Standings for Spring 2025 (through Week 3 : Sep 25)

Rank Div. Rank Team Name Wins Losses Points
Big Trippin 3 0 84
 1) vs. The Gentleman [28 : 3]  2) @ Insolent Bastards [4 : 27]
 3) vs. Dart Side [29 : 2]  4) away vs. Fantastic Four
 5) home vs. Trips For Tips  6) away vs. What
 7) home vs. AB  8) away vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
 9) home vs. Dart Bags 10) away vs. Ton of Attitude
11) Bye 12) home vs. Hail Mary
13) away vs. Where's Triple Fourteen
3rd Dart Shenanigans 3 0 77
 1) vs. Fantastic Four [28 : 3]  2) @ Trips For Tips [6 : 25]
 3) vs. What [24 : 7]  4) away vs. AB
 5) Bye  6) home vs. Dart Bags
 7) away vs. Ton of Attitude  8) home vs. Big Trippin
 9) away vs. Hail Mary 10) home vs. Where's Triple Fourteen
11) away vs. The Gentleman 12) home vs. Insolent Bastards
13) away vs. Dart Side
Ton of Attitude 3 0 64
 1) vs. Insolent Bastards [20 : 11]  2) @ Dart Side [13 : 18]
 3) vs. Fantastic Four [26 : 5]  4) away vs. Trips For Tips
 5) home vs. What  6) away vs. AB
 7) home vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans  8) away vs. Dart Bags
 9) Bye 10) home vs. Big Trippin
11) away vs. Hail Mary 12) home vs. Where's Triple Fourteen
13) away vs. The Gentleman
Dart Bags 3 0 52
 1) vs. Dart Side [17 : 14]  2) @ Fantastic Four [15 : 16]
 3) vs. Trips For Tips [19 : 12]  4) away vs. What
 5) home vs. AB  6) away vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
 7) Bye  8) home vs. Ton of Attitude
 9) away vs. Big Trippin 10) home vs. Hail Mary
11) away vs. Where's Triple Fourteen 12) home vs. The Gentleman
13) away vs. Insolent Bastards
AB 2 0 54
 1) vs. Trips For Tips [29 : 2]  2) @ What [6 : 25]
 3) Bye  4) home vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
 5) away vs. Dart Bags  6) home vs. Ton of Attitude
 7) away vs. Big Trippin  8) home vs. Hail Mary
 9) away vs. Where's Triple Fourteen 10) home vs. The Gentleman
11) away vs. Insolent Bastards 12) home vs. Dart Side
13) away vs. Fantastic Four
Hail Mary 2 1 54
 1) vs. Where's Triple Fourteen [14 : 17]  2) @ The Gentleman [14 : 17]
 3) vs. Insolent Bastards [23 : 8]  4) away vs. Dart Side
 5) home vs. Fantastic Four  6) away vs. Trips For Tips
 7) home vs. What  8) away vs. AB
 9) home vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans 10) away vs. Dart Bags
11) home vs. Ton of Attitude 12) away vs. Big Trippin
13) Bye
Where's Triple Fourteen 1 1 30
 1) @ Hail Mary [14 : 17]  2) Bye
 3) vs. The Gentleman [13 : 18]  4) away vs. Insolent Bastards
 5) home vs. Dart Side  6) away vs. Fantastic Four
 7) home vs. Trips For Tips  8) away vs. What
 9) home vs. AB 10) away vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
11) home vs. Dart Bags 12) away vs. Ton of Attitude
13) home vs. Big Trippin
The Gentleman 1 2 35
 1) @ Big Trippin [28 : 3]  2) vs. Hail Mary [14 : 17]
 3) @ Where's Triple Fourteen [13 : 18]  4) Bye
 5) home vs. Insolent Bastards  6) away vs. Dart Side
 7) home vs. Fantastic Four  8) away vs. Trips For Tips
 9) home vs. What 10) away vs. AB
11) home vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans 12) away vs. Dart Bags
13) home vs. Ton of Attitude
What 0 2 13
 1) Bye  2) vs. AB [6 : 25]
 3) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans [24 : 7]  4) home vs. Dart Bags
 5) away vs. Ton of Attitude  6) home vs. Big Trippin
 7) away vs. Hail Mary  8) home vs. Where's Triple Fourteen
 9) away vs. The Gentleman 10) home vs. Insolent Bastards
11) away vs. Dart Side 12) home vs. Fantastic Four
13) away vs. Trips For Tips
Dart Side 0 3 29
 1) @ Dart Bags [17 : 14]  2) vs. Ton of Attitude [13 : 18]
 3) @ Big Trippin [29 : 2]  4) home vs. Hail Mary
 5) away vs. Where's Triple Fourteen  6) home vs. The Gentleman
 7) away vs. Insolent Bastards  8) Bye
 9) home vs. Fantastic Four 10) away vs. Trips For Tips
11) home vs. What 12) away vs. AB
13) home vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
Insolent Bastards 0 3 23
 1) @ Ton of Attitude [20 : 11]  2) vs. Big Trippin [4 : 27]
 3) @ Hail Mary [23 : 8]  4) home vs. Where's Triple Fourteen
 5) away vs. The Gentleman  6) Bye
 7) home vs. Dart Side  8) away vs. Fantastic Four
 9) home vs. Trips For Tips 10) away vs. What
11) home vs. AB 12) away vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans
13) home vs. Dart Bags
Fantastic Four 0 3 23
 1) @ 3rd Dart Shenanigans [28 : 3]  2) vs. Dart Bags [15 : 16]
 3) @ Ton of Attitude [26 : 5]  4) home vs. Big Trippin
 5) away vs. Hail Mary  6) home vs. Where's Triple Fourteen
 7) away vs. The Gentleman  8) home vs. Insolent Bastards
 9) away vs. Dart Side 10) Bye
11) home vs. Trips For Tips 12) away vs. What
13) home vs. AB
Trips For Tips 0 3 20
 1) @ AB [29 : 2]  2) vs. 3rd Dart Shenanigans [6 : 25]
 3) @ Dart Bags [19 : 12]  4) home vs. Ton of Attitude
 5) away vs. Big Trippin  6) home vs. Hail Mary
 7) away vs. Where's Triple Fourteen  8) home vs. The Gentleman
 9) away vs. Insolent Bastards 10) home vs. Dart Side
11) away vs. Fantastic Four 12) Bye
13) home vs. What

Pairs Game Analysis by Partnership

GameTeam Mary Error
Kelly Morrison
Wheat Hurd
Kelly Morrison
Mary Error
Wheat Hurd
501 7 - 8
3 - 2
3 - 2
1 - 4
Cricket 7 - 5
1 - 3
3 - 2
3 - 0
Either 14 - 13
4 - 5
6 - 4
4 - 4
Roster order is not taken into account.
Pairings that include non-roster players are ignored.

Match Results for Hail Mary

vs. Insolent Bastards [23 : 8] (Week 3)

Home Team Player Away Team
Mary Error 1 Bob Lonseth
Wheat Hurd 2 Paul Banta
Jeff Brink 3 Vincent Melchor
Kelly Morrison 4 Ken Barber
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Mary Error, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
Jeff Brink, Kelly Morrison 0 501 2 Vincent Melchor, Ken Barber
Mary Error, Jeff Brink 2 Cricket 0 Paul Banta, Ken Barber
Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
Mary Error 1 301 0 Bob Lonseth
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Paul Banta
Jeff Brink 1 301 0 Vincent Melchor
Mary Error, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor
Wheat Hurd, Jeff Brink 2 501 0 Bob Lonseth, Ken Barber
Jeff Brink, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Vincent Melchor, Ken Barber
Wheat Hurd, Jeff Brink 2 Cricket 0 Bob Lonseth, Ken Barber
Mary Error, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor
Kelly Morrison 1 301 0 Ken Barber
Mary Error 1 301 0 Paul Banta
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Bob Lonseth
Mary Error, Jeff Brink 0 501 2 Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Paul Banta, Ken Barber
Mary Error, Wheat Hurd, Jeff Brink, Kelly Morrison 3 701 0 Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta, Vincent Melchor, Ken Barber
23 Total Points 8

@ The Gentleman [17 : 14] (Week 2)

Home Team Player Away Team
Richard Hunter 1 Wheat Hurd
Ian Sandercock 2 Mary Error
3 Kelly Morrison
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 2 501 0 Wheat Hurd, Mary Error
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 2 501 0 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 0 Cricket 2 Wheat Hurd, Mary Error
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 0 Cricket 2 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Ian Sandercock 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter 1 301 0 Mary Error
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 0 501 2 Mary Error, Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 2 501 0 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 2 Cricket 0 Mary Error, Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 2 Cricket 0 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 0 Cricket 2 Wheat Hurd, Mary Error
Ian Sandercock 0 301 1 Mary Error
Richard Hunter 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Ian Sandercock 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 0 501 2 Wheat Hurd, Mary Error
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 2 501 0 Mary Error, Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter, Ian Sandercock 0 701 3 Wheat Hurd, Mary Error, Kelly Morrison
14 Total Points 17

vs. Where's Triple Fourteen [14 : 17] (Week 1)

Home Team Player Away Team
Kelly Morrison 1 Scott Nicholas
Mary Error 2 Troy Pogue
Wheat Hurd 3 Robert Wilson
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Kelly Morrison, Mary Error 2 501 0 Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Mary Error, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
Kelly Morrison, Mary Error 0 Cricket 2 Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Scott Nicholas
Mary Error 0 301 1 Robert Wilson
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Troy Pogue
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
Mary Error, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison, Mary Error 0 Cricket 2 Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Troy Pogue
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Robert Wilson
Mary Error 0 301 1 Scott Nicholas
Mary Error, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue
Kelly Morrison, Mary Error 0 501 2 Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison, Mary Error, Wheat Hurd 3 701 0 Scott Nicholas, Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
14 Total Points 17