Standings for Spring 2024 (through Week 14 : Oct 18)

Rank Div. Rank Team Name Wins Losses Points
Projectile Dysfunction 9 3 209
 1) @ Scatter Plot [10 : 21]  2) vs. The Gentleman [25 : 6]
 3) @ To The Bar! [14 : 17]  4) vs. FFS [16 : 15]
 5) Bye  6) @ BoMB [12 : 19]
 7) vs. Dart Side [23 : 8]  8) vs. Scatter Plot [14 : 17]
 9) @ The Gentleman [20 : 11] 10) vs. To The Bar! [10 : 21]
11) @ FFS [14 : 17] 12) Bye
13) vs. BoMB [16 : 15] 14) @ Dart Side [11 : 20]
To The Bar! 7 5 206
 1) Bye  2) @ FFS [16 : 15]
 3) vs. Projectile Dysfunction [14 : 17]  4) @ BoMB [13 : 18]
 5) vs. Dart Side [16 : 15]  6) @ Scatter Plot [17 : 14]
 7) vs. The Gentleman [19 : 12]  8) Bye
 9) vs. FFS [26 : 5] 10) @ Projectile Dysfunction [10 : 21]
11) vs. BoMB [15 : 16] 12) @ Dart Side [12 : 19]
13) vs. Scatter Plot [16 : 15] 14) @ The Gentleman [18 : 13]
Scatter Plot 7 5 196
 1) vs. Projectile Dysfunction [10 : 21]  2) @ BoMB [6 : 25]
 3) vs. Dart Side [19 : 12]  4) Bye
 5) @ The Gentleman [13 : 18]  6) vs. To The Bar! [17 : 14]
 7) @ FFS [11 : 20]  8) @ Projectile Dysfunction [14 : 17]
 9) vs. BoMB [18 : 13] 10) @ Dart Side [17 : 14]
11) Bye 12) vs. The Gentleman [9 : 22]
13) @ To The Bar! [16 : 15] 14) vs. FFS [14 : 17]
The Gentleman 6 6 184
 1) vs. FFS [20 : 11]  2) @ Projectile Dysfunction [25 : 6]
 3) vs. BoMB [21 : 10]  4) @ Dart Side [16 : 15]
 5) vs. Scatter Plot [13 : 18]  6) Bye
 7) @ To The Bar! [19 : 12]  8) @ FFS [17 : 14]
 9) vs. Projectile Dysfunction [20 : 11] 10) @ BoMB [15 : 16]
11) vs. Dart Side [7 : 24] 12) @ Scatter Plot [9 : 22]
13) Bye 14) vs. To The Bar! [18 : 13]
Dart Side 5 7 179
 1) vs. BoMB [20 : 11]  2) Bye
 3) @ Scatter Plot [19 : 12]  4) vs. The Gentleman [16 : 15]
 5) @ To The Bar! [16 : 15]  6) vs. FFS [13 : 18]
 7) @ Projectile Dysfunction [23 : 8]  8) @ BoMB [21 : 10]
 9) Bye 10) vs. Scatter Plot [17 : 14]
11) @ The Gentleman [7 : 24] 12) vs. To The Bar! [12 : 19]
13) @ FFS [10 : 21] 14) vs. Projectile Dysfunction [11 : 20]
BoMB 4 8 168
 1) @ Dart Side [20 : 11]  2) vs. Scatter Plot [6 : 25]
 3) @ The Gentleman [21 : 10]  4) vs. To The Bar! [13 : 18]
 5) @ FFS [13 : 18]  6) vs. Projectile Dysfunction [12 : 19]
 7) Bye  8) vs. Dart Side [21 : 10]
 9) @ Scatter Plot [18 : 13] 10) vs. The Gentleman [15 : 16]
11) @ To The Bar! [15 : 16] 12) vs. FFS [18 : 13]
13) @ Projectile Dysfunction [16 : 15] 14) Bye
FFS 4 8 160
 1) @ The Gentleman [20 : 11]  2) vs. To The Bar! [16 : 15]
 3) Bye  4) @ Projectile Dysfunction [16 : 15]
 5) vs. BoMB [13 : 18]  6) @ Dart Side [13 : 18]
 7) vs. Scatter Plot [11 : 20]  8) vs. The Gentleman [17 : 14]
 9) @ To The Bar! [26 : 5] 10) Bye
11) vs. Projectile Dysfunction [14 : 17] 12) @ BoMB [18 : 13]
13) vs. Dart Side [10 : 21] 14) @ Scatter Plot [14 : 17]

Pairs Game Analysis by Partnership

GameTeam Eric Gruel
Kelly Morrison
Wheat Hurd
Kelly Morrison
Wheat Hurd
Eric Gruel
501 36 - 28
13 - 9
11 - 9
12 - 10
Cricket 35 - 19
13 - 7
9 - 5
13 - 7
Either 71 - 47
26 - 16
20 - 14
25 - 17
Roster order is not taken into account.
Pairings that include non-roster players are ignored.

Match Results for To The Bar!

@ The Gentleman [13 : 18] (Week 14)

Home Team Player Away Team
Jim Sandercock 1 Eric Gruel
Richard Hunter 2 Kelly Morrison
Triston Ponce 3
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter 0 501 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Jim Sandercock, Triston Ponce 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Jim Sandercock 0 301 1 Eric Gruel
Richard Hunter 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Triston Ponce 0 301 1 Eric Gruel
Jim Sandercock, Triston Ponce 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce 0 501 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Jim Sandercock, Triston Ponce 2 Cricket 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter 2 Cricket 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Jim Sandercock, Triston Ponce 2 Cricket 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Jim Sandercock 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Triston Ponce 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Richard Hunter 0 301 1 Eric Gruel
Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce 0 501 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Jim Sandercock, Richard Hunter, Triston Ponce 3 701 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
18 Total Points 13

vs. Scatter Plot [16 : 15] (Week 13)

Home Team Player Away Team
Eric Gruel 1 Bob Lonseth
Kelly Morrison 2 Vincent Melchor
Wheat Hurd 3 Paul Banta
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 0 Cricket 2 Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
Eric Gruel 0 301 1 Bob Lonseth
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Paul Banta
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Vincent Melchor
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Bob Lonseth, Paul Banta
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
Eric Gruel 0 301 1 Vincent Melchor
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Paul Banta
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Bob Lonseth
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 0 501 2 Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 3 701 0 Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor, Paul Banta
16 Total Points 15

@ Dart Side [19 : 12] (Week 12)

Home Team Player Away Team
Josh Mayer 1 Kelly Morrison
Mary Error 2 Wheat Hurd
Jack Reines 3 Casey Cook
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Josh Mayer, Mary Error 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Josh Mayer, Jack Reines 0 501 2 Kelly Morrison, Casey Cook
Mary Error, Jack Reines 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Josh Mayer, Mary Error 0 Cricket 2 Kelly Morrison, Casey Cook
Josh Mayer 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Mary Error 0 301 1 Casey Cook
Jack Reines 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Josh Mayer, Jack Reines 0 501 2 Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook
Mary Error, Jack Reines 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Casey Cook
Josh Mayer, Jack Reines 2 Cricket 0 Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook
Josh Mayer, Mary Error 0 Cricket 2 Kelly Morrison, Casey Cook
Josh Mayer, Jack Reines 0 Cricket 2 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Josh Mayer 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Jack Reines 1 301 0 Casey Cook
Mary Error 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Mary Error, Jack Reines 0 501 2 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Josh Mayer, Mary Error 0 501 2 Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook
Josh Mayer, Mary Error, Jack Reines 3 701 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook
12 Total Points 19

vs. BoMB [15 : 16] (Week 11)

Home Team Player Away Team
Eric Gruel 1 Brian Naillon
Kelly Morrison 2 Bob Harmon
Wheat Hurd 3 Mike Vice
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 0 Cricket 2 Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
Eric Gruel 0 301 1 Brian Naillon
Kelly Morrison 1 301 0 Mike Vice
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Bob Harmon
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Bob Harmon, Mike Vice
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Bob Harmon, Mike Vice
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 0 Cricket 2 Brian Naillon, Mike Vice
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
Eric Gruel 0 301 1 Bob Harmon
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Mike Vice
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Brian Naillon
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Bob Harmon, Mike Vice
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 701 3 Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon, Mike Vice
15 Total Points 16

@ Projectile Dysfunction [21 : 10] (Week 10)

Home Team Player Away Team
Robert Wilson 1 Wheat Hurd
Troy Pogue 2 Kelly Morrison
3 Eric Gruel
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 0 501 2 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 2 501 0 Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 2 Cricket 0 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 0 Cricket 2 Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel
Robert Wilson 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Troy Pogue 1 301 0 Eric Gruel
Robert Wilson 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 0 501 2 Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 0 501 2 Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 0 Cricket 2 Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 2 Cricket 0 Wheat Hurd, Eric Gruel
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 0 Cricket 2 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Troy Pogue 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Robert Wilson 0 301 1 Eric Gruel
Troy Pogue 1 301 0 Wheat Hurd
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 2 501 0 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 0 501 2 Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
Robert Wilson, Troy Pogue 0 701 3 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
10 Total Points 21

vs. FFS [26 : 5] (Week 9)

Home Team Player Away Team
Eric Gruel 1 Candi Hurd
Wheat Hurd 2 Nikki Cornwall
3 Ryan Jensen
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen
Eric Gruel 1 301 0 Candi Hurd
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Ryan Jensen
Eric Gruel 1 301 0 Nikki Cornwall
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Nikki Cornwall
Eric Gruel 1 301 0 Ryan Jensen
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Candi Hurd
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 3 701 0 Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen
26 Total Points 5

vs. The Gentleman [19 : 12] (Week 7)

Home Team Player Away Team
Eric Gruel 1 Ross Simons
Kelly Morrison 2 Ian Sandercock
Wheat Hurd 3 Richard Hunter
4 Jim Sandercock
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Ross Simons, Ian Sandercock
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Ross Simons, Richard Hunter
Eric Gruel 1 301 0 Ross Simons
Kelly Morrison 1 301 0 Ian Sandercock
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Richard Hunter
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 501 2 Ross Simons, Jim Sandercock
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Ross Simons, Jim Sandercock
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter
Eric Gruel 0 301 1 Jim Sandercock
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Ian Sandercock
Kelly Morrison 1 301 0 Ross Simons
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Ross Simons, Richard Hunter
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 0 501 2 Ian Sandercock, Jim Sandercock
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 0 701 3 Ross Simons, Ian Sandercock, Richard Hunter, Jim Sandercock
19 Total Points 12

@ Scatter Plot [14 : 17] (Week 6)

Home Team Player Away Team
Bob Lonseth 1 Eric Gruel
Vincent Melchor 2 Kelly Morrison
3 Wheat Hurd
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 0 501 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 2 Cricket 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth 1 301 0 Eric Gruel
Vincent Melchor 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 0 Cricket 2 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 2 Cricket 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Vincent Melchor 0 301 1 Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth 1 301 0 Wheat Hurd
Vincent Melchor 0 301 1 Eric Gruel
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 0 501 2 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Bob Lonseth, Vincent Melchor 3 701 0 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
17 Total Points 14

vs. Dart Side [16 : 15] (Week 5)

Home Team Player Away Team
Eric Gruel 1 Jack Reines
Wheat Hurd 2 Josh Mayer
Kelly Morrison 3 Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 0 501 2 Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Eric Gruel 1 301 0 Jack Reines
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Josh Mayer
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 501 0 Josh Mayer, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 0 501 2 Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Josh Mayer, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 0 Cricket 2 Jack Reines, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison 2 Cricket 0 Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
Eric Gruel 1 301 0 Josh Mayer
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Jack Reines
Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 0 501 2 Jack Reines, Josh Mayer
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Josh Mayer, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison 0 701 3 Jack Reines, Josh Mayer, Stubbs McGillivray-Zanelli
16 Total Points 15

@ BoMB [18 : 13] (Week 4)

Home Team Player Away Team
Mike Vice 1 Eric Gruel
Brian Naillon 2 Wheat Hurd
Bob Harmon 3 Kelly Morrison
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Mike Vice, Brian Naillon 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Mike Vice, Bob Harmon 0 501 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Mike Vice, Brian Naillon 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Mike Vice 0 301 1 Eric Gruel
Brian Naillon 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Bob Harmon 1 301 0 Wheat Hurd
Mike Vice, Bob Harmon 2 501 0 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon 0 501 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Mike Vice, Bob Harmon 0 Cricket 2 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Mike Vice, Brian Naillon 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Kelly Morrison
Mike Vice, Bob Harmon 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Mike Vice 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Bob Harmon 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Brian Naillon 1 301 0 Eric Gruel
Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon 2 501 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Mike Vice, Brian Naillon 0 501 2 Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
Mike Vice, Brian Naillon, Bob Harmon 3 701 0 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd, Kelly Morrison
13 Total Points 18

vs. Projectile Dysfunction [14 : 17] (Week 3)

Home Team Player Away Team
Kelly Morrison 1 Troy Pogue
Wheat Hurd 2 Scott Nicholas
Casey Cook 3 Robert Wilson
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
Kelly Morrison, Casey Cook 0 501 2 Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook 0 Cricket 2 Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison 1 301 0 Troy Pogue
Wheat Hurd 0 301 1 Robert Wilson
Casey Cook 0 301 1 Scott Nicholas
Kelly Morrison, Casey Cook 0 501 2 Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook 2 501 0 Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison, Casey Cook 0 Cricket 2 Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 Cricket 0 Troy Pogue, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison, Casey Cook 2 Cricket 0 Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
Kelly Morrison 0 301 1 Scott Nicholas
Casey Cook 0 301 1 Robert Wilson
Wheat Hurd 1 301 0 Troy Pogue
Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook 0 501 2 Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd 2 501 0 Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd, Casey Cook 0 701 3 Troy Pogue, Scott Nicholas, Robert Wilson
14 Total Points 17

@ FFS [15 : 16] (Week 2)

Home Team Player Away Team
Candi Hurd 1 Kelly Morrison
Nikki Cornwall 2 Eric Gruel
Nora Wageman 3 Wheat Hurd
Ryan Jensen 4
Home Players Points Game Points Away Players
Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen 0 501 2 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman 0 Cricket 2 Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Candi Hurd 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Nikki Cornwall 0 301 1 Wheat Hurd
Nora Wageman 1 301 0 Eric Gruel
Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen 0 501 2 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen 0 Cricket 2 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Wheat Hurd
Candi Hurd, Ryan Jensen 2 Cricket 0 Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
Ryan Jensen 0 301 1 Eric Gruel
Candi Hurd 1 301 0 Wheat Hurd
Nikki Cornwall 1 301 0 Kelly Morrison
Candi Hurd, Nora Wageman 2 501 0 Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel
Nikki Cornwall, Ryan Jensen 0 501 2 Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
Candi Hurd, Nikki Cornwall, Nora Wageman, Ryan Jensen 0 701 3 Kelly Morrison, Eric Gruel, Wheat Hurd
16 Total Points 15