3 5 37.50%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 5 :: I R Pissed (11) @ Dart Bags (20)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G03 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G09 501 win Mike Vice < Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G10 Cricket win Wheat Hurd > Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G11 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G13 301 win < Kyle Armstrong
G17 501 loss Eric Gruel < Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
G18 701 loss Mike Vice, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd < Craig Revier, Kyle Armstrong
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 4 4 50.00%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 4 :: TBD (9) @ I R Pissed (22)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Mike Vice > Ryan Jensen, Candi Hurd
G04 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Ryan Jensen, Candi Hurd
G08 501 win Eric Gruel > Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G10 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G12 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman
G13 301 loss > Nora Wageman
G17 501 win Wheat Hurd < Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
G18 701 win Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, Mike Vice > Ryan Jensen, Nora Wageman, Candi Hurd
Week Highlights
Cricket 7M
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 5 3 62.50%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 3 0 100.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 3 :: Dartfellas (9) @ I R Pissed (22)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 win Mike Vice < Jack Reines, Richard Hunter
G04 Cricket win Eric Gruel < Jack Reines, Ian Sandercock
G06 301 loss > Ian Sandercock
G09 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Jack Reines, Ian Sandercock
G11 Cricket win Wheat Hurd > Jack Reines, Ian Sandercock
G15 301 loss > Jack Reines
G17 501 win Eric Gruel > Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel > Jack Reines, Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 121, 125
Ins 98
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 5 3 62.50%
Cricket 2 2 0 100.00%
301 2 0 2 0.00%
501 3 2 1 66.67%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 2 :: I R Pissed (21) @ Dart Holio (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Eric Gruel < Troy Pogue, Mike Ogas
G03 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
G09 501 win Mike Vice > Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue
G10 Cricket win Eric Gruel > Troy Pogue, Mike Ogas
G11 Cricket win Mike Vice > Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue
G13 301 win > Mike Ogas
G17 501 win Wheat Hurd < Jim Sandercock, Mike Ogas
G18 701 win Mike Vice, Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel > Scott Nicholas, Jim Sandercock, Troy Pogue, Mike Ogas
Week Highlights
None this Week
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 7 1 87.50%
Cricket 3 2 1 66.67%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 3 0 100.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 1 :: Still Counting (21) @ I R Pissed (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Eric Gruel > Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd
G04 Cricket loss Mike Vice > Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd
G08 501 loss Wheat Hurd > Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd
G10 Cricket loss Eric Gruel < Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd
G12 Cricket loss Wheat Hurd > Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd
G13 301 loss < Steve Lloyd
G17 501 win Mike Vice < Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd
G18 701 loss Wheat Hurd, Mike Vice, Eric Gruel > Mike Toal, Steve Lloyd
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 1 7 12.50%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
'Lifetime' is limited to the seasons during which this website was in use i.e., beginning with Spring 2010.