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Lifetime for Bobby Cochran

Lifetime Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 50 17 8 19 6
Wins 14 2 4 5 3
Losses 36 15 4 14 3
WinPct 28.00% 11.76% 50.00% 26.32% 50.00%
Lifetime Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (1) 134 (1) 125 (1) 100 (6) 97 (1) 95 (1)
1,191 pts of 8,276 opportunity: 14.39%
Accum. Scores
4 425 340 134 100 95
3 97
Lifetime Singles Records
OpponentWinning Pct.Record
Matt Wageman 100% 1-0
Bob Harmon 100% 1-0
Richard Hunter 100% 1-0
Ian Sandercock 100% 1-0
Overall 50.00% 4-4
Brian Naillon 0.00% 0-1
Bob Lonseth 0.00% 0-1
Matt Carlson 0.00% 0-1
Scott Nicholas 0.00% 0-1

Fall 2024 Season for Bobby Cochran (Cork You)

Season Stats
All Cricket 301 501 701
Played 50 17 8 19 6
Wins 14 2 4 5 3
Losses 36 15 4 14 3
WinPct 28.00% 11.76% 50.00% 26.32% 50.00%
Season Highlights
Ind. Scores
140 (1) 134 (1) 125 (1) 100 (6) 97 (1) 95 (1)
1,191 pts of 8,276 opportunity: 14.39%
Accum. Scores
4 425 340 134 100 95
3 97
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Week 6 :: The Gentleman (21) @ Cork You (10)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Micky Burns > Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G03 Cricket loss Andrew Smith < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G07 301 win < Richard Hunter
G08 501 loss Micky Burns > Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G09 501 loss Andrew Smith < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G10 Cricket loss Micky Burns < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G12 Cricket loss Micky Burns < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G14 301 win > Ian Sandercock
G16 501 loss Andrew Smith < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
G18 701 win Micky Burns, Andrew Smith < Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 97
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 10 3 7 30.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 2 2 0 100.00%
501 4 0 4 0.00%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 5 :: Where's Trip Fourteen (20) @ Cork You (11)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Pete Carlson < Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
G04 Cricket loss Andrew Smith > Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
G08 501 loss Micky Burns > Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G10 Cricket loss Pete Carlson < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G12 Cricket win Micky Burns < Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
G13 301 loss > Scott Nicholas
G17 501 loss Andrew Smith < Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
G18 701 win Micky Burns, Andrew Smith, Pete Carlson < Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 125, 100, 100, 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 3 5 37.50%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
Week 4 :: Cork You (4) @ Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies (27)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Pete Carlson < Matt Carlson, Jason Rye
G03 Cricket win Andrew Smith < Mary Error, Jason Rye
G09 501 loss Micky Burns < Mary Error, Jason Rye
G10 Cricket loss Pete Carlson < Matt Carlson, Jason Rye
G11 Cricket loss Micky Burns < Matt Carlson, Mary Error
G13 301 loss < Matt Carlson
G17 501 loss Andrew Smith > Matt Carlson, Mary Error
G18 701 loss Micky Burns, Andrew Smith, Pete Carlson < Matt Carlson, Mary Error, Jason Rye
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 134
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 1 7 12.50%
Cricket 3 1 2 33.33%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 0 3 0.00%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 3 :: Cork You (3) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans (28)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 loss Pete Carlson < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G04 Cricket loss Micky Burns < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G07 301 win < Matt Wageman
G08 501 loss Andrew Smith > Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G10 Cricket loss Pete Carlson < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G12 Cricket loss Andrew Smith < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G16 501 win Micky Burns < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
G18 701 loss Micky Burns, Andrew Smith, Pete Carlson < Matt Wageman, Paul Oddi
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100, 100, 140
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 2 6 25.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 1 0 100.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 2 :: Cork You (9) @ MisShits (22)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G02 501 win Andrew Smith > Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth
G04 Cricket loss Micky Burns < Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
G07 301 loss < Bob Lonseth
G08 501 loss Pete Carlson < Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth
G10 Cricket loss Andrew Smith < Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth
G12 Cricket loss Pete Carlson < Vincent Melchor, Bob Lonseth
G16 501 win Micky Burns > Paul Banta, Bob Lonseth
G18 701 loss Micky Burns, Pete Carlson, Andrew Smith < Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta, Bob Lonseth
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 95
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 2 6 25.00%
Cricket 3 0 3 0.00%
301 1 0 1 0.00%
501 3 2 1 66.67%
701 1 0 1 0.00%
Week 1 :: BoMB (13) @ Cork You (18)
Game Type Outcome Partner(s) <> Opponent(s)
G01 501 loss Pete Carlson < Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
G04 Cricket loss Micky Burns < Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G06 301 win > Bob Harmon
G09 501 loss Andrew Smith > Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G11 Cricket loss Andrew Smith > Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
G15 301 loss < Brian Naillon
G17 501 win Micky Burns > Mike Vice, Bob Harmon
G18 701 win Pete Carlson, Andrew Smith, Micky Burns > Brian Naillon, Mike Vice, Bob Harmon
Week Highlights
Ind. Scores 100
Week Stats
Game Played Wins Losses WinPct
All 8 3 5 37.50%
Cricket 2 0 2 0.00%
301 2 1 1 50.00%
501 3 1 2 33.33%
701 1 1 0 100.00%
'Lifetime' is limited to the seasons during which this website was in use i.e., beginning with Spring 2010.